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Build Better Dapps on Chromia: A Developer's Guide

Build Better Dapps on Chromia: A Developer's Guide

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May 14, 2024

May 14, 2024

Build Better Dapps on Chromia: A Developer's Guide
Build Better Dapps on Chromia: A Developer's Guide
Build Better Dapps on Chromia: A Developer's Guide

Key Takeaways:

  • Chromia lets you use the database skills you likely already have to build blockchain applications.

  • Dapps on Chromia can often handle more users without slowing down, and give you more control over fees and how your Dapp's economy works.

Blockchain technology has the potential to change how we build software. But the reality is, developing decentralized applications (Dapps) is often difficult. Developers need to learn whole new ways of coding, and the dApps they build can be slow and expensive to use. Chromia aims to solve these problems, making Dapp development more accessible and enjoyable.

In this guide, we'll break down everything you need to know to start building on Chromia. We'll explain how Chromia works differently, the special tools you can use, and why businesses should care about its unique advantages.

Understanding Chromia's Fundamentals

Traditional blockchains are a bit like giant, slow computers that everyone has to share. Chromia takes a different approach, aiming to combine the best of both worlds: familiar databases and the power of blockchains. Here's the basics:

  • Databases, Not Smart Contracts: Instead of writing everything as code that lives directly on the blockchain, Chromia lets you build your Dapp's logic using a relational database. This is the same technology that powers most of the websites and apps you use every day!

  • Rell: A Language for Blockchains: To make things even easier, Chromia created a programming language called Rell. It's designed specifically for working with databases that are part of a blockchain.

  • Blockchain as Infrastructure: Under the hood, Chromia still uses a blockchain. This is what makes sure no one can cheat, change the rules, or shut your Dapp down.

  • Flexible Consensus: Chromia uses a set of trusted computers to keep the network running smoothly. This is different from systems like Bitcoin where anyone can help. It's a trade-off that makes Chromia faster, but a little less open.

Chromia Blockchain Concepts:

Chromia Blockchain Concepts:

Chromia positions itself as a bridge between the robustness of relational databases and the benefits of blockchain technology.

Chromia's approach of making blockchain development feel more familiar is in line with a few major trends happening in the Web3 world:

  • Focus on Developer Experience: If we want regular people using Dapps, we need more developers building them! Chromia lowers the barrier to entry so programmers don't have to start from scratch.

  • Addressing Scalability: Popular blockchains like Ethereum get bogged down when lots of people try to use them at once, kind of like a traffic jam. Chromia is designed from the beginning to handle more users and transactions.

  • The User Experience Imperative: No one is going to use a Dapp that's slow, confusing, or costs a fortune in fees. Chromia can be the foundation for Dapps that feel more like the normal apps people are used to.

  • Growing Enterprise Interest: Businesses are starting to see the potential of blockchains, but often want more control than totally public systems offer. Chromia can be used for private chains, which is appealing to companies.

"Chromia seeks to empower developers with familiar tools and scalable infrastructure to address the pain points that have hindered mainstream Dapp adoption."

Benefits for Developers and Businesses

Chromia offers a unique approach to blockchain development, prioritizing speed, flexibility, and an easier onboarding experience for developers.  But what does this mean for real-world applications and the businesses behind them? Let's break down the key advantages that make Chromia worth considering:

1. Accelerated Development: Time to Market Matters

  • Rapid Onboarding: Rell's database-inspired syntax and PostgreSQL compatibility lessen the learning curve, especially for developers coming from a traditional web development background. This translates to faster time spent learning the platform and more time spent building features.

  • Focus on Core Logic: Developers can concentrate on their Dapp's unique functionality and business logic rather than struggling with the intricacies of specialized blockchain programming languages. This leads to shorter development cycles and getting your product to users sooner.

2. Scalability and Performance: Build with Growth in Mind

  • Snappy User Experience: Chromia's architecture prioritizes high throughput and efficient consensus. Dapps built on Chromia won't suffer from the slowdowns or bottlenecks that plague some blockchains under heavy load.

  • Supporting a Large Userbase: Whether it's a game, DeFi platform, or marketplace, Chromia's sidechain structure enables scaling as your Dapp attracts more users. This removes potential technical hurdles to growth.

