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Building Trustworthy AI: Strategies to Prevent Tampering and Bias

Building Trustworthy AI: Strategies to Prevent Tampering and Bias

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May 15, 2024

May 15, 2024

Building Trustworthy AI: Strategies to Prevent Tampering and Bias
Building Trustworthy AI: Strategies to Prevent Tampering and Bias
Building Trustworthy AI: Strategies to Prevent Tampering and Bias

Key Takeaways

  • Building trustworthy AI means making it harder for someone to change it without permission. This keeps the AI working the way it should and protects the information it uses.

  • We need to be constantly working to get rid of bias in AI. This means carefully choosing the data, the math, and always checking to make sure the AI isn't accidentally favoring certain groups.

AI has the power to change how we do things, but only if we can trust how it works. If someone messes with an AI model, it might start giving wrong answers, or could be used to trick people. AI systems can also accidentally learn biases, leading to unfair treatment of different groups. It's essential to address these challenges to create trustworthy AI.

Understanding Tamper-Proof and Unbiased AI

The reliability and effectiveness of AI models hinge on their integrity. Tamper-proofing and ensuring unbiased results are crucial aspects of building confidence in AI systems. Here's the breakdown:

Tamper-Proof AI: Locking Down the Algorithm

  • The Issue: Malicious actors might try to modify an AI model's decision-making process for harmful purposes. They can corrupt it to benefit themselves or sabotage your business.

  • Why Tamper-Proofing Matters:

    • Reliability: Ensures your AI behaves consistently and predictably in line with its intended purpose.

    • Security: Protects against attacks that could mislead the AI model and cause it to make incorrect or harmful decisions.

    • Trust: Lets you and your users have trust in the results the AI generates.

  • How it's Done (Simplified): Techniques might involve:

    • Blockchain Technology: Storing model updates or calculations on a tamper-evident ledger.

    • Access Controls: Only authorized personnel have the ability to make changes to the AI model.

    • Audit Trails: Maintaining detailed records to track any modifications.

Unbiased AI: Ensuring Fairness

  • The Problem: AI learns from data, which reflects the world - including its inequalities and biases. If unaddressed, the AI will unknowingly perpetuate those biases in its decisions.

  • The Impact of Bias:

    • Discrimination: AI models could unfairly disadvantage people based on their race, gender, ethnicity, etc.

    • Loss of Trust: Biased results erode confidence in the AI's fairness

    • Missed Opportunities: Bias can prevent spotting valuable patterns obscured by prejudice in the data.

To truly build AI we can trust, we need to make our models both harder to tamper with, and less likely to be unfair.

Tamper-Proof and Unbiased AI: Innovations on the Front Lines

We've highlighted key trends shaping how we build AI systems we can rely on. Here's a deeper dive into each area:

  • Adversarial Attacks: The Arms Race of AI Defense

    • The Threat: Attackers deliberately craft inputs to trick AI models (think slightly changed images a self-driving car misclassifies).

    • The Defense: Researchers develop methods to train AI to be robust against these attacks. This involves exposing the AI to adversarial examples during training.

    • The Impact: This back-and-forth strengthens AI security, making it harder to manipulate models for malicious purposes.

  • Transparency Initiatives: Lifting the AI Black Box

    • The Problem: Many AI models are opaque – we don't fully grasp how they arrive at their decisions. This makes spotting tampering or bias difficult.

    • The Progress: Techniques like Explainable AI (XAI) aim to provide insights into how AI models work and the reasoning behind their outputs.

    • The Benefits: Transparency helps identify biases, potential points of attack, and increases trust in the AI's behavior.

  • Focus on Fairness Metrics: Quantifying Bias

    • The Need: "Fairness" itself can be subjective. Scientists are developing mathematical metrics to precisely measure things like whether an AI discriminates based on protected characteristics (race, gender, etc.)

    • How it Helps: Once we can measure bias, we have objective goals to work towards in making AI models fairer.

    • The Challenge: Defining fairness itself can be complex, and there are always trade-offs to consider.

  • Regulations and Standards: The Role of Governance

    • The Landscape: Governments are increasingly aware of the risks and benefits of AI. We're seeing proposed regulations, particularly in high-stakes areas like healthcare and finance.

