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Move Programming Language: Building Safer, Smarter Blockchains

Move Programming Language: Building Safer, Smarter Blockchains

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Feb 21, 2024

Feb 21, 2024

Move Programming Language: Building Safer, Smarter Blockchains
Move Programming Language: Building Safer, Smarter Blockchains
Move Programming Language: Building Safer, Smarter Blockchains

Move is a secure and expressive programming language designed specifically for creating safe and reliable smart contracts within blockchain environments. Originating at Facebook (now Meta) for the Diem blockchain project, Move prioritizes the management of digital assets with a focus on preventing errors that could lead to the loss or duplication of these assets.

Key Features of Move

Unlike programming languages where variables serve as mere containers, Move introduces "resources" as core constructs. Resources can represent currencies, NFTs, or even complex data structures. They carry properties like scarcity, clear ownership, and linear movement. This focus on resources as foundational blocks gives developers granular control and ensures transparent tracking of assets, especially  relevant to blockchain applications.

1. Resource-Oriented Programming

  • Resources as First-Class: Move treats digital assets (coins, NFTs, data structures) as "resources." Unlike traditional variables, resources possess the following attributes:

    • Scarcity: They cannot be duplicated arbitrarily.

    • Ownership: Each resource has a designated owner.

    • Linearity: Resources cannot be copied; they must be explicitly 'moved' through a transaction.

  • Benefits: This model enforces asset integrity and provides strong safeguards against accidental loss or duplication of tokens, a core necessity in blockchain settings.

2. First-Class Resources

  • Flexibility: Resources are fully fledged objects. They can be stored within data structures, passed as arguments to functions, and returned from functions.

  • Benefits: This enables sophisticated asset representations and transaction logic tailored to specific applications within decentralized finance, NFTs, and more.

3. Safety and Verifiability

  • Bytecode Verifier: Before on-chain deployment, Move features a strict bytecode verifier analyzing smart contracts to ensure adherence to resource usage rules and other safety guarantees.

  • Formal Verification: The language supports techniques allowing rigorous mathematical proofs to establish that code works as intended, particularly in matters of asset management.

  • Benefits: This helps prevent catastrophic bugs or exploits leading to loss of funds – paramount in high-value blockchains.

4. Modularity

  • Module System: Move code is grouped into modules. Modules contain resource definitions, functions, and other logic.

  • Benefits: Promotes organized code architecture, code reuse, and easier modification by separating concerns.

5. Expressiveness

  • Beyond Simple Transfers: Move isn't confined to basic 'coin transfers.' Developers can define elaborate custom transaction logic within their modules.

  • Benefits: Enables complex smart contracts governing various use cases such as voting systems, financial derivatives, or unique game mechanics.

Why Use Move?

table listing features of move programming language
  1. Enforced Asset Security: Move's resource-oriented model, emphasizing scarcity, ownership, and linearity, prevents common problems that threaten assets:

    • No Accidental Duplication: Resources can't be copied. If ownership is transferred, the previous owner no longer has the asset, minimizing potential for double-spending attacks.

    • Clear Ownership Rules: Move enforces resource access based on ownership, deterring unauthorized manipulation.

    • Protection from Accidental "Deletion": Resources persist until explicitly discarded, reducing the risk of assets being inadvertently lost.

  2. Formal Verification Support: Move is designed to support mathematically rigorous proofs about code. This is ideal for high-stakes smart contracts:

    • Property Verification: Prove that essential conditions like "total token supply cannot increase" always hold true.

    • Vulnerability Prevention: Verification during development reduces exploits that could lead to costly losses.

  3. Customizable Logic & Asset Types

    • Unique Resources: Developers can define resource types to represent tokens, NFTs, complex data structures, and more. This facilitates tailored asset behavior.

    • Rich Transactions: Go beyond simple transfers. Build logic for lending/borrowing mechanics, auctions, or complex asset interactions within transactions.