3. Customizable Economics:  Monetization Your Way

  • Flexible Fee Models: Empowering developers to choose fee models (subscriptions, microtransactions, dynamic pricing) that align best with their product vision and revenue strategy. You're not constrained to the one-size-fits-all approaches offered by some blockchains.

  • Unlock New Business Models: The flexibility in how Dapps interact with users financially can lead to innovative revenue streams and unlock opportunities that might be impossible on more rigid platforms.

4. Bridging to Other Chains: Don't Be an Island

  • Tap into a Wider Ecosystem: Chromia's anchoring to Ethereum allows Dapps to interact with assets and smart contracts outside its own network. This expands possibilities for developers without limiting them to a single blockchain.

  • Build on Existing Successes: Leverage popular NFTs from Ethereum within your Chromia-based Dapp, or enable users to use other tokens as collateral within your platform. Integration is key in the interconnected Web3 world.

5. Upgradability:  Future-Proof Your Investments

  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Continuous improvements to both the Chromia network and Dapps built on top of it mean your project won't stagnate. Benefit from performance enhancements, security patches, and new features as they become available.

  • Adapt and Thrive: In the ever-evolving blockchain space, the ability to update is crucial. Chromia provides a foundation for Dapps to stay relevant and meet the changing needs of users and markets.

Getting Started: The Chromia Developer Toolkit

Let's unpack these tools and how they work together to streamline the Chromia development experience:

1. Chromia Blockchain: The Foundation

The Chromia blockchain acts as the secure, decentralized ledger that records transactions, ensures the integrity of data, and powers the execution of smart contracts.

  • API Gateways: Most developers won't interact with the blockchain directly, but through node providers who offer APIs and simplified interfaces. This reduces the need for every developer to manage the complexities of setting up and maintaining their own node.

2. Rell: The Language of Chromia Dapps

Rell's primary strength lies in defining the structure of your Dapp's database and the logic that determines how data is manipulated, queried, and updated.

  • Optional but Advantageous: While you can use other programming languages, Rell's similarity to relational database concepts gives it a natural advantage for building on the Chromia platform, potentially speeding up development.

3. Libraries and SDKs: Bridging the Gap

These tools provide pre-built code and interfaces for languages like JavaScript, Python, and others, enabling developers experienced in these environments to interact with Chromia effortlessly.

  • Building Frontends: Web developers comfortable in traditional environments can easily craft user-friendly interfaces for Chromia Dapps and leverage existing web development toolsets.

4. Postchain: The Heart of Your Dapp

Chromia's Postchain layer is where the bulk of your Dapp's data and business logic resides. This database-like structure is what makes Chromia appealing for developers familiar with traditional development models.

  • Speed and Structure: Postchain offers scalability advantages and the organized nature of relational databases, streamlining the handling of your application's data.

5. Chromia IDEs and Testing Tools: Building with Confidence

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) tailored to Chromia provide features like code auto-completion, syntax highlighting, and debugging tools, all optimized for Rell and Postchain development.

  • Streamlining Iteration: Testing environments allow you to simulate your Dapp's behavior, identify potential errors, and fine-tune its logic before deployment to ensure a smooth user experience on the live blockchain.

Dapp Development on Chromia: Best Practices

Chromia makes building on the blockchain easier, but there are still a few important things to keep in mind to make the best possible Dapp:

Database Design

Think of your Dapp's database like a super-organized spreadsheet. Planning it carefully makes your Dapp faster and easier to work on later.

  • Relational Matters: Understanding relational database principles will pay off when designing your Dapp's data structure on Postchain. Well-organized tables and relations improve query efficiency and data retrieval speed.

  • Scaling Up Foresight: A thoughtfully planned database not only optimizes current performance but also makes it easier to accommodate future growth and changes to your Dapp's functionality without major overhauls.

  • Developer Collaboration: A well-defined database schema facilitates clear communication between team members working on different aspects of your Dapp, reducing potential conflicts and miscommunication.

Understanding Rell

Chromia's own language lets you "talk" to your Dapp's database. Even if you use other coding languages too, knowing a bit of Rell will be helpful.

  • Rell's Role: Even if you plan to use JavaScript or other languages for frontend development, having a grasp of Rell's syntax will help you understand how your Dapp's logic interacts with the Postchain database.

  • Debugging and Optimization: Being able to read Rell code can be crucial for identifying performance bottlenecks, troubleshooting unexpected behavior, and refining your Dapp's data handling processes.

