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Web3 Social for Activism: Organizing and Fundraising in a New Way

Web3 Social for Activism: Organizing and Fundraising in a New Way

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Apr 25, 2024

Apr 25, 2024

Web3 Social for Activism: Organizing and Fundraising in a New Way
Web3 Social for Activism: Organizing and Fundraising in a New Way
Web3 Social for Activism: Organizing and Fundraising in a New Way

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 platforms address limitations of traditional social media, offering activists greater control, security, and fundraising transparency.

  • Partnering with Web3 specialists like TokenMinds helps activists navigate the technical landscape and maximize the impact of their Web3 strategies.

Do you want to help change the world for the better? Web3 gives you powerful new tools to speak out about the things you care about. It offers a way to connect with others who share your goals, plan events, raise money, and make your voice heard – all in a fairer and safer way than before.

Challenges of Using Web2 for Activism

The internet is a great way to spread ideas and organize for change, but the way it's set up right now can sometimes make things harder for activists. Here's why:

1. Censorship Issues

  • Taking Things Down: If a big social media company doesn't like something you post, they can delete it or even block your whole page. This makes it hard to spread important messages.

  • The Secret Rules: These companies have hidden rules about what kinds of posts most people will see. These rules keep changing, making it tricky for activists to know their message is getting out there.

2. Hard to Organize Across the World

  • Different Rules in Different Places: Each country might have its own rules about the internet. This makes it hard for activists in different places to work together easily.

  • Feeling Watched: Sometimes, governments or others keep an eye on what people do online. This can make activists afraid to discuss important things or plan actions, especially if they live in a place where people can get in trouble for speaking out.

3. Fundraising Troubles

  • Taking a Cut: Websites that help raise money often charge fees, meaning less money goes to the actual cause.

  • Not So Clear: Sometimes it's hard for people who donate to know exactly how their money is being used. This can make them less likely to give.

  • Money Roadblocks: Banks or online payment systems might stop people from donating to certain causes, especially if they seem controversial or involve sending money to other countries.

4. Things Can Break Easily

  • Pressure From Others: Big companies sometimes give in to powerful groups who want to silence activists. This can mean important pages get deleted or whole communities disappear.

  • Hackers: Because everything is controlled by a few companies, it's easier for bad actors to hack in and cause problems for activists.

5. You Don't Really Own Your Stuff

  • It's Their Rules: Everything you post, even your list of followers, actually belongs to the social media company. They can change the rules or even delete your account at any time.

  • All About You: These companies collect a lot of information about the people who use their sites. This info can be used in ways activists might not like.

Why Web3?

Web3 is the future of the internet. It's about taking power away from a few big companies and giving it back to everyone. Here's how it works:

  • Blockchain: Imagine a giant notebook that can't be erased and is shared by everyone on Web3. It's perfect for recording things like who supports a cause, how much money has been donated, and important promises.

  • Cryptocurrency: Internet Money Instead of regular dollars or coins, Web3 often uses special internet money called cryptocurrency. It makes online payments easy and lets you directly support the projects you care about.

  • Decentralized Platforms: Communities in Charge These are like online meeting places, but instead of one company being the boss, the whole community of users makes the decisions. This gives people more control.

How Web3 Can Supercharge Activism

Imagine the internet, but with some important upgrades that help people who want to make the world a better place. That's what Web3 promises, and here's how it works:

1. Finding Your Teammates

Web3 is all about building online communities around things people care about. Say you're passionate about saving animals – Web3 makes it easier to find like-minded people, even if they live far away, and work together on projects.

2. Planning Without Limits

Web3 has special tools created just for activists! These tools make it easier to:

  • Spread important information that big social media companies might try to hide.

  • Plan events, even protests, in a way that's harder to disrupt.

  • Coordinate with fellow activists who live in different countries without worrying about each country's rules.

3. Fundraising Reimagined

Web3 uses a special kind of internet money called cryptocurrency. This, along with the trusty blockchain (that super notebook), makes donating easier and fairer:

  • See the Trail: Donations made with cryptocurrency are recorded on the blockchain. Think of it like a giant receipt everyone can see, making sure the money goes where it's supposed to.

