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Avalanche Private Subnets: Your Enterprise Blockchain Solution

Avalanche Private Subnets: Your Enterprise Blockchain Solution

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May 17, 2024

May 17, 2024

Avalanche Private Subnets: Your Enterprise Blockchain Solution
Avalanche Private Subnets: Your Enterprise Blockchain Solution
Avalanche Private Subnets: Your Enterprise Blockchain Solution

Key Takeaways:

  • Private subnets on Avalanche let a company customize its own blockchain, rather than sharing a crowded public one.

  • These are great for tracking products, financial transactions that need to follow rules, and other important business stuff.

Imagine a large corporation with offices spread across the globe, each trying to communicate and share information on a slow, unreliable network. Messages get lost, protocols clash, and inefficiencies abound, leading to frustration and delays. Now, imagine if that corporation could build its own private network, tailored specifically to its needs, with lightning-fast communication and customized rules. That's precisely what a private subnet on Avalanche offers.

Just like a private network within a corporation, a private subnet on Avalanche is a dedicated blockchain environment with its own rules, validators, and token economy. This allows businesses to create a secure and efficient space for their specific applications and data, without the congestion and limitations of the main Avalanche network. It's like having your own private lane on the blockchain highway, ensuring smooth and rapid communication between your applications, while maintaining security and control.

What are Blockchains, Avalanche, and Private Subnets?

Blockchain: A kind of shared database that's very hard to cheat. Used to track who owns what, digital money, etc.

  • Unbreakable record: Imagine a notebook where multiple people keep copies, and you can only ever add new pages and never erase old entries. That makes it tough to fake transactions or change the past.

  • What it does: Perfect for storing records about ownership (like cryptocurrency, those unique digital artworks called NFTs), or even things like votes where transparency is essential.

Avalanche: A blockchain designed to be really fast, and let people build custom blockchains on top of it.

  • Built for speed: Think of it like a superhighway for blockchain information. Lots of cars (transactions) can move quickly without jamming things up.

  • Customization central: Avalanche is more than just about fast transactions. it's also a foundation for building your own mini-blockchains tailored for specific purposes

Subnet: A smaller blockchain within Avalanche. It has its own rules and way of working.

  • Neighborhoods within a city: Imagine a city (Avalanche) where different neighborhoods can make their own local laws. Subnets are like those neighborhoods - they still benefit from being part of the bigger network, but can customize the details.

Table of comparison:

Table of comparison:


  • Private Subnets offer superior privacy and customization compared to public blockchains.

  • They provide a balance of scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness.

  • They are ideal for enterprise applications and use cases where privacy and compliance are crucial.

  • They seamlessly integrate with the broader Avalanche ecosystem, offering the best of both worlds: privacy and interoperability.

Why Businesses are Choosing Private Subnets

Private subnets on Avalanche are revolutionizing how businesses leverage blockchain technology. Here's why they are becoming a game-changer for enterprises across various industries:

  1. Unparalleled Control and Customization

Unlike public blockchains, private subnets grant businesses complete autonomy. You have the power to:

  • Set Access Permissions: Determine who can participate in the network, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data and transactions.

  • Customize Rules and Parameters: Tailor the subnet's consensus mechanism, transaction fees, and other operational aspects to meet your specific business requirements.

  • Create a Bespoke Environment: Design a blockchain environment that perfectly aligns with your company's unique needs and use cases.

  1. Regulatory Compliance Made Easy

For industries with stringent regulatory requirements, like finance and healthcare, private subnets offer a solution that can be tailored to adhere to specific regulations. By controlling access and data visibility, businesses can ensure compliance while still enjoying the benefits of blockchain technology.

  1. Fortress-like Data Security

Private subnets provide a secure and isolated environment for sensitive data. By restricting access to authorized participants, businesses can safeguard confidential information from unauthorized access and potential breaches, mitigating risks and building trust with customers and partners.