    • Potential Impact: Regulations might mandate the use of tamper-proofing techniques, fairness audits, or transparency requirements for AI models.

    • The Importance: Well-designed regulations can drive the development of safer and more trustworthy AI, ensuring it benefits society.

"Building AI that is both tamper-proof and unbiased isn't just a nice thing to do, it's the foundation of using AI responsibly."

Benefits of Tamper-Proof and Unbiased AI

Investing in trustworthy AI isn't just about ethics, it has tangible practical advantages. Let's dig into why it matters:

  • Enhanced Trust: The Foundation for Adoption

    • Users: Knowing that an AI's results are reliable and its decisions are fair builds confidence, encouraging people to adopt AI solutions rather than resisting them.

    • Businesses: Trust in AI translates to trust in the companies using it. This fosters customer loyalty and a positive public reputation when AI is used ethically.

    • **Society: ** Confidence in AI technologies, knowing they're not easily corruptible, paves the way for their wider acceptance.

  • Reduced Risk: Protecting Companies and Individuals

    • Financial Risk: Biased AI can lead to bad lending decisions or unfair pricing, resulting in losses for businesses. Tamper-proof AI mitigates the risk of being misled by bad inputs.

    • Reputational Risk: Scandals arising from discriminatory or compromised AI can severely damage a brand's reputation.

    • Legal Risk: Regulations regarding fairness are emerging. Unbiased AI helps businesses stay compliant and avoid costly penalties or lawsuits.

  • Improved Accuracy: AI That Delivers

    • Reliability: When an AI is safe from tampering, its outputs are consistent and predictable. This is crucial for sensitive areas like medical diagnoses or financial decisions.

    • Resilience against Attacks: Tamper-proof AI is less likely to be tricked by adversarial attacks, ensuring its accuracy remains even under attempts to mislead it.

    • Trust in Results: Confidence in the AI's accuracy enables businesses to rely on it for critical decision-making.

  • Compliance: Navigating Regulations

    • Proactive Approach: Building trustworthy AI from the start aligns with the direction of emerging regulations, making adaptation smoother down the road.

    • Industries with Strict Rules: Sectors like healthcare and finance often have strict requirements regarding fairness and transparency. Tamper-proof and unbiased AI can pave the way for compliance.

    • Competitive Advantage: Early adoption of these principles positions businesses as ethical leaders in their field, attracting customers and partners who prioritize trustworthy technology.

Technical Strategies for Building Trustworthy AI

While the underlying math and technology can get complex, several practical strategies are being used to ensure the trustworthiness of AI systems.  Here's a breakdown of the key approaches employed to combat tampering and bias:

Blockchain Technology: The Immutable Audit Trail

  • The Analogy: A tamper-proof notebook where each page is locked to the previous one, making it incredibly hard to secretly alter earlier entries.

  • How it Helps with AI:

    • Data Provenance: Record the exact data that was used to train an AI model. This makes it clear if the data is later changed.

    • Tracking Updates: Store crucial updates to the AI model on the blockchain. Any attempt to secretly alter the model leaves an evidence trail.

    • Decision History: Record the AI's outputs. This allows for audits and makes it harder to manipulate the AI's results without being caught.

Adversarial Training: Inoculating AI Against Attacks

  • The Analogy: Like a sparring session where the AI learns by defending against deceptive attacks.

  • How it Works: AI is intentionally exposed to examples crafted to mislead it (e.g., slightly altered images that humans easily recognize, but an AI might misclassify).

  • The Result: AI gradually becomes more robust at recognizing these attack patterns. This strengthens it against attempts to manipulate it in the real world.

Differential Privacy: Protecting Individual Data

  • The Analogy: Adding strategic blurriness to a picture. Individual details become less clear, but the bigger picture is still visible.

  • How it works: Introduces calculated "noise" into datasets used for AI training. This obscures details about specific individuals within the data.

  • The Benefits:

    • Privacy: Makes it harder to reverse-engineer the AI model to reveal sensitive information about individuals included in the training data.

    • Learning with Limits: The AI can still extract general patterns from the data, even with the added noise, enabling it to learn without compromising privacy.

Fairness-Aware Algorithms: Mathematically Fighting Bias

  • The Analogy: Imagine the AI has scales to weigh factors in its decision. Fairness techniques adjust the scales to give more weight to factors promoting equality across groups.