  • Supporters From Anywhere: Web3 lets people donate from all over the world, helping important causes get the support they need.

4. Global Power

One of the best things about Web3 is that it doesn't care about borders. This means activists fighting for similar things, even if they live in different countries:

  • Share Ideas: Activists can learn from each other's successes and help brainstorm solutions.

  • Stand Together: It's harder to ignore a cause when it has strong support from all over the world!

5. Decentralization

Traditional websites and social media are controlled by big companies. But Web3 platforms are decentralized, meaning the community of users is in charge. This makes it much harder for anyone to shut down important discussions or block activists' work.

Types of Web3 Social Platforms for Activism

Think of Web3 as a special toolbox filled with tools that help people who want to make a difference in the world. These tools give activists superpowers, helping them connect, organize, raise money, and make their voices heard louder than ever before. Let's explore some of the most powerful tools in this kit:

1. Community Hubs

These are like online clubhouses where activists come together to discuss the things that matter to them and plan how to create change. Community hubs offer:

  • Safe Spaces for Discussion: Imagine a forum where you can talk about important issues without worrying that a big company will delete your posts. Web3 communities are designed for activists to share ideas freely.

  • Supercharged Organizing: These hubs often have tools to help with everything from:

    • Planning Events: Coordinate a protest even if your team is spread across different cities or countries.

    • Spreading the Word: Share information quickly and securely, reaching a wider audience than on traditional social media.

    • Task Management: Assign roles, track progress, and keep everyone on the same page.

2. Fundraising Powerhouses

These Web3 platforms make it easier than ever to collect donations for important causes and give supporters confidence that their money will make a difference.

  • Crystal-Clear Donations: Web3 uses cryptocurrency for secure online payments. Imagine every donation being recorded on a giant, unchangeable notebook (the blockchain) for everyone to see. That's how transparent Web3 fundraising can be!

  • Global Support: Web3 removes borders! Activists can receive donations from people who care about their cause all over the world.

  • Exciting Features: These platforms often have cool ways to incentivize giving, like:

    • Matching Gifts: Big donors sometimes promise to match the donations of others, doubling the impact!

    • Recurring Donations: Supporters can set up automatic donations, like a small amount each month, to provide a steady source of funding.

3. NFT Marketplaces

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) might seem like they're just for digital art, but they can be powerful tools for activism too! Here's how:

  • Badges of Honor: Imagine owning a unique NFT that proves you were one of the earliest supporters of a cause. It's like a digital medal showing your dedication!

  • Creative Fundraising: Activists can create special NFTs to sell on marketplaces. This can be:

    • Digital Art: Supporters purchase art that represents the cause.

    • Unique Experiences: Offer an NFT that grants access to an exclusive event or even a one-on-one chat with an important figure associated with the cause.

  • Community Builders: NFTs can create a sense of belonging. Owning a shared NFT makes supporters feel like part of a special team.

4. Special Purpose Tools

As Web3 grows, even more tools are being created for activists:

  • Voting Tools: Imagine your activist community being able to vote on important decisions securely, knowing the results can't be faked (thanks to the blockchain!).

  • Decentralized News: Platforms where activists can share stories and reports without fear of censorship by big media companies.

  • Reputation Systems: A way to track who is a reliable source of information or a dedicated organizer, helping build trust within activist communities.

Recommended Tools:

Getting Started with Web3 Activism

If you're passionate about a cause and want to use the power of Web3 to make a difference, here's a simple guide to get you going:

Step 1: Web3 101 – Learn the Basics

Before diving in, it's good to have a basic grasp of what makes Web3 different. Think of it like learning the rules of a new game:

  • The Blockchain: This is like a giant notebook shared by everyone on Web3. It's super secure and almost impossible to change, making it perfect for keeping track of things like donations or important decisions.

  • Cryptocurrencies: Instead of regular money, Web3 often uses special internet money called cryptocurrencies. This allows for fast, secure payments anywhere in the world.

  • Wallets: Just like you need a wallet for regular money, you'll need a digital wallet for cryptocurrency. This is a secure place to store your tokens or coins.

  • Decentralized: This means no single company or person is the boss. Web3 platforms are often run by their communities, giving users more control.