  1. Scalability That Grows with Your Business

Avalanche's scalable infrastructure ensures that your private subnet can handle increasing transaction volumes and growing demands as your business expands. This eliminates the concerns of network congestion and slow transaction speeds that can hinder the adoption of public blockchains for enterprise applications.

  1. The Best of Both Worlds: Privacy and Interoperability

While private subnets offer enhanced privacy, they are not isolated from the broader Avalanche ecosystem. They can seamlessly interact with other subnets and the main Avalanche network, allowing for cross-subnet communication and asset transfer. This provides the benefits of both privacy and interoperability, making private subnets a versatile solution for a wide range of business applications.

Private Subnets: A step-by-step Guide

1. Tracking Stuff in a Supply Chain

See where all your products came from, where they are now, who handled them – great for trust and safety.

  • Know your coffee beans: Imagine buying a bag of fair-trade coffee. A supply chain on a private subnet could prove its origins, how it was transported, even the working conditions of the farmers – impossible with traditional systems.

  • Stopping fakes: Think about high-value items like designer handbags or medicine. A blockchain-based supply chain makes it harder for fakes to sneak in and ensures you're getting what you paid for.

2. Faster Money Flow

Moving money, especially across borders, can be slow. Private subnets can speed things up and lower risks.

  • Business without borders: Explain how traditional international payments involve multiple banks and take days. A private subnet shared by trusted partners can streamline the process, getting money where it needs to go far faster.

  • Less risk: Highlight how blockchains reduce the need for intermediaries, decreasing the possibility of errors and improving security, ultimately lowering costs.

3. Private and Secure Financial Tools (DeFi)

Build your own trading and lending platforms that can follow all those complicated finance regulations.

  • Tailored for your needs: Traditional DeFi platforms are often open to everyone, which can pose problems when dealing with regulations. A private subnet lets a company launch its own DeFi services designed to meet compliance requirements.

  • Example: A private subnet might be used for a platform trading specific types of securities, only accessible to accredited investors, with built-in features for ensuring compliance.

4. Managing IDs

 If you deal with private info (like healthcare), a private subnet can keep it safe and still be easy to access the right way.

  • Patient privacy: Explain how healthcare records are highly sensitive. A private subnet provides a secure way to store them, giving authorized doctors and patients access while reducing the risk of leaks.

  • Beyond just hospitals Imagine a private subnet for managing ID verification that a government or bank could use, with strict controls in place to prevent unauthorized access.

Partnering with TokenMinds

TokenMinds, with its extensive experience in blockchain development and deep understanding of the Avalanche ecosystem, is uniquely positioned to help you unlock the full potential of private subnets. Our team of experts can guide you through every step of the process, from conceptualization and design to implementation and deployment.

  • We Know Avalanche: We've built on this blockchain before, so we get how to use subnets the right way.

  • Business First: We make sure the blockchain solves a real problem for your company, not just fancy tech for the sake of it.

  • Easy to Use: No one will want to use your solution if it's confusing. We make sure it's a good experience for everyone.


Businesses assessing private subnets often have important questions. Let's tackle a few common ones:

  • Q: Are private subnets expensive to run?

  • A: There are costs involved in setting up and maintaining a private subnet, specifically the need for validators. However, costs will vary based on the subnet's complexity and activity level.

  • Q: Do I need a whole blockchain team to use a private subnet?

  • A: While some blockchain expertise is needed, services exist to manage validator infrastructure and development tools like Subnet-EVM simplify things. The level of in-house expertise you need depends on how custom your subnet must be.

  • Q: Can a private subnet connect to the outside world?

  • A: Yes! A key benefit is that private subnets can interact with the main Avalanche blockchain and even other blockchains, enabling secure data exchange and communication with external systems.

  • Q: How long does it take to build a private subnet?

  • A: This varies based on complexity. Subnet-EVM can get a basic subnet up quickly. If you need unique features, development time goes up, but still tends to be faster than building a whole blockchain from scratch.