  • Learning Curve Advantage: Rell's familiar concepts ease the transition for developers, but investing time in learning it thoroughly will unlock greater control and fluency in building sophisticated Chromia Dapps.

Security Mindset

Blockchains are pretty safe, but only if you code smartly! Learn how to protect your user's money and information from hackers.

  • Not Just Web2 Vulnerabilities: Learn about common smart contract vulnerabilities like reentrancy attacks or improper access controls. These pitfalls are blockchain-specific, and Chromia offers no immunity.

  • Responsibility and Reputation: Dapp security failures can lead to financial losses for users and devastate a project's reputation. Make secure coding practices a top priority from the start.

  • Audits and Best Practices: Consider professional security audits and leverage established best practices from the wider blockchain development community.

Testing Thoroughly

It's harder to fix mistakes on a blockchain after your Dapp is live. Test, test, and test again to find problems before anyone can take advantage of them.

  • Immutability's Challenge: Bugs deployed to a live blockchain can be extremely difficult or expensive to rectify. Rigorous testing across multiple scenarios is essential in the Web3 world.

  • Testnet Advantage: Chromia's testnet allows you to try your Dapp in a simulated blockchain environment without risking real assets. Use it extensively to identify and fix issues before going live.

  • Unit Tests + Integration Tests: Employ both unit tests to check individual components in isolation, as well as integration tests to ensure all parts of your Dapp and its interaction with the blockchain work seamlessly together.

Gas Optimization

Even though Chromia's fee system is flexible, it's good practice to make your code as efficient as possible, especially if you expect lots of users.

  • The Importance of Efficiency: While Chromia's fee model reduces stress about fluctuating gas prices, efficient code is always a good practice. It ensures a smooth user experience and keeps operational costs in check, especially in high-usage scenarios.

  • Smart Contract Optimization: Learn techniques for minimizing the computational resources required for your Dapp's transactions. This may involve using optimized data structures, streamlining logic, and avoiding redundant operations.

Leverage the Community

Chromia has a growing group of developers who love to help! Ask them questions, and even share your own tips and tricks once you learn more.

  • A Growing Ecosystem: Tap into Chromia's forums, developer groups, and social media presence. Help is generously offered by experienced devs even for newcomers.

  • Knowledge Sharing Share code snippets, troubleshooting solutions, and insights about Chromia-specific development patterns. Become an active contributor as you gain experience, enhancing the collective knowledge base.

  • Building Together: Seek out opportunities for collaboration and learn from the diverse projects already building on the Chromia platform.

Partnering with TokenMinds

Sometimes building a Dapp is about more than just writing code. A company that knows Chromia well can be a huge help, and that's where TokenMinds comes in! Here's how we can assist:

  • Chromia Expertise: Our developers know all the ins and outs of Chromia, so you don't have to learn everything yourself. We can build your Dapp the right way from the start.

  • Industry Experience: We understand business! We can help you turn your idea into a Dapp with the features your users will actually need.

  • Accelerated Timelines: We can work alongside your team to get your Dapp built faster, or even handle the whole project for you.

  • Seamless Integrations: Need your Chromia Dapp to connect with a website, or even a different blockchain? We know how to make that work smoothly.

  • End-to-End Support: We'll be there to help even after your Dapp is live, giving you support to make sure it's a success!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let's answer some of the most common questions developers have about building on Chromia:

Q. Do I have to know Rell to build on Chromia? 

A: No! There are ways to use more common languages like JavaScript, if you prefer them. But Rell does make things easiest.

Q. Can I run a Chromia node myself? 

A: Yes, but it's a bit complicated. Most developers use a service that runs Chromia nodes for them.

Q: How do fees work on Chromia? 

A: It's more flexible than some blockchains! You can charge users with Chromia's own token, or even create your own in-Dapp currency.

Q. Can my Chromia Dapp work with Ethereum? 

A: Not directly, but there are special "bridges" that can connect them. This lets you use things like special tokens that exist on Ethereum.

Q. Does Chromia have DeFi features already built-in? 

A: The most basic building blocks aren't automatic. But, since Chromia is good at working with databases, you have the flexibility to create tools for swapping tokens, lending, and more inside your own Dapp.


Chromia's way of treating blockchains more like databases makes building Dapps easier for lots of developers. This can mean Dapps that work better and are more fun to use.