  • How it Works:

    • Incorporating Fairness Metrics: Specific measures of bias are included in the AI's training process. The algorithm tries to optimize these fairness metrics along with its main task.

    • Constrained Optimization: Limits are placed on how certain factors can be used in decision-making. This helps prevent unintended favoring of specific groups, even if the data reflects existing biases.

Tools for Tamper-Proof and Unbiased AI

The push for trustworthy AI isn't just theoretical. Developers have access to powerful tools to address these issues head-on. Here's a closer look at your list:

  • AI Fairness 360 (AIF360): Bias-Busting Toolkit

    • What it Is: An open-source toolkit from IBM packed with algorithms and techniques designed to assess and mitigate bias in AI models throughout their lifecycle.

    • How it Works:

      • Detects Bias: It offers various metrics to measure different types of bias within datasets and in the AI's outputs.

      • Mitigation Strategies: Provides algorithms that can be applied during pre-processing, training, or in the output of the AI to reduce unfair outputs.

      • Explanations: Makes the AI more transparent, clarifying which factors are driving its decisions and potentially exposing biased patterns.

  • TensorFlow Extended (TFX):  Building AI Pipelines with Security in Mind

    • What it Is: A Google platform for crafting end-to-end AI pipelines, from data gathering to model deployment and continuous monitoring.

    • Why it Matters for Trust:

      • Component Validation: Checks data quality and model performance before they get integrated, reducing the risk of corrupted inputs or bad models making their way into production.

      • Version Control for AI: Maintains a record of model changes, aiding investigation if unexpected behavior or tampering is suspected.

      • Robust Deployments: Facilitates secure deployment of AI systems, ensuring authentication and authorization controls to minimize unauthorized access.

  • Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMC): Privacy-Preserving Collaboration

    • The Problem it Solves: Businesses often have valuable data for AI, but privacy concerns or competition prevent them from sharing it freely.

    • What SMC Does: Allows multiple parties to collaborate on an AI computation without revealing their underlying data to each other. The model is trained on the combined data in a secure, encrypted manner.

    • Real-World Use: Imagine competing hospitals training a medical AI model on their combined patient data to improve diagnoses – without either hospital revealing specific patient information to the other.

  • Verifiable AI Auditing Platforms:  Automated Watchdogs

    • What They Do: These emerging tools provide continuous monitoring of AI systems in production. They track things like:

      • Performance Shifts: Alerting if the AI's accuracy declines unexpectedly, which could signal tampering or that the data it's using has changed.

      • Fairness Over Time: Ensuring that the AI's decisions remain fair to all groups, catching the emergence of new biases.

      • Compliance Checks: Verify that the AI remains compliant with relevant regulations and ethical frameworks.

Partnering with TokenMinds

For businesses eager to harness the power of trustworthy AI, working with a development partner offers several unique advantages:

  • Tailored Solutions: No two businesses have the exact same problems, nor the same level of risk if their AI were biased or tampered with. We build custom solutions designed specifically for your needs.

  • Cutting-Edge Expertise: We stay up-to-date on the latest tools and techniques, which get complex very quickly. This ensures your AI benefits from the smartest defenses and bias reduction methods.

  • Security-First Mindset: Protecting your AI and the valuable data it uses is our priority. We design systems with security built-in, not added as an afterthought.

  • End-to-End Support: We can not only help you build your tamper-proof, unbiased AI model, but also make sure it's deployed correctly and monitored continuously for any unexpected behaviors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is it even possible to build AI that's 100% perfect? 

A. Unfortunately, no. AI will always have some chance of making mistakes, and fighting bias is an ongoing process. The goal is to make it as trustworthy as possible, minimizing the potential harm.

Q. Isn't this stuff slowing down AI development? 

A. In the short term, slightly. But in the long run, ignoring these issues leads to AI systems people can't trust, which makes adoption difficult. Think of it as an investment in the future of AI.

Q. My business is small. Do I need to worry about this? 

A. It depends! Even a small AI used internally can cause big problems if it becomes biased. As AI tools get easier to use, trustworthiness becomes a priority for everyone.


