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Scale Beyond Limits: Create Your Custom Blockchain on Avalanche

Scale Beyond Limits: Create Your Custom Blockchain on Avalanche

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May 16, 2024

May 16, 2024

Scale Beyond Limits: Create Your Custom Blockchain on Avalanche
Scale Beyond Limits: Create Your Custom Blockchain on Avalanche
Scale Beyond Limits: Create Your Custom Blockchain on Avalanche

Key Takeaways:

  • Subnets are like private roads for your project on the Avalanche blockchain – no more traffic jams!

  • This means you get to make the rules and create a super-fast experience for your users.

Think about a city with only a few roads for everyone. Cars, trucks, buses – all stuck in slow traffic. Frustrating, right? Now imagine the city builds special roads: ones for big trucks, speed lanes for cars, etc. Everything moves better! Subnets are like those special roads on the Avalanche blockchain.

What are Blockchains and Subnets?

Here's how to elaborate each of these definitions, making sure even someone completely new to blockchain can understand them:

Blockchain: A shared list of information that's almost impossible to change or fake. Used to track who owns what, digital money, and more.

  • Unbreakable notebook: Imagine a special notebook where you can only add new pages, never erase old ones. This notebook is copied and shared across lots of computers, making sure no one person can mess with it.

  • What gets written: Think of every time someone sends cryptocurrency, buys an NFT, or votes in a decentralized community. These actions become "pages" added to the blockchain notebook.

Avalanche: A blockchain made to be fast and to let people build custom blockchains on top of it.

  • Speedy transactions: Explain that Avalanche is built like a superhighway for blockchain data. It can handle lots of activity without things slowing down.

  • Building block for builders: Emphasize that Avalanche isn't just about sending crypto – it's a platform for creating even more specialized blockchains.

Subnet: A smaller blockchain within Avalanche. It has its own rules and how it works.

  • Mini-me blockchains: Think of subnets as neighborhoods within the big city of Avalanche. Each neighborhood can have its own laws, even its own currency, but it's all still connected to the larger network.

  • Why subnets are cool: They allow for experimentation and specialized use cases. A game could have its own subnet with rules optimized for fast action, or a company could build their own subnet to manage internal processes.

Validators: Computers that keep the Avalanche system secure and running smoothly.

  • Blockchain guardians: Explain that validators check and confirm transactions, similar to how accountants make sure a company's financial records are accurate.

  • Getting rewarded: Validators earn rewards in the form of Avalanche's cryptocurrency (AVAX) for their work, encouraging them to play fair and keep the network safe.

Why Build Your Own Blockchain?

Here's why having your own blockchain (subnet) on Avalanche is awesome:

1. You're the Owner: You decide how things work, how the "money" in your system behaves, everything!

  • True customization: Explain that you're not just picking from a fixed menu of features on a shared blockchain. You can design the core rules your subnet follows, ensuring it perfectly aligns with your project's needs.

  • Example: A game might have an in-game currency strictly linked to player performance, or a company could design its subnet so only authorized employees can participate – impossible on a generic blockchain.

2. Super Speedy: Subnets don't get clogged up like big, shared blockchains. Your app will feel fast and smooth.

  • No traffic jams: Imagine having your own dedicated highway instead of sharing a crowded one with everyone else. Subnets let you ensure your transactions are processed quickly, crucial for applications where responsiveness matters (like games or financial trading).

  • Happy users: Emphasize that fast transaction times translate to a great user experience – no lag or waiting around.

3. Unique Features: Need special tokens for your game? A way to meet strict regulations? Subnets let you make it happen.

  • Beyond the standard: Explain that subnets allow for creating unique token types, specialized rules, or security features that might be difficult or impossible to implement on a general-purpose blockchain.

  • Unlock innovation: Highlight how this freedom enables new kinds of games, DeFi platforms, or business applications that simply weren't feasible before.

4. Part of Something Bigger: Your subnet still gets benefits from being connected to the main Avalanche blockchain.

  • Security boost: Explain how your subnet inherits some of the security and reliability of the broader Avalanche network.

  • Potential for connection: Discuss the possibility of subnets interacting with each other in the future, or leveraging assets and liquidity from the main Avalanche blockchain, opening up even more opportunities.