Step 2: Find Your Community

One of the most exciting things about Web3 is the amazing communities built around shared passions. Do some research to find platforms that align with the causes you care about. Here are some things to look out for:

  • Focus: Does the platform specialize in a certain type of activism (environmental, human rights, etc.) or is it more general?

  • Features: What tools does it offer? Discussion forums? Fundraising features? Voting systems? Make sure they fit your needs.

  • Reputation: Is the platform well-known and trusted? Look for reviews or news articles about it to get a sense of its track record.

Step 3: Get Comfortable with the Tech

Web3 tools are designed to be user-friendly, but a little prep goes a long way. Here's what to explore:

  • Setting Up Your Wallet: There are many types of crypto wallets. Research popular options and choose one that's secure and easy to understand.

  • Acquiring Cryptocurrency: If the platforms you want to use rely on crypto for donations or participation, you'll need to acquire some! Look for reputable exchanges.

  • Platform Tutorials: Most Web3 platforms have resources to help you get started. Don't be afraid to check out guides and ask for help within the community.

Step 4: Start Small and Stay Safe

It's always wise to dip your toes in before jumping into a new pool. Start by:

  • Observing: Join discussions on your chosen platform but don't feel pressured to speak up right away. Get a feel for how the community works.

  • Supporting: Can you donate a small amount to a project or help spread the word about a platform you believe in? Start with easy actions.

  • Protecting Yourself: Web3 is full of good people, but like anywhere online, there can be bad actors. Be cautious about sharing personal information and always research projects before getting involved.

Partner with TokenMinds

Think of TokenMinds as your expert helpers in the world of Web3. We know all about the special technology that can make your activism stronger. Most importantly, we care about making the world a better place, just like you. We'll learn all about the problems you're trying to solve. 

With TokenMinds on your team, you won't have to worry about the tricky tech stuff. We'll turn Web3 ideas into simple tools you can use. This lets you focus on what you do best – fighting for important causes! Together, we can use Web3 to make your community of supporters even bigger and your voice even louder.


The power of Web3 lies in the hands of people who care – people like you! If you're passionate about a cause, don't hesitate to dive into this new world. Learn about the platforms, join the communities, and discover how you can use Web3 to amplify your message and create meaningful change. Your actions, combined with the tools of Web3, can help shape a more just and equitable future.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 platforms address limitations of traditional social media, offering activists greater control, security, and fundraising transparency.

  • Partnering with Web3 specialists like TokenMinds helps activists navigate the technical landscape and maximize the impact of their Web3 strategies.

Do you want to help change the world for the better? Web3 gives you powerful new tools to speak out about the things you care about. It offers a way to connect with others who share your goals, plan events, raise money, and make your voice heard – all in a fairer and safer way than before.

Challenges of Using Web2 for Activism

The internet is a great way to spread ideas and organize for change, but the way it's set up right now can sometimes make things harder for activists. Here's why:

1. Censorship Issues

  • Taking Things Down: If a big social media company doesn't like something you post, they can delete it or even block your whole page. This makes it hard to spread important messages.

  • The Secret Rules: These companies have hidden rules about what kinds of posts most people will see. These rules keep changing, making it tricky for activists to know their message is getting out there.

2. Hard to Organize Across the World

  • Different Rules in Different Places: Each country might have its own rules about the internet. This makes it hard for activists in different places to work together easily.

  • Feeling Watched: Sometimes, governments or others keep an eye on what people do online. This can make activists afraid to discuss important things or plan actions, especially if they live in a place where people can get in trouble for speaking out.

3. Fundraising Troubles

  • Taking a Cut: Websites that help raise money often charge fees, meaning less money goes to the actual cause.

  • Not So Clear: Sometimes it's hard for people who donate to know exactly how their money is being used. This can make them less likely to give.

  • Money Roadblocks: Banks or online payment systems might stop people from donating to certain causes, especially if they seem controversial or involve sending money to other countries.

4. Things Can Break Easily

  • Pressure From Others: Big companies sometimes give in to powerful groups who want to silence activists. This can mean important pages get deleted or whole communities disappear.

  • Hackers: Because everything is controlled by a few companies, it's easier for bad actors to hack in and cause problems for activists.

5. You Don't Really Own Your Stuff

  • It's Their Rules: Everything you post, even your list of followers, actually belongs to the social media company. They can change the rules or even delete your account at any time.

  • All About You: These companies collect a lot of information about the people who use their sites. This info can be used in ways activists might not like.

Why Web3?

Web3 is the future of the internet. It's about taking power away from a few big companies and giving it back to everyone. Here's how it works:

  • Blockchain: Imagine a giant notebook that can't be erased and is shared by everyone on Web3. It's perfect for recording things like who supports a cause, how much money has been donated, and important promises.

  • Cryptocurrency: Internet Money Instead of regular dollars or coins, Web3 often uses special internet money called cryptocurrency. It makes online payments easy and lets you directly support the projects you care about.

  • Decentralized Platforms: Communities in Charge These are like online meeting places, but instead of one company being the boss, the whole community of users makes the decisions. This gives people more control.

How Web3 Can Supercharge Activism

Imagine the internet, but with some important upgrades that help people who want to make the world a better place. That's what Web3 promises, and here's how it works:

1. Finding Your Teammates

Web3 is all about building online communities around things people care about. Say you're passionate about saving animals – Web3 makes it easier to find like-minded people, even if they live far away, and work together on projects.

2. Planning Without Limits

Web3 has special tools created just for activists! These tools make it easier to:

  • Spread important information that big social media companies might try to hide.

  • Plan events, even protests, in a way that's harder to disrupt.

  • Coordinate with fellow activists who live in different countries without worrying about each country's rules.

3. Fundraising Reimagined

Web3 uses a special kind of internet money called cryptocurrency. This, along with the trusty blockchain (that super notebook), makes donating easier and fairer:

  • See the Trail: Donations made with cryptocurrency are recorded on the blockchain. Think of it like a giant receipt everyone can see, making sure the money goes where it's supposed to.

  • Supporters From Anywhere: Web3 lets people donate from all over the world, helping important causes get the support they need.

4. Global Power

One of the best things about Web3 is that it doesn't care about borders. This means activists fighting for similar things, even if they live in different countries:

  • Share Ideas: Activists can learn from each other's successes and help brainstorm solutions.

  • Stand Together: It's harder to ignore a cause when it has strong support from all over the world!

5. Decentralization

Traditional websites and social media are controlled by big companies. But Web3 platforms are decentralized, meaning the community of users is in charge. This makes it much harder for anyone to shut down important discussions or block activists' work.

Types of Web3 Social Platforms for Activism

Think of Web3 as a special toolbox filled with tools that help people who want to make a difference in the world. These tools give activists superpowers, helping them connect, organize, raise money, and make their voices heard louder than ever before. Let's explore some of the most powerful tools in this kit:

1. Community Hubs

These are like online clubhouses where activists come together to discuss the things that matter to them and plan how to create change. Community hubs offer:

  • Safe Spaces for Discussion: Imagine a forum where you can talk about important issues without worrying that a big company will delete your posts. Web3 communities are designed for activists to share ideas freely.

  • Supercharged Organizing: These hubs often have tools to help with everything from:

    • Planning Events: Coordinate a protest even if your team is spread across different cities or countries.

    • Spreading the Word: Share information quickly and securely, reaching a wider audience than on traditional social media.

    • Task Management: Assign roles, track progress, and keep everyone on the same page.

2. Fundraising Powerhouses

These Web3 platforms make it easier than ever to collect donations for important causes and give supporters confidence that their money will make a difference.

  • Crystal-Clear Donations: Web3 uses cryptocurrency for secure online payments. Imagine every donation being recorded on a giant, unchangeable notebook (the blockchain) for everyone to see. That's how transparent Web3 fundraising can be!

  • Global Support: Web3 removes borders! Activists can receive donations from people who care about their cause all over the world.

  • Exciting Features: These platforms often have cool ways to incentivize giving, like:

    • Matching Gifts: Big donors sometimes promise to match the donations of others, doubling the impact!

    • Recurring Donations: Supporters can set up automatic donations, like a small amount each month, to provide a steady source of funding.