Building AI models that are both tamper-proof and unbiased is essential for responsible and effective use of this transformative technology. By carefully considering the data, algorithms, potential tampering risks, and fairness throughout the development process, we lay the foundation for AI solutions that deliver reliable results and benefit society as a whole.

Key Takeaways

  • Building trustworthy AI means making it harder for someone to change it without permission. This keeps the AI working the way it should and protects the information it uses.

  • We need to be constantly working to get rid of bias in AI. This means carefully choosing the data, the math, and always checking to make sure the AI isn't accidentally favoring certain groups.

AI has the power to change how we do things, but only if we can trust how it works. If someone messes with an AI model, it might start giving wrong answers, or could be used to trick people. AI systems can also accidentally learn biases, leading to unfair treatment of different groups. It's essential to address these challenges to create trustworthy AI.

Understanding Tamper-Proof and Unbiased AI

The reliability and effectiveness of AI models hinge on their integrity. Tamper-proofing and ensuring unbiased results are crucial aspects of building confidence in AI systems. Here's the breakdown:

Tamper-Proof AI: Locking Down the Algorithm

  • The Issue: Malicious actors might try to modify an AI model's decision-making process for harmful purposes. They can corrupt it to benefit themselves or sabotage your business.

  • Why Tamper-Proofing Matters:

    • Reliability: Ensures your AI behaves consistently and predictably in line with its intended purpose.

    • Security: Protects against attacks that could mislead the AI model and cause it to make incorrect or harmful decisions.

    • Trust: Lets you and your users have trust in the results the AI generates.

  • How it's Done (Simplified): Techniques might involve:

    • Blockchain Technology: Storing model updates or calculations on a tamper-evident ledger.

    • Access Controls: Only authorized personnel have the ability to make changes to the AI model.

    • Audit Trails: Maintaining detailed records to track any modifications.

Unbiased AI: Ensuring Fairness

  • The Problem: AI learns from data, which reflects the world - including its inequalities and biases. If unaddressed, the AI will unknowingly perpetuate those biases in its decisions.

  • The Impact of Bias:

    • Discrimination: AI models could unfairly disadvantage people based on their race, gender, ethnicity, etc.

    • Loss of Trust: Biased results erode confidence in the AI's fairness

    • Missed Opportunities: Bias can prevent spotting valuable patterns obscured by prejudice in the data.

To truly build AI we can trust, we need to make our models both harder to tamper with, and less likely to be unfair.

Tamper-Proof and Unbiased AI: Innovations on the Front Lines

We've highlighted key trends shaping how we build AI systems we can rely on. Here's a deeper dive into each area:

  • Adversarial Attacks: The Arms Race of AI Defense

    • The Threat: Attackers deliberately craft inputs to trick AI models (think slightly changed images a self-driving car misclassifies).

    • The Defense: Researchers develop methods to train AI to be robust against these attacks. This involves exposing the AI to adversarial examples during training.

    • The Impact: This back-and-forth strengthens AI security, making it harder to manipulate models for malicious purposes.

  • Transparency Initiatives: Lifting the AI Black Box

    • The Problem: Many AI models are opaque – we don't fully grasp how they arrive at their decisions. This makes spotting tampering or bias difficult.

    • The Progress: Techniques like Explainable AI (XAI) aim to provide insights into how AI models work and the reasoning behind their outputs.

    • The Benefits: Transparency helps identify biases, potential points of attack, and increases trust in the AI's behavior.

  • Focus on Fairness Metrics: Quantifying Bias

    • The Need: "Fairness" itself can be subjective. Scientists are developing mathematical metrics to precisely measure things like whether an AI discriminates based on protected characteristics (race, gender, etc.)

    • How it Helps: Once we can measure bias, we have objective goals to work towards in making AI models fairer.

    • The Challenge: Defining fairness itself can be complex, and there are always trade-offs to consider.

  • Regulations and Standards: The Role of Governance

    • The Landscape: Governments are increasingly aware of the risks and benefits of AI. We're seeing proposed regulations, particularly in high-stakes areas like healthcare and finance.

    • Potential Impact: Regulations might mandate the use of tamper-proofing techniques, fairness audits, or transparency requirements for AI models.

    • The Importance: Well-designed regulations can drive the development of safer and more trustworthy AI, ensuring it benefits society.

