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