  4. Designed for Blockchains:  Move aligns with the fundamental goals of trustworthy blockchain applications:

    • Auditability: Move encourages clear asset-handling logic, aiding in understanding and potentially auditing smart contracts.

    • Performance Considerations: Designed to be efficiently compiled and executed for the demands of a busy blockchain environment.

  5. A Growing Ecosystem: While still relatively young, Move is:

    • Backed by Leading Projects: Its adoption by Sui, Aptos, and others increases community support and resources.

    • Attracting Developers: Safety focus appeals to those seeking to build dependable Web3 applications.

Getting Started with Move

Getting hands-on with Move is the best way to understand its unique approach to smart contract development. To begin your journey, you'll need a few key tools and a foundation in the basic concepts. In this section, we'll walk you through the initial setup and explore how to write your first Move module.

1. Install the Move Compiler

2. Create Your First Move Module:

  • Using a text editor, create a file with the extension .move. Here's a simple example:

Code snippet
module MyModule {

    struct MyCoin has store { value: u64 }

    public fun mint(amount: u64): MyCoin {

        MyCoin { value: amount }



In this example, we define a resource struct MyCoin with a store ability (meaning it can be stored in accounts) and a value field. We also have a mint function that creates new MyCoin resources.

3. Compile the Module:

Using the Move compiler, run the following command (adjusting the file path accordingly):

move compile --path <path_to_your_module>

4. Deploy and Execute (on a compatible blockchain):

  • Select a blockchain that supports Move. Aptos and Sui are currently prominent examples. Follow their documentation on how to deploy and execute Move contracts.

Prominent Blockchains using Move

1. Sui

Sui is a highly anticipated Layer 1 blockchain specifically designed to leverage the strengths of Move. It aims to deliver unprecedented scalability and low transaction costs through its object-centric data model and parallel transaction execution. Sui is poised to power large-scale decentralized applications (dApps) like those in DeFi, gaming, and social media.

  • Reasons for Using Move:

    • Object-centric Model: Sui's data model treats every asset (transaction, wallet,smart contract) as an object. This aligns with Move's resource-oriented design,simplifying asset tracking and state management.

    • Parallel Execution: Sui achieves scalability by using Move's expressiveness to define transactions that DON'T have shared dependencies. These can be executed simultaneously, greatly enhancing throughput.

    • Causal Ordering: Sui applies "causal ordering" where certain transactions can skip full consensus, further reducing latency. This relies on Move's resource types to determine dependencies.

  • Improvements to Blockchain:

    • High Throughput: Sui's Move-driven optimizations potentially allow it to outpace older blockchains in transactions-per-second (TPS).

    • Low Cost: Its scalability is intended to result in low fees per transaction,attracting diverse use cases.

    • Developer Friendliness Move's structure can enhance code maintenance and security compared to some other smart contract languages

2. Aptos

Developed by former Meta (Diem) engineers, Aptos emphasizes scalability, safety, and flexibility. It also aims to optimize transaction processing to lower costs and provide a smoother user experience. Like Sui, Aptos is attracting diverse decentralized applications.

  • Reasons for Using Move:

    • Safety and Verification: Aptos inherits Diem's (now Meta) focus on security.Move facilitates formal verification, bolstering code correctness and asset safety.

    • Flexibility: The resource model enables the design of customized asset types and transactions specific to various use cases.

    • Developer Tools: Move offers tooling designed to streamline development and testing processes.

  • Improvements to Blockchain:

    • Reliability: Emphasis on verification and security in Move lowers the risk of costly exploits common in some smart contract platforms.

    • Performance: Aptos uses Move along with parallel execution (inspired by Diem's Block-STM engine) for potentially rapid transaction speeds.

    • Upgradeability: Aptos' design prioritizes upgrades on-chain without forks,supported by Move's modularity, leading to easier evolution.