"Building AI that is both tamper-proof and unbiased isn't just a nice thing to do, it's the foundation of using AI responsibly."

Benefits of Tamper-Proof and Unbiased AI

Investing in trustworthy AI isn't just about ethics, it has tangible practical advantages. Let's dig into why it matters:

  • Enhanced Trust: The Foundation for Adoption

    • Users: Knowing that an AI's results are reliable and its decisions are fair builds confidence, encouraging people to adopt AI solutions rather than resisting them.

    • Businesses: Trust in AI translates to trust in the companies using it. This fosters customer loyalty and a positive public reputation when AI is used ethically.

    • **Society: ** Confidence in AI technologies, knowing they're not easily corruptible, paves the way for their wider acceptance.

  • Reduced Risk: Protecting Companies and Individuals

    • Financial Risk: Biased AI can lead to bad lending decisions or unfair pricing, resulting in losses for businesses. Tamper-proof AI mitigates the risk of being misled by bad inputs.

    • Reputational Risk: Scandals arising from discriminatory or compromised AI can severely damage a brand's reputation.

    • Legal Risk: Regulations regarding fairness are emerging. Unbiased AI helps businesses stay compliant and avoid costly penalties or lawsuits.

  • Improved Accuracy: AI That Delivers

    • Reliability: When an AI is safe from tampering, its outputs are consistent and predictable. This is crucial for sensitive areas like medical diagnoses or financial decisions.

    • Resilience against Attacks: Tamper-proof AI is less likely to be tricked by adversarial attacks, ensuring its accuracy remains even under attempts to mislead it.

    • Trust in Results: Confidence in the AI's accuracy enables businesses to rely on it for critical decision-making.

  • Compliance: Navigating Regulations

    • Proactive Approach: Building trustworthy AI from the start aligns with the direction of emerging regulations, making adaptation smoother down the road.

    • Industries with Strict Rules: Sectors like healthcare and finance often have strict requirements regarding fairness and transparency. Tamper-proof and unbiased AI can pave the way for compliance.

    • Competitive Advantage: Early adoption of these principles positions businesses as ethical leaders in their field, attracting customers and partners who prioritize trustworthy technology.

Technical Strategies for Building Trustworthy AI

While the underlying math and technology can get complex, several practical strategies are being used to ensure the trustworthiness of AI systems.  Here's a breakdown of the key approaches employed to combat tampering and bias:

Blockchain Technology: The Immutable Audit Trail

  • The Analogy: A tamper-proof notebook where each page is locked to the previous one, making it incredibly hard to secretly alter earlier entries.

  • How it Helps with AI:

    • Data Provenance: Record the exact data that was used to train an AI model. This makes it clear if the data is later changed.

    • Tracking Updates: Store crucial updates to the AI model on the blockchain. Any attempt to secretly alter the model leaves an evidence trail.

    • Decision History: Record the AI's outputs. This allows for audits and makes it harder to manipulate the AI's results without being caught.

Adversarial Training: Inoculating AI Against Attacks

  • The Analogy: Like a sparring session where the AI learns by defending against deceptive attacks.

  • How it Works: AI is intentionally exposed to examples crafted to mislead it (e.g., slightly altered images that humans easily recognize, but an AI might misclassify).

  • The Result: AI gradually becomes more robust at recognizing these attack patterns. This strengthens it against attempts to manipulate it in the real world.

Differential Privacy: Protecting Individual Data

  • The Analogy: Adding strategic blurriness to a picture. Individual details become less clear, but the bigger picture is still visible.

  • How it works: Introduces calculated "noise" into datasets used for AI training. This obscures details about specific individuals within the data.

  • The Benefits:

    • Privacy: Makes it harder to reverse-engineer the AI model to reveal sensitive information about individuals included in the training data.

    • Learning with Limits: The AI can still extract general patterns from the data, even with the added noise, enabling it to learn without compromising privacy.

Fairness-Aware Algorithms: Mathematically Fighting Bias

  • The Analogy: Imagine the AI has scales to weigh factors in its decision. Fairness techniques adjust the scales to give more weight to factors promoting equality across groups.

  • How it Works:

    • Incorporating Fairness Metrics: Specific measures of bias are included in the AI's training process. The algorithm tries to optimize these fairness metrics along with its main task.