Avalanche private subnets offer a powerful tool for enterprises seeking to harness the benefits of blockchain technology within a secure and controlled environment. Their ability to facilitate seamless supply chain management, accelerate trade finance processes, support the development of compliant DeFi applications, and enhance identity management positions them as a transformative force for enterprises across numerous industries.

Key Takeaways:

  • Private subnets on Avalanche let a company customize its own blockchain, rather than sharing a crowded public one.

  • These are great for tracking products, financial transactions that need to follow rules, and other important business stuff.

Imagine a large corporation with offices spread across the globe, each trying to communicate and share information on a slow, unreliable network. Messages get lost, protocols clash, and inefficiencies abound, leading to frustration and delays. Now, imagine if that corporation could build its own private network, tailored specifically to its needs, with lightning-fast communication and customized rules. That's precisely what a private subnet on Avalanche offers.

Just like a private network within a corporation, a private subnet on Avalanche is a dedicated blockchain environment with its own rules, validators, and token economy. This allows businesses to create a secure and efficient space for their specific applications and data, without the congestion and limitations of the main Avalanche network. It's like having your own private lane on the blockchain highway, ensuring smooth and rapid communication between your applications, while maintaining security and control.

What are Blockchains, Avalanche, and Private Subnets?

Blockchain: A kind of shared database that's very hard to cheat. Used to track who owns what, digital money, etc.

  • Unbreakable record: Imagine a notebook where multiple people keep copies, and you can only ever add new pages and never erase old entries. That makes it tough to fake transactions or change the past.

  • What it does: Perfect for storing records about ownership (like cryptocurrency, those unique digital artworks called NFTs), or even things like votes where transparency is essential.

Avalanche: A blockchain designed to be really fast, and let people build custom blockchains on top of it.

  • Built for speed: Think of it like a superhighway for blockchain information. Lots of cars (transactions) can move quickly without jamming things up.

  • Customization central: Avalanche is more than just about fast transactions. it's also a foundation for building your own mini-blockchains tailored for specific purposes

Subnet: A smaller blockchain within Avalanche. It has its own rules and way of working.

  • Neighborhoods within a city: Imagine a city (Avalanche) where different neighborhoods can make their own local laws. Subnets are like those neighborhoods - they still benefit from being part of the bigger network, but can customize the details.

Table of comparison:

Table of comparison:


  • Private Subnets offer superior privacy and customization compared to public blockchains.

  • They provide a balance of scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness.

  • They are ideal for enterprise applications and use cases where privacy and compliance are crucial.

  • They seamlessly integrate with the broader Avalanche ecosystem, offering the best of both worlds: privacy and interoperability.

Why Businesses are Choosing Private Subnets

Private subnets on Avalanche are revolutionizing how businesses leverage blockchain technology. Here's why they are becoming a game-changer for enterprises across various industries:

  1. Unparalleled Control and Customization

Unlike public blockchains, private subnets grant businesses complete autonomy. You have the power to:

  • Set Access Permissions: Determine who can participate in the network, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data and transactions.

  • Customize Rules and Parameters: Tailor the subnet's consensus mechanism, transaction fees, and other operational aspects to meet your specific business requirements.

  • Create a Bespoke Environment: Design a blockchain environment that perfectly aligns with your company's unique needs and use cases.

  1. Regulatory Compliance Made Easy

For industries with stringent regulatory requirements, like finance and healthcare, private subnets offer a solution that can be tailored to adhere to specific regulations. By controlling access and data visibility, businesses can ensure compliance while still enjoying the benefits of blockchain technology.

  1. Fortress-like Data Security

Private subnets provide a secure and isolated environment for sensitive data. By restricting access to authorized participants, businesses can safeguard confidential information from unauthorized access and potential breaches, mitigating risks and building trust with customers and partners.

  1. Scalability That Grows with Your Business

Avalanche's scalable infrastructure ensures that your private subnet can handle increasing transaction volumes and growing demands as your business expands. This eliminates the concerns of network congestion and slow transaction speeds that can hinder the adoption of public blockchains for enterprise applications.