If you're looking for a blockchain that lets you focus on building a great product instead of wrestling with complicated tech, Chromia is definitely worth trying.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chromia lets you use the database skills you likely already have to build blockchain applications.

  • Dapps on Chromia can often handle more users without slowing down, and give you more control over fees and how your Dapp's economy works.

Blockchain technology has the potential to change how we build software. But the reality is, developing decentralized applications (Dapps) is often difficult. Developers need to learn whole new ways of coding, and the dApps they build can be slow and expensive to use. Chromia aims to solve these problems, making Dapp development more accessible and enjoyable.

In this guide, we'll break down everything you need to know to start building on Chromia. We'll explain how Chromia works differently, the special tools you can use, and why businesses should care about its unique advantages.

Understanding Chromia's Fundamentals

Traditional blockchains are a bit like giant, slow computers that everyone has to share. Chromia takes a different approach, aiming to combine the best of both worlds: familiar databases and the power of blockchains. Here's the basics:

  • Databases, Not Smart Contracts: Instead of writing everything as code that lives directly on the blockchain, Chromia lets you build your Dapp's logic using a relational database. This is the same technology that powers most of the websites and apps you use every day!

  • Rell: A Language for Blockchains: To make things even easier, Chromia created a programming language called Rell. It's designed specifically for working with databases that are part of a blockchain.

  • Blockchain as Infrastructure: Under the hood, Chromia still uses a blockchain. This is what makes sure no one can cheat, change the rules, or shut your Dapp down.

  • Flexible Consensus: Chromia uses a set of trusted computers to keep the network running smoothly. This is different from systems like Bitcoin where anyone can help. It's a trade-off that makes Chromia faster, but a little less open.

Chromia Blockchain Concepts:

Chromia Blockchain Concepts:

Chromia positions itself as a bridge between the robustness of relational databases and the benefits of blockchain technology.

Chromia's approach of making blockchain development feel more familiar is in line with a few major trends happening in the Web3 world:

  • Focus on Developer Experience: If we want regular people using Dapps, we need more developers building them! Chromia lowers the barrier to entry so programmers don't have to start from scratch.

  • Addressing Scalability: Popular blockchains like Ethereum get bogged down when lots of people try to use them at once, kind of like a traffic jam. Chromia is designed from the beginning to handle more users and transactions.

  • The User Experience Imperative: No one is going to use a Dapp that's slow, confusing, or costs a fortune in fees. Chromia can be the foundation for Dapps that feel more like the normal apps people are used to.

  • Growing Enterprise Interest: Businesses are starting to see the potential of blockchains, but often want more control than totally public systems offer. Chromia can be used for private chains, which is appealing to companies.

"Chromia seeks to empower developers with familiar tools and scalable infrastructure to address the pain points that have hindered mainstream Dapp adoption."

Benefits for Developers and Businesses

Chromia offers a unique approach to blockchain development, prioritizing speed, flexibility, and an easier onboarding experience for developers.  But what does this mean for real-world applications and the businesses behind them? Let's break down the key advantages that make Chromia worth considering:

1. Accelerated Development: Time to Market Matters

  • Rapid Onboarding: Rell's database-inspired syntax and PostgreSQL compatibility lessen the learning curve, especially for developers coming from a traditional web development background. This translates to faster time spent learning the platform and more time spent building features.

  • Focus on Core Logic: Developers can concentrate on their Dapp's unique functionality and business logic rather than struggling with the intricacies of specialized blockchain programming languages. This leads to shorter development cycles and getting your product to users sooner.

2. Scalability and Performance: Build with Growth in Mind

  • Snappy User Experience: Chromia's architecture prioritizes high throughput and efficient consensus. Dapps built on Chromia won't suffer from the slowdowns or bottlenecks that plague some blockchains under heavy load.

  • Supporting a Large Userbase: Whether it's a game, DeFi platform, or marketplace, Chromia's sidechain structure enables scaling as your Dapp attracts more users. This removes potential technical hurdles to growth.

3. Customizable Economics:  Monetization Your Way

  • Flexible Fee Models: Empowering developers to choose fee models (subscriptions, microtransactions, dynamic pricing) that align best with their product vision and revenue strategy. You're not constrained to the one-size-fits-all approaches offered by some blockchains.