    • Constrained Optimization: Limits are placed on how certain factors can be used in decision-making. This helps prevent unintended favoring of specific groups, even if the data reflects existing biases.

Tools for Tamper-Proof and Unbiased AI

The push for trustworthy AI isn't just theoretical. Developers have access to powerful tools to address these issues head-on. Here's a closer look at your list:

  • AI Fairness 360 (AIF360): Bias-Busting Toolkit

    • What it Is: An open-source toolkit from IBM packed with algorithms and techniques designed to assess and mitigate bias in AI models throughout their lifecycle.

    • How it Works:

      • Detects Bias: It offers various metrics to measure different types of bias within datasets and in the AI's outputs.

      • Mitigation Strategies: Provides algorithms that can be applied during pre-processing, training, or in the output of the AI to reduce unfair outputs.

      • Explanations: Makes the AI more transparent, clarifying which factors are driving its decisions and potentially exposing biased patterns.

  • TensorFlow Extended (TFX):  Building AI Pipelines with Security in Mind

    • What it Is: A Google platform for crafting end-to-end AI pipelines, from data gathering to model deployment and continuous monitoring.

    • Why it Matters for Trust:

      • Component Validation: Checks data quality and model performance before they get integrated, reducing the risk of corrupted inputs or bad models making their way into production.

      • Version Control for AI: Maintains a record of model changes, aiding investigation if unexpected behavior or tampering is suspected.

      • Robust Deployments: Facilitates secure deployment of AI systems, ensuring authentication and authorization controls to minimize unauthorized access.

  • Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMC): Privacy-Preserving Collaboration

    • The Problem it Solves: Businesses often have valuable data for AI, but privacy concerns or competition prevent them from sharing it freely.

    • What SMC Does: Allows multiple parties to collaborate on an AI computation without revealing their underlying data to each other. The model is trained on the combined data in a secure, encrypted manner.

    • Real-World Use: Imagine competing hospitals training a medical AI model on their combined patient data to improve diagnoses – without either hospital revealing specific patient information to the other.

  • Verifiable AI Auditing Platforms:  Automated Watchdogs

    • What They Do: These emerging tools provide continuous monitoring of AI systems in production. They track things like:

      • Performance Shifts: Alerting if the AI's accuracy declines unexpectedly, which could signal tampering or that the data it's using has changed.

      • Fairness Over Time: Ensuring that the AI's decisions remain fair to all groups, catching the emergence of new biases.

      • Compliance Checks: Verify that the AI remains compliant with relevant regulations and ethical frameworks.

Partnering with TokenMinds

For businesses eager to harness the power of trustworthy AI, working with a development partner offers several unique advantages:

  • Tailored Solutions: No two businesses have the exact same problems, nor the same level of risk if their AI were biased or tampered with. We build custom solutions designed specifically for your needs.

  • Cutting-Edge Expertise: We stay up-to-date on the latest tools and techniques, which get complex very quickly. This ensures your AI benefits from the smartest defenses and bias reduction methods.

  • Security-First Mindset: Protecting your AI and the valuable data it uses is our priority. We design systems with security built-in, not added as an afterthought.

  • End-to-End Support: We can not only help you build your tamper-proof, unbiased AI model, but also make sure it's deployed correctly and monitored continuously for any unexpected behaviors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is it even possible to build AI that's 100% perfect? 

A. Unfortunately, no. AI will always have some chance of making mistakes, and fighting bias is an ongoing process. The goal is to make it as trustworthy as possible, minimizing the potential harm.

Q. Isn't this stuff slowing down AI development? 

A. In the short term, slightly. But in the long run, ignoring these issues leads to AI systems people can't trust, which makes adoption difficult. Think of it as an investment in the future of AI.

Q. My business is small. Do I need to worry about this? 

A. It depends! Even a small AI used internally can cause big problems if it becomes biased. As AI tools get easier to use, trustworthiness becomes a priority for everyone.


Building AI models that are both tamper-proof and unbiased is essential for responsible and effective use of this transformative technology. By carefully considering the data, algorithms, potential tampering risks, and fairness throughout the development process, we lay the foundation for AI solutions that deliver reliable results and benefit society as a whole.

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