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Solidity Testing: 6 captivating reasons why you need to test smart contracts before deploying them

Solidity Testing: 6 captivating reasons why you need to test smart contracts before deploying them

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Jul 25, 2023

Jul 25, 2023

Solidity testing is a critical step to observe during the development of smart contracts. Multiple tools exist to help you test your smart contracts before deployment. Remember, once you introduce your smart contract to the blockchain environment, it’s impossible to modify them. So, Solidity testing must be conducted vigorously before implementing the agreements into the Ethereum platform. Here, we explore the key reasons why smart contract testing is vital.

Why Solidity testing for smart contracts is essential

Here are the key reasons why testing solidity contracts is critical in your smart contract development:

Digital agreements are high-value assets

Innovative agreements frequently hold assets with high value. Some assets the contracts carry include decentralized finance (DeFi) and NFTs. Thus, minor errors can expose these assets, leading to enormous and irreparable losses for customers. So, testing solidity smart contracts can help discover bugs and eliminate them before deploying the application.

Digital agreements are immutable.

The digital agreements you introduce in the EVM are immutable. So, once you deploy them in the blockchain environment, it’s impossible to modify them. Therefore, Solidity testing becomes a critical phase when developing your agreements.

While you can consider upgrades in exceptional cases, upgradeability for virtual contracts comes with multiple challenges. Besides lowering irreversibility and attracting complexity, upgrades require complicated admin procedures. So, it’s vital to give upgrades a wide berth and use them as a last resort. The best way to discover vulnerabilities is by testing smart contracts before deployment.

You can use various techniques, such as smart contract penetration testing, to discover vulnerabilities and flaws in your contract.

Validation of behavior

Solidity testing helps developers to confirm behaviors within the agreements. The evaluation assures that the contracts operate in the way you want. If the contracts are not behaving as expected, you rework them and rectify anomalies.

Removal of side effects

When creating smart contracts, the latest added code might occasionally introduce harmful effects on the previous development. Luckily, pentesting smart contracts help to verify that you haven’t harmed any previous functionalities.

Provision of high-quality product

Solidity testing ensures that you provide high-quality services to your users. They enhance end-user experience and create an excellent impression of your brand. Smart contract testing removes imperfections that would lead to financial loss.

Testing solidity contracts saves time.

If a random error occurs, debugging helps you exclude multiple causes. You can perform Solidity testing to aid you in reproducing the error. Therefore, development work resumes quickly after fixing the problem.

Types of smart contract testing

There are multiple smart contract tests. However, one can subdivide the tests into two broad categories: automated Solidity testing and manual testing.

Automated testing

This form of Solidity testing entails using automated technologies to conduct the evaluation. The method depends on software tools you use that systematically evaluate anomalies in the agreements. Automated Solidity testing is cost-effective and covers a broader area than manual testing. Here are the main types of automated smart contract testing:

Functional smart contract testing

This evaluation confirms the functionality of a digital agreement. It helps to check whether each function in the intelligent contract performs as intended. For successful performance of the test, developers should understand how the agreements work in specific situations. Functional testing has three areas: unit, integration, and system testing.

  • Unit testing: these are simple Solidity testing techniques that confirm the behavior or elements within the computer code. You can perform the test quickly and discover errors when the assessment fails.

  • Integration testing: It ranks higher than unit testing and entails evaluating various components of a digital contract. Testing solidity contracts via the integration technique help to discover mistakes that might arise when multiple elements of a contract interact.

  • System testing: it’s the final step of unit testing that assesses the smart contract as a complete integrated solution. The test verifies if the product works as specified.

Static/dynamic testing

These two tests help to assess the security aspects of your smart contracts. But the two methods of smart contract penetration testing apply diverse ways to discover errors in the agreement code.

  • Static assessment: testers evaluate the source code before deployment when testing solidity smart contracts via static technique.

  • Dynamic examination: in dynamic testing, you introduce the contract in a runtime setting to discover problems with the code. At this point, testers evaluate agreement performances during deployment and produce a comprehensive report of flaws found.

Manual testing

This is human-facilitated testing that has a person introduce various evaluation steps. An example of manual evaluation entails code audits with auditors to evaluate each line of code agreement. Here are the main types of manual Solidity testing:

  • Code audits: audits in testing smart contracts entails an in-depth assessment of a digital agreement’s original code to identify possible vulnerabilities. The procedure needs an attacker approach to identify likely attack paths.

  • Bug bounties: in this technique, you give a monetary prize to individuals who discover bugs in your contract’s source code.

Tools for testing smart contracts

The effectiveness of your testing your smart contracts depends on the tools you’re using. Here are the primary tools to use in pentesting smart contracts:


It’s a python model for creating digital contracts. Python is a popular choice for many developers because of its straightforward syntax. Furthermore, the testing tool has two compelling models: pytest and hypothesis, which provide rare capabilities for testing agreements.


It’s a simple local blockchain for evaluation and development. It helps to simulate a decentralized environment and assess your smart contracts.

Remix Tests

It’s a program for evaluating Solidity digital agreements. It functions under the Remix IDE plugin, which helps craft and operate evaluation cases for contracts.

Truffle suite

The tool has an automated evaluation framework to simplify the testing process.


Smart contracts are an essential component of your blockchain business. When developing the contracts, testing them to confirm that they meet your objectives is critical. As elaborated above, digital agreement testing is crucial for different reasons. For example, the contracts carry high-value assets, so it’s essential to ensure they’re not vulnerable.