Move represents an exciting evolution in smart contract development. Its blend of safety, flexibility, and blockchain-centric design holds immense promise for the decentralized applications of tomorrow.  If you seek to create highly secure and adaptable smart contracts within the Web3 space, Move is a language worthy of serious exploration.

Move is a secure and expressive programming language designed specifically for creating safe and reliable smart contracts within blockchain environments. Originating at Facebook (now Meta) for the Diem blockchain project, Move prioritizes the management of digital assets with a focus on preventing errors that could lead to the loss or duplication of these assets.

Key Features of Move

Unlike programming languages where variables serve as mere containers, Move introduces "resources" as core constructs. Resources can represent currencies, NFTs, or even complex data structures. They carry properties like scarcity, clear ownership, and linear movement. This focus on resources as foundational blocks gives developers granular control and ensures transparent tracking of assets, especially  relevant to blockchain applications.

1. Resource-Oriented Programming

  • Resources as First-Class: Move treats digital assets (coins, NFTs, data structures) as "resources." Unlike traditional variables, resources possess the following attributes:

    • Scarcity: They cannot be duplicated arbitrarily.

    • Ownership: Each resource has a designated owner.

    • Linearity: Resources cannot be copied; they must be explicitly 'moved' through a transaction.

  • Benefits: This model enforces asset integrity and provides strong safeguards against accidental loss or duplication of tokens, a core necessity in blockchain settings.

2. First-Class Resources

  • Flexibility: Resources are fully fledged objects. They can be stored within data structures, passed as arguments to functions, and returned from functions.

  • Benefits: This enables sophisticated asset representations and transaction logic tailored to specific applications within decentralized finance, NFTs, and more.

3. Safety and Verifiability

  • Bytecode Verifier: Before on-chain deployment, Move features a strict bytecode verifier analyzing smart contracts to ensure adherence to resource usage rules and other safety guarantees.

  • Formal Verification: The language supports techniques allowing rigorous mathematical proofs to establish that code works as intended, particularly in matters of asset management.

  • Benefits: This helps prevent catastrophic bugs or exploits leading to loss of funds – paramount in high-value blockchains.

4. Modularity

  • Module System: Move code is grouped into modules. Modules contain resource definitions, functions, and other logic.

  • Benefits: Promotes organized code architecture, code reuse, and easier modification by separating concerns.

5. Expressiveness

  • Beyond Simple Transfers: Move isn't confined to basic 'coin transfers.' Developers can define elaborate custom transaction logic within their modules.

  • Benefits: Enables complex smart contracts governing various use cases such as voting systems, financial derivatives, or unique game mechanics.

Why Use Move?

table listing features of move programming language
  1. Enforced Asset Security: Move's resource-oriented model, emphasizing scarcity, ownership, and linearity, prevents common problems that threaten assets:

    • No Accidental Duplication: Resources can't be copied. If ownership is transferred, the previous owner no longer has the asset, minimizing potential for double-spending attacks.

    • Clear Ownership Rules: Move enforces resource access based on ownership, deterring unauthorized manipulation.

    • Protection from Accidental "Deletion": Resources persist until explicitly discarded, reducing the risk of assets being inadvertently lost.

  2. Formal Verification Support: Move is designed to support mathematically rigorous proofs about code. This is ideal for high-stakes smart contracts:

    • Property Verification: Prove that essential conditions like "total token supply cannot increase" always hold true.

    • Vulnerability Prevention: Verification during development reduces exploits that could lead to costly losses.

  3. Customizable Logic & Asset Types

    • Unique Resources: Developers can define resource types to represent tokens, NFTs, complex data structures, and more. This facilitates tailored asset behavior.

    • Rich Transactions: Go beyond simple transfers. Build logic for lending/borrowing mechanics, auctions, or complex asset interactions within transactions.

  4. Designed for Blockchains:  Move aligns with the fundamental goals of trustworthy blockchain applications:

    • Auditability: Move encourages clear asset-handling logic, aiding in understanding and potentially auditing smart contracts.