Table of comparisons for Building Blockchain:

Table of comparisons for Building Blockchain:

When Does a Custom Blockchain Make Sense?

Think about a subnet if you're building:

  • Games and NFTs: Create the perfect system for in-game money, marketplaces, and those unique collectibles.

  • New DeFi Ideas: If your trading or lending platform has a cool new twist, a subnet lets you build it right.

  • Business Blockchains: Need to follow certain rules, or keep things private? Subnets can be made to do that.

Building a Subnet: The Basics

Building your own blockchain might seem daunting, but Avalanche subnets offer a way to streamline the process. With the ability to customize everything from how your blockchain validates transactions to its economic model, subnets provide a powerful framework for launching unique blockchain-based projects. Let's dive into the basics of how to get your own subnet up and running.

1. Make a Plan

What will your blockchain do? What kind of tokens does it need? Who's allowed to use it? Important to know this first!

  • Blueprint for success: Compare this to designing a house: You wouldn't start building without knowing how many rooms you need, what style it'll be, etc. Your subnet needs a clear purpose and requirements.

  • Examples to clarify:

    • A game: Will the plan involve tokens for in-game items? Do you need rules to prevent cheating?

    • A company: Will only employees be allowed on the subnet? Does it need special tokens to track assets?

2. Pick Your Tools

Avalanche makes things easier. Do you know Ethereum coding? Subnet-EVM can be a fast way to go.

  • The right tools for the job: Explain that Avalanche gives you choices. Subnet-EVM uses familiar Ethereum languages/tools, making it a great option for experienced Ethereum developers.

  • Other possibilities: Mention that Avalanche supports alternative coding languages (like Rust) for those who prefer them or need specific features.

3. Set Up Security (Validators)

You'll need computers to keep your subnet safe.

  • Choosing guardians: Explain that validators are like security guards for your blockchain. You'll need to decide how many you need, who will run them (could be you, or you can partner with others).

  • Why it matters: Emphasize the absolute necessity of strong security to protect your users and assets on the subnet.

4. Launch Time

Use Avalanche's tools to create your subnet and set the starting rules.

  • The exciting moment: Explain that Avalanche provides dedicated tools and guides to make this process smoother. This is where you'll define the initial rules, like how many tokens exist at the start, etc.

  • Customization central: Highlight that this is where your plan from Step 1 comes to life with the actual creation of your tailor-made blockchain.

5. Build Your App

This is the part that interacts with your new blockchain (think games, trading platforms, etc.).

  • Putting it all together: Explain that your app is the front-end that users will see and interact with. It talks to your subnet behind the scenes to perform actions on the blockchain itself (transferring tokens, etc.).

  • Where the fun (or business) happens: This is where the true potential of your subnet gets realized – whether it's players battling in your game, or a business streamlining its processes with blockchain-powered efficiency.

Recommended Tools and Platforms:

Partnering with TokenMinds

Building awesome blockchain projects with subnets takes the right kind of know-how. This is why TokenMinds is a great choice:

  • We Know Avalanche: We've built on this blockchain before, so we get how to use subnets the right way.

  • No Cookie-Cutters Here: We help design a subnet just for YOUR needs, not some generic thing that kinda works.

  • Users First: Cool tech is useless if your app is a pain to use. We make sure people actually enjoy using your app.


Developers and business leaders often have many questions when navigating the possibilities that subnets offer. Let's address a few frequently asked ones:

  • Q: Can I make a totally separate blockchain instead of a subnet?

  • A: Yes, but it's much harder! Subnets give you a lot of the same control while benefiting from Avalanche's established security and ecosystem.

  • Q: Do I need to make my own cryptocurrency?

  • A: You can! Subnets let you define your own token with its own rules. But you can also use AVAX (Avalanche's main token) if that's easier.

  • Q: How much does a subnet cost?

  • A: They do cost some money to run. You'll need validators, which use computer power. Subnet-EVM can be a cheaper way to start smaller.

  • Q: Can I build a subnet if I'm new to blockchains?

  •  A: It helps to have some basic understanding. Tools like Subnet-EVM make it easier, but there's still a learning curve, especially if you need very custom features.