  • Unlock New Business Models: The flexibility in how Dapps interact with users financially can lead to innovative revenue streams and unlock opportunities that might be impossible on more rigid platforms.

4. Bridging to Other Chains: Don't Be an Island

  • Tap into a Wider Ecosystem: Chromia's anchoring to Ethereum allows Dapps to interact with assets and smart contracts outside its own network. This expands possibilities for developers without limiting them to a single blockchain.

  • Build on Existing Successes: Leverage popular NFTs from Ethereum within your Chromia-based Dapp, or enable users to use other tokens as collateral within your platform. Integration is key in the interconnected Web3 world.

5. Upgradability:  Future-Proof Your Investments

  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Continuous improvements to both the Chromia network and Dapps built on top of it mean your project won't stagnate. Benefit from performance enhancements, security patches, and new features as they become available.

  • Adapt and Thrive: In the ever-evolving blockchain space, the ability to update is crucial. Chromia provides a foundation for Dapps to stay relevant and meet the changing needs of users and markets.

Getting Started: The Chromia Developer Toolkit

Let's unpack these tools and how they work together to streamline the Chromia development experience:

1. Chromia Blockchain: The Foundation

The Chromia blockchain acts as the secure, decentralized ledger that records transactions, ensures the integrity of data, and powers the execution of smart contracts.

  • API Gateways: Most developers won't interact with the blockchain directly, but through node providers who offer APIs and simplified interfaces. This reduces the need for every developer to manage the complexities of setting up and maintaining their own node.

2. Rell: The Language of Chromia Dapps

Rell's primary strength lies in defining the structure of your Dapp's database and the logic that determines how data is manipulated, queried, and updated.

  • Optional but Advantageous: While you can use other programming languages, Rell's similarity to relational database concepts gives it a natural advantage for building on the Chromia platform, potentially speeding up development.

3. Libraries and SDKs: Bridging the Gap

These tools provide pre-built code and interfaces for languages like JavaScript, Python, and others, enabling developers experienced in these environments to interact with Chromia effortlessly.

  • Building Frontends: Web developers comfortable in traditional environments can easily craft user-friendly interfaces for Chromia Dapps and leverage existing web development toolsets.

4. Postchain: The Heart of Your Dapp

Chromia's Postchain layer is where the bulk of your Dapp's data and business logic resides. This database-like structure is what makes Chromia appealing for developers familiar with traditional development models.

  • Speed and Structure: Postchain offers scalability advantages and the organized nature of relational databases, streamlining the handling of your application's data.

5. Chromia IDEs and Testing Tools: Building with Confidence

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) tailored to Chromia provide features like code auto-completion, syntax highlighting, and debugging tools, all optimized for Rell and Postchain development.

  • Streamlining Iteration: Testing environments allow you to simulate your Dapp's behavior, identify potential errors, and fine-tune its logic before deployment to ensure a smooth user experience on the live blockchain.

Dapp Development on Chromia: Best Practices

Chromia makes building on the blockchain easier, but there are still a few important things to keep in mind to make the best possible Dapp:

Database Design

Think of your Dapp's database like a super-organized spreadsheet. Planning it carefully makes your Dapp faster and easier to work on later.

  • Relational Matters: Understanding relational database principles will pay off when designing your Dapp's data structure on Postchain. Well-organized tables and relations improve query efficiency and data retrieval speed.

  • Scaling Up Foresight: A thoughtfully planned database not only optimizes current performance but also makes it easier to accommodate future growth and changes to your Dapp's functionality without major overhauls.

  • Developer Collaboration: A well-defined database schema facilitates clear communication between team members working on different aspects of your Dapp, reducing potential conflicts and miscommunication.

Understanding Rell

Chromia's own language lets you "talk" to your Dapp's database. Even if you use other coding languages too, knowing a bit of Rell will be helpful.

  • Rell's Role: Even if you plan to use JavaScript or other languages for frontend development, having a grasp of Rell's syntax will help you understand how your Dapp's logic interacts with the Postchain database.

  • Debugging and Optimization: Being able to read Rell code can be crucial for identifying performance bottlenecks, troubleshooting unexpected behavior, and refining your Dapp's data handling processes.

  • Learning Curve Advantage: Rell's familiar concepts ease the transition for developers, but investing time in learning it thoroughly will unlock greater control and fluency in building sophisticated Chromia Dapps.