    • Performance Considerations: Designed to be efficiently compiled and executed for the demands of a busy blockchain environment.

  5. A Growing Ecosystem: While still relatively young, Move is:

    • Backed by Leading Projects: Its adoption by Sui, Aptos, and others increases community support and resources.

    • Attracting Developers: Safety focus appeals to those seeking to build dependable Web3 applications.

Getting Started with Move

Getting hands-on with Move is the best way to understand its unique approach to smart contract development. To begin your journey, you'll need a few key tools and a foundation in the basic concepts. In this section, we'll walk you through the initial setup and explore how to write your first Move module.

1. Install the Move Compiler

2. Create Your First Move Module:

  • Using a text editor, create a file with the extension .move. Here's a simple example:

Code snippet
module MyModule {

    struct MyCoin has store { value: u64 }

    public fun mint(amount: u64): MyCoin {

        MyCoin { value: amount }



In this example, we define a resource struct MyCoin with a store ability (meaning it can be stored in accounts) and a value field. We also have a mint function that creates new MyCoin resources.

3. Compile the Module:

Using the Move compiler, run the following command (adjusting the file path accordingly):

move compile --path <path_to_your_module>

4. Deploy and Execute (on a compatible blockchain):

  • Select a blockchain that supports Move. Aptos and Sui are currently prominent examples. Follow their documentation on how to deploy and execute Move contracts.

Prominent Blockchains using Move

1. Sui

Sui is a highly anticipated Layer 1 blockchain specifically designed to leverage the strengths of Move. It aims to deliver unprecedented scalability and low transaction costs through its object-centric data model and parallel transaction execution. Sui is poised to power large-scale decentralized applications (dApps) like those in DeFi, gaming, and social media.

  • Reasons for Using Move:

    • Object-centric Model: Sui's data model treats every asset (transaction, wallet,smart contract) as an object. This aligns with Move's resource-oriented design,simplifying asset tracking and state management.

    • Parallel Execution: Sui achieves scalability by using Move's expressiveness to define transactions that DON'T have shared dependencies. These can be executed simultaneously, greatly enhancing throughput.

    • Causal Ordering: Sui applies "causal ordering" where certain transactions can skip full consensus, further reducing latency. This relies on Move's resource types to determine dependencies.

  • Improvements to Blockchain:

    • High Throughput: Sui's Move-driven optimizations potentially allow it to outpace older blockchains in transactions-per-second (TPS).

    • Low Cost: Its scalability is intended to result in low fees per transaction,attracting diverse use cases.

    • Developer Friendliness Move's structure can enhance code maintenance and security compared to some other smart contract languages

2. Aptos

Developed by former Meta (Diem) engineers, Aptos emphasizes scalability, safety, and flexibility. It also aims to optimize transaction processing to lower costs and provide a smoother user experience. Like Sui, Aptos is attracting diverse decentralized applications.

  • Reasons for Using Move:

    • Safety and Verification: Aptos inherits Diem's (now Meta) focus on security.Move facilitates formal verification, bolstering code correctness and asset safety.

    • Flexibility: The resource model enables the design of customized asset types and transactions specific to various use cases.

    • Developer Tools: Move offers tooling designed to streamline development and testing processes.

  • Improvements to Blockchain:

    • Reliability: Emphasis on verification and security in Move lowers the risk of costly exploits common in some smart contract platforms.

    • Performance: Aptos uses Move along with parallel execution (inspired by Diem's Block-STM engine) for potentially rapid transaction speeds.

    • Upgradeability: Aptos' design prioritizes upgrades on-chain without forks,supported by Move's modularity, leading to easier evolution.


Move represents an exciting evolution in smart contract development. Its blend of safety, flexibility, and blockchain-centric design holds immense promise for the decentralized applications of tomorrow.  If you seek to create highly secure and adaptable smart contracts within the Web3 space, Move is a language worthy of serious exploration.

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