Solidity testing is a critical step to observe during the development of smart contracts. Multiple tools exist to help you test your smart contracts before deployment. Remember, once you introduce your smart contract to the blockchain environment, it’s impossible to modify them. So, Solidity testing must be conducted vigorously before implementing the agreements into the Ethereum platform. Here, we explore the key reasons why smart contract testing is vital.

Why Solidity testing for smart contracts is essential

Here are the key reasons why testing solidity contracts is critical in your smart contract development:

Digital agreements are high-value assets

Innovative agreements frequently hold assets with high value. Some assets the contracts carry include decentralized finance (DeFi) and NFTs. Thus, minor errors can expose these assets, leading to enormous and irreparable losses for customers. So, testing solidity smart contracts can help discover bugs and eliminate them before deploying the application.

Digital agreements are immutable.

The digital agreements you introduce in the EVM are immutable. So, once you deploy them in the blockchain environment, it’s impossible to modify them. Therefore, Solidity testing becomes a critical phase when developing your agreements.

While you can consider upgrades in exceptional cases, upgradeability for virtual contracts comes with multiple challenges. Besides lowering irreversibility and attracting complexity, upgrades require complicated admin procedures. So, it’s vital to give upgrades a wide berth and use them as a last resort. The best way to discover vulnerabilities is by testing smart contracts before deployment.

You can use various techniques, such as smart contract penetration testing, to discover vulnerabilities and flaws in your contract.

Validation of behavior

Solidity testing helps developers to confirm behaviors within the agreements. The evaluation assures that the contracts operate in the way you want. If the contracts are not behaving as expected, you rework them and rectify anomalies.

Removal of side effects

When creating smart contracts, the latest added code might occasionally introduce harmful effects on the previous development. Luckily, pentesting smart contracts help to verify that you haven’t harmed any previous functionalities.

Provision of high-quality product

Solidity testing ensures that you provide high-quality services to your users. They enhance end-user experience and create an excellent impression of your brand. Smart contract testing removes imperfections that would lead to financial loss.

Testing solidity contracts saves time.

If a random error occurs, debugging helps you exclude multiple causes. You can perform Solidity testing to aid you in reproducing the error. Therefore, development work resumes quickly after fixing the problem.

Types of smart contract testing

There are multiple smart contract tests. However, one can subdivide the tests into two broad categories: automated Solidity testing and manual testing.

Automated testing

This form of Solidity testing entails using automated technologies to conduct the evaluation. The method depends on software tools you use that systematically evaluate anomalies in the agreements. Automated Solidity testing is cost-effective and covers a broader area than manual testing. Here are the main types of automated smart contract testing:

Functional smart contract testing

This evaluation confirms the functionality of a digital agreement. It helps to check whether each function in the intelligent contract performs as intended. For successful performance of the test, developers should understand how the agreements work in specific situations. Functional testing has three areas: unit, integration, and system testing.

  • Unit testing: these are simple Solidity testing techniques that confirm the behavior or elements within the computer code. You can perform the test quickly and discover errors when the assessment fails.

  • Integration testing: It ranks higher than unit testing and entails evaluating various components of a digital contract. Testing solidity contracts via the integration technique help to discover mistakes that might arise when multiple elements of a contract interact.

  • System testing: it’s the final step of unit testing that assesses the smart contract as a complete integrated solution. The test verifies if the product works as specified.

Static/dynamic testing

These two tests help to assess the security aspects of your smart contracts. But the two methods of smart contract penetration testing apply diverse ways to discover errors in the agreement code.

  • Static assessment: testers evaluate the source code before deployment when testing solidity smart contracts via static technique.

  • Dynamic examination: in dynamic testing, you introduce the contract in a runtime setting to discover problems with the code. At this point, testers evaluate agreement performances during deployment and produce a comprehensive report of flaws found.

Manual testing

This is human-facilitated testing that has a person introduce various evaluation steps. An example of manual evaluation entails code audits with auditors to evaluate each line of code agreement. Here are the main types of manual Solidity testing:

  • Code audits: audits in testing smart contracts entails an in-depth assessment of a digital agreement’s original code to identify possible vulnerabilities. The procedure needs an attacker approach to identify likely attack paths.

  • Bug bounties: in this technique, you give a monetary prize to individuals who discover bugs in your contract’s source code.

Tools for testing smart contracts

The effectiveness of your testing your smart contracts depends on the tools you’re using. Here are the primary tools to use in pentesting smart contracts:


It’s a python model for creating digital contracts. Python is a popular choice for many developers because of its straightforward syntax. Furthermore, the testing tool has two compelling models: pytest and hypothesis, which provide rare capabilities for testing agreements.


It’s a simple local blockchain for evaluation and development. It helps to simulate a decentralized environment and assess your smart contracts.

Remix Tests

It’s a program for evaluating Solidity digital agreements. It functions under the Remix IDE plugin, which helps craft and operate evaluation cases for contracts.

Truffle suite

The tool has an automated evaluation framework to simplify the testing process.


Smart contracts are an essential component of your blockchain business. When developing the contracts, testing them to confirm that they meet your objectives is critical. As elaborated above, digital agreement testing is crucial for different reasons. For example, the contracts carry high-value assets, so it’s essential to ensure they’re not vulnerable.

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