Security Mindset

Blockchains are pretty safe, but only if you code smartly! Learn how to protect your user's money and information from hackers.

  • Not Just Web2 Vulnerabilities: Learn about common smart contract vulnerabilities like reentrancy attacks or improper access controls. These pitfalls are blockchain-specific, and Chromia offers no immunity.

  • Responsibility and Reputation: Dapp security failures can lead to financial losses for users and devastate a project's reputation. Make secure coding practices a top priority from the start.

  • Audits and Best Practices: Consider professional security audits and leverage established best practices from the wider blockchain development community.

Testing Thoroughly

It's harder to fix mistakes on a blockchain after your Dapp is live. Test, test, and test again to find problems before anyone can take advantage of them.

  • Immutability's Challenge: Bugs deployed to a live blockchain can be extremely difficult or expensive to rectify. Rigorous testing across multiple scenarios is essential in the Web3 world.

  • Testnet Advantage: Chromia's testnet allows you to try your Dapp in a simulated blockchain environment without risking real assets. Use it extensively to identify and fix issues before going live.

  • Unit Tests + Integration Tests: Employ both unit tests to check individual components in isolation, as well as integration tests to ensure all parts of your Dapp and its interaction with the blockchain work seamlessly together.

Gas Optimization

Even though Chromia's fee system is flexible, it's good practice to make your code as efficient as possible, especially if you expect lots of users.

  • The Importance of Efficiency: While Chromia's fee model reduces stress about fluctuating gas prices, efficient code is always a good practice. It ensures a smooth user experience and keeps operational costs in check, especially in high-usage scenarios.

  • Smart Contract Optimization: Learn techniques for minimizing the computational resources required for your Dapp's transactions. This may involve using optimized data structures, streamlining logic, and avoiding redundant operations.

Leverage the Community

Chromia has a growing group of developers who love to help! Ask them questions, and even share your own tips and tricks once you learn more.

  • A Growing Ecosystem: Tap into Chromia's forums, developer groups, and social media presence. Help is generously offered by experienced devs even for newcomers.

  • Knowledge Sharing Share code snippets, troubleshooting solutions, and insights about Chromia-specific development patterns. Become an active contributor as you gain experience, enhancing the collective knowledge base.

  • Building Together: Seek out opportunities for collaboration and learn from the diverse projects already building on the Chromia platform.

Partnering with TokenMinds

Sometimes building a Dapp is about more than just writing code. A company that knows Chromia well can be a huge help, and that's where TokenMinds comes in! Here's how we can assist:

  • Chromia Expertise: Our developers know all the ins and outs of Chromia, so you don't have to learn everything yourself. We can build your Dapp the right way from the start.

  • Industry Experience: We understand business! We can help you turn your idea into a Dapp with the features your users will actually need.

  • Accelerated Timelines: We can work alongside your team to get your Dapp built faster, or even handle the whole project for you.

  • Seamless Integrations: Need your Chromia Dapp to connect with a website, or even a different blockchain? We know how to make that work smoothly.

  • End-to-End Support: We'll be there to help even after your Dapp is live, giving you support to make sure it's a success!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let's answer some of the most common questions developers have about building on Chromia:

Q. Do I have to know Rell to build on Chromia? 

A: No! There are ways to use more common languages like JavaScript, if you prefer them. But Rell does make things easiest.

Q. Can I run a Chromia node myself? 

A: Yes, but it's a bit complicated. Most developers use a service that runs Chromia nodes for them.

Q: How do fees work on Chromia? 

A: It's more flexible than some blockchains! You can charge users with Chromia's own token, or even create your own in-Dapp currency.

Q. Can my Chromia Dapp work with Ethereum? 

A: Not directly, but there are special "bridges" that can connect them. This lets you use things like special tokens that exist on Ethereum.

Q. Does Chromia have DeFi features already built-in? 

A: The most basic building blocks aren't automatic. But, since Chromia is good at working with databases, you have the flexibility to create tools for swapping tokens, lending, and more inside your own Dapp.


Chromia's way of treating blockchains more like databases makes building Dapps easier for lots of developers. This can mean Dapps that work better and are more fun to use.

If you're looking for a blockchain that lets you focus on building a great product instead of wrestling with complicated tech, Chromia is definitely worth trying.

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