  1. The Best of Both Worlds: Privacy and Interoperability

While private subnets offer enhanced privacy, they are not isolated from the broader Avalanche ecosystem. They can seamlessly interact with other subnets and the main Avalanche network, allowing for cross-subnet communication and asset transfer. This provides the benefits of both privacy and interoperability, making private subnets a versatile solution for a wide range of business applications.

Private Subnets: A step-by-step Guide

1. Tracking Stuff in a Supply Chain

See where all your products came from, where they are now, who handled them – great for trust and safety.

  • Know your coffee beans: Imagine buying a bag of fair-trade coffee. A supply chain on a private subnet could prove its origins, how it was transported, even the working conditions of the farmers – impossible with traditional systems.

  • Stopping fakes: Think about high-value items like designer handbags or medicine. A blockchain-based supply chain makes it harder for fakes to sneak in and ensures you're getting what you paid for.

2. Faster Money Flow

Moving money, especially across borders, can be slow. Private subnets can speed things up and lower risks.

  • Business without borders: Explain how traditional international payments involve multiple banks and take days. A private subnet shared by trusted partners can streamline the process, getting money where it needs to go far faster.

  • Less risk: Highlight how blockchains reduce the need for intermediaries, decreasing the possibility of errors and improving security, ultimately lowering costs.

3. Private and Secure Financial Tools (DeFi)

Build your own trading and lending platforms that can follow all those complicated finance regulations.

  • Tailored for your needs: Traditional DeFi platforms are often open to everyone, which can pose problems when dealing with regulations. A private subnet lets a company launch its own DeFi services designed to meet compliance requirements.

  • Example: A private subnet might be used for a platform trading specific types of securities, only accessible to accredited investors, with built-in features for ensuring compliance.

4. Managing IDs

 If you deal with private info (like healthcare), a private subnet can keep it safe and still be easy to access the right way.

  • Patient privacy: Explain how healthcare records are highly sensitive. A private subnet provides a secure way to store them, giving authorized doctors and patients access while reducing the risk of leaks.

  • Beyond just hospitals Imagine a private subnet for managing ID verification that a government or bank could use, with strict controls in place to prevent unauthorized access.

Partnering with TokenMinds

TokenMinds, with its extensive experience in blockchain development and deep understanding of the Avalanche ecosystem, is uniquely positioned to help you unlock the full potential of private subnets. Our team of experts can guide you through every step of the process, from conceptualization and design to implementation and deployment.

  • We Know Avalanche: We've built on this blockchain before, so we get how to use subnets the right way.

  • Business First: We make sure the blockchain solves a real problem for your company, not just fancy tech for the sake of it.

  • Easy to Use: No one will want to use your solution if it's confusing. We make sure it's a good experience for everyone.


Businesses assessing private subnets often have important questions. Let's tackle a few common ones:

  • Q: Are private subnets expensive to run?

  • A: There are costs involved in setting up and maintaining a private subnet, specifically the need for validators. However, costs will vary based on the subnet's complexity and activity level.

  • Q: Do I need a whole blockchain team to use a private subnet?

  • A: While some blockchain expertise is needed, services exist to manage validator infrastructure and development tools like Subnet-EVM simplify things. The level of in-house expertise you need depends on how custom your subnet must be.

  • Q: Can a private subnet connect to the outside world?

  • A: Yes! A key benefit is that private subnets can interact with the main Avalanche blockchain and even other blockchains, enabling secure data exchange and communication with external systems.

  • Q: How long does it take to build a private subnet?

  • A: This varies based on complexity. Subnet-EVM can get a basic subnet up quickly. If you need unique features, development time goes up, but still tends to be faster than building a whole blockchain from scratch.


Avalanche private subnets offer a powerful tool for enterprises seeking to harness the benefits of blockchain technology within a secure and controlled environment. Their ability to facilitate seamless supply chain management, accelerate trade finance processes, support the development of compliant DeFi applications, and enhance identity management positions them as a transformative force for enterprises across numerous industries.

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