3. NFT Marketplaces

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) might seem like they're just for digital art, but they can be powerful tools for activism too! Here's how:

  • Badges of Honor: Imagine owning a unique NFT that proves you were one of the earliest supporters of a cause. It's like a digital medal showing your dedication!

  • Creative Fundraising: Activists can create special NFTs to sell on marketplaces. This can be:

    • Digital Art: Supporters purchase art that represents the cause.

    • Unique Experiences: Offer an NFT that grants access to an exclusive event or even a one-on-one chat with an important figure associated with the cause.

  • Community Builders: NFTs can create a sense of belonging. Owning a shared NFT makes supporters feel like part of a special team.

4. Special Purpose Tools

As Web3 grows, even more tools are being created for activists:

  • Voting Tools: Imagine your activist community being able to vote on important decisions securely, knowing the results can't be faked (thanks to the blockchain!).

  • Decentralized News: Platforms where activists can share stories and reports without fear of censorship by big media companies.

  • Reputation Systems: A way to track who is a reliable source of information or a dedicated organizer, helping build trust within activist communities.

Recommended Tools:

Getting Started with Web3 Activism

If you're passionate about a cause and want to use the power of Web3 to make a difference, here's a simple guide to get you going:

Step 1: Web3 101 – Learn the Basics

Before diving in, it's good to have a basic grasp of what makes Web3 different. Think of it like learning the rules of a new game:

  • The Blockchain: This is like a giant notebook shared by everyone on Web3. It's super secure and almost impossible to change, making it perfect for keeping track of things like donations or important decisions.

  • Cryptocurrencies: Instead of regular money, Web3 often uses special internet money called cryptocurrencies. This allows for fast, secure payments anywhere in the world.

  • Wallets: Just like you need a wallet for regular money, you'll need a digital wallet for cryptocurrency. This is a secure place to store your tokens or coins.

  • Decentralized: This means no single company or person is the boss. Web3 platforms are often run by their communities, giving users more control.

Step 2: Find Your Community

One of the most exciting things about Web3 is the amazing communities built around shared passions. Do some research to find platforms that align with the causes you care about. Here are some things to look out for:

  • Focus: Does the platform specialize in a certain type of activism (environmental, human rights, etc.) or is it more general?

  • Features: What tools does it offer? Discussion forums? Fundraising features? Voting systems? Make sure they fit your needs.

  • Reputation: Is the platform well-known and trusted? Look for reviews or news articles about it to get a sense of its track record.

Step 3: Get Comfortable with the Tech

Web3 tools are designed to be user-friendly, but a little prep goes a long way. Here's what to explore:

  • Setting Up Your Wallet: There are many types of crypto wallets. Research popular options and choose one that's secure and easy to understand.

  • Acquiring Cryptocurrency: If the platforms you want to use rely on crypto for donations or participation, you'll need to acquire some! Look for reputable exchanges.

  • Platform Tutorials: Most Web3 platforms have resources to help you get started. Don't be afraid to check out guides and ask for help within the community.

Step 4: Start Small and Stay Safe

It's always wise to dip your toes in before jumping into a new pool. Start by:

  • Observing: Join discussions on your chosen platform but don't feel pressured to speak up right away. Get a feel for how the community works.

  • Supporting: Can you donate a small amount to a project or help spread the word about a platform you believe in? Start with easy actions.

  • Protecting Yourself: Web3 is full of good people, but like anywhere online, there can be bad actors. Be cautious about sharing personal information and always research projects before getting involved.

Partner with TokenMinds

Think of TokenMinds as your expert helpers in the world of Web3. We know all about the special technology that can make your activism stronger. Most importantly, we care about making the world a better place, just like you. We'll learn all about the problems you're trying to solve. 

With TokenMinds on your team, you won't have to worry about the tricky tech stuff. We'll turn Web3 ideas into simple tools you can use. This lets you focus on what you do best – fighting for important causes! Together, we can use Web3 to make your community of supporters even bigger and your voice even louder.


The power of Web3 lies in the hands of people who care – people like you! If you're passionate about a cause, don't hesitate to dive into this new world. Learn about the platforms, join the communities, and discover how you can use Web3 to amplify your message and create meaningful change. Your actions, combined with the tools of Web3, can help shape a more just and equitable future.

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