Avalanche subnets empower developers and businesses to break free from the constraints of traditional blockchain environments. By granting the ability to fine-tune consensus mechanisms, virtual machines, tokenomics, and even validator sets, subnets allow you to architect blockchain infrastructure that seamlessly aligns with your project's specific requirements. This translates into superior performance, bespoke user experiences, and the potential to address regulatory and compliance considerations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Subnets are like private roads for your project on the Avalanche blockchain – no more traffic jams!

  • This means you get to make the rules and create a super-fast experience for your users.

Think about a city with only a few roads for everyone. Cars, trucks, buses – all stuck in slow traffic. Frustrating, right? Now imagine the city builds special roads: ones for big trucks, speed lanes for cars, etc. Everything moves better! Subnets are like those special roads on the Avalanche blockchain.

What are Blockchains and Subnets?

Here's how to elaborate each of these definitions, making sure even someone completely new to blockchain can understand them:

Blockchain: A shared list of information that's almost impossible to change or fake. Used to track who owns what, digital money, and more.

  • Unbreakable notebook: Imagine a special notebook where you can only add new pages, never erase old ones. This notebook is copied and shared across lots of computers, making sure no one person can mess with it.

  • What gets written: Think of every time someone sends cryptocurrency, buys an NFT, or votes in a decentralized community. These actions become "pages" added to the blockchain notebook.

Avalanche: A blockchain made to be fast and to let people build custom blockchains on top of it.

  • Speedy transactions: Explain that Avalanche is built like a superhighway for blockchain data. It can handle lots of activity without things slowing down.

  • Building block for builders: Emphasize that Avalanche isn't just about sending crypto – it's a platform for creating even more specialized blockchains.

Subnet: A smaller blockchain within Avalanche. It has its own rules and how it works.

  • Mini-me blockchains: Think of subnets as neighborhoods within the big city of Avalanche. Each neighborhood can have its own laws, even its own currency, but it's all still connected to the larger network.

  • Why subnets are cool: They allow for experimentation and specialized use cases. A game could have its own subnet with rules optimized for fast action, or a company could build their own subnet to manage internal processes.

Validators: Computers that keep the Avalanche system secure and running smoothly.

  • Blockchain guardians: Explain that validators check and confirm transactions, similar to how accountants make sure a company's financial records are accurate.

  • Getting rewarded: Validators earn rewards in the form of Avalanche's cryptocurrency (AVAX) for their work, encouraging them to play fair and keep the network safe.

Why Build Your Own Blockchain?

Here's why having your own blockchain (subnet) on Avalanche is awesome:

1. You're the Owner: You decide how things work, how the "money" in your system behaves, everything!

  • True customization: Explain that you're not just picking from a fixed menu of features on a shared blockchain. You can design the core rules your subnet follows, ensuring it perfectly aligns with your project's needs.

  • Example: A game might have an in-game currency strictly linked to player performance, or a company could design its subnet so only authorized employees can participate – impossible on a generic blockchain.

2. Super Speedy: Subnets don't get clogged up like big, shared blockchains. Your app will feel fast and smooth.

  • No traffic jams: Imagine having your own dedicated highway instead of sharing a crowded one with everyone else. Subnets let you ensure your transactions are processed quickly, crucial for applications where responsiveness matters (like games or financial trading).

  • Happy users: Emphasize that fast transaction times translate to a great user experience – no lag or waiting around.

3. Unique Features: Need special tokens for your game? A way to meet strict regulations? Subnets let you make it happen.

  • Beyond the standard: Explain that subnets allow for creating unique token types, specialized rules, or security features that might be difficult or impossible to implement on a general-purpose blockchain.

  • Unlock innovation: Highlight how this freedom enables new kinds of games, DeFi platforms, or business applications that simply weren't feasible before.

4. Part of Something Bigger: Your subnet still gets benefits from being connected to the main Avalanche blockchain.

  • Security boost: Explain how your subnet inherits some of the security and reliability of the broader Avalanche network.

  • Potential for connection: Discuss the possibility of subnets interacting with each other in the future, or leveraging assets and liquidity from the main Avalanche blockchain, opening up even more opportunities.

Table of comparisons for Building Blockchain:

Table of comparisons for Building Blockchain:

When Does a Custom Blockchain Make Sense?

Think about a subnet if you're building:

  • Games and NFTs: Create the perfect system for in-game money, marketplaces, and those unique collectibles.

  • New DeFi Ideas: If your trading or lending platform has a cool new twist, a subnet lets you build it right.

  • Business Blockchains: Need to follow certain rules, or keep things private? Subnets can be made to do that.

Building a Subnet: The Basics

Building your own blockchain might seem daunting, but Avalanche subnets offer a way to streamline the process. With the ability to customize everything from how your blockchain validates transactions to its economic model, subnets provide a powerful framework for launching unique blockchain-based projects. Let's dive into the basics of how to get your own subnet up and running.

1. Make a Plan

What will your blockchain do? What kind of tokens does it need? Who's allowed to use it? Important to know this first!

  • Blueprint for success: Compare this to designing a house: You wouldn't start building without knowing how many rooms you need, what style it'll be, etc. Your subnet needs a clear purpose and requirements.

  • Examples to clarify:

    • A game: Will the plan involve tokens for in-game items? Do you need rules to prevent cheating?

    • A company: Will only employees be allowed on the subnet? Does it need special tokens to track assets?

2. Pick Your Tools

Avalanche makes things easier. Do you know Ethereum coding? Subnet-EVM can be a fast way to go.

  • The right tools for the job: Explain that Avalanche gives you choices. Subnet-EVM uses familiar Ethereum languages/tools, making it a great option for experienced Ethereum developers.

  • Other possibilities: Mention that Avalanche supports alternative coding languages (like Rust) for those who prefer them or need specific features.

3. Set Up Security (Validators)

You'll need computers to keep your subnet safe.

  • Choosing guardians: Explain that validators are like security guards for your blockchain. You'll need to decide how many you need, who will run them (could be you, or you can partner with others).

  • Why it matters: Emphasize the absolute necessity of strong security to protect your users and assets on the subnet.

4. Launch Time

Use Avalanche's tools to create your subnet and set the starting rules.

  • The exciting moment: Explain that Avalanche provides dedicated tools and guides to make this process smoother. This is where you'll define the initial rules, like how many tokens exist at the start, etc.

  • Customization central: Highlight that this is where your plan from Step 1 comes to life with the actual creation of your tailor-made blockchain.

5. Build Your App

This is the part that interacts with your new blockchain (think games, trading platforms, etc.).

  • Putting it all together: Explain that your app is the front-end that users will see and interact with. It talks to your subnet behind the scenes to perform actions on the blockchain itself (transferring tokens, etc.).

  • Where the fun (or business) happens: This is where the true potential of your subnet gets realized – whether it's players battling in your game, or a business streamlining its processes with blockchain-powered efficiency.

Recommended Tools and Platforms:

Partnering with TokenMinds

Building awesome blockchain projects with subnets takes the right kind of know-how. This is why TokenMinds is a great choice:

  • We Know Avalanche: We've built on this blockchain before, so we get how to use subnets the right way.

  • No Cookie-Cutters Here: We help design a subnet just for YOUR needs, not some generic thing that kinda works.

  • Users First: Cool tech is useless if your app is a pain to use. We make sure people actually enjoy using your app.


Developers and business leaders often have many questions when navigating the possibilities that subnets offer. Let's address a few frequently asked ones:

  • Q: Can I make a totally separate blockchain instead of a subnet?

  • A: Yes, but it's much harder! Subnets give you a lot of the same control while benefiting from Avalanche's established security and ecosystem.

  • Q: Do I need to make my own cryptocurrency?

  • A: You can! Subnets let you define your own token with its own rules. But you can also use AVAX (Avalanche's main token) if that's easier.

  • Q: How much does a subnet cost?

  • A: They do cost some money to run. You'll need validators, which use computer power. Subnet-EVM can be a cheaper way to start smaller.

  • Q: Can I build a subnet if I'm new to blockchains?

  •  A: It helps to have some basic understanding. Tools like Subnet-EVM make it easier, but there's still a learning curve, especially if you need very custom features.


Avalanche subnets empower developers and businesses to break free from the constraints of traditional blockchain environments. By granting the ability to fine-tune consensus mechanisms, virtual machines, tokenomics, and even validator sets, subnets allow you to architect blockchain infrastructure that seamlessly aligns with your project's specific requirements. This translates into superior performance, bespoke user experiences, and the potential to address regulatory and compliance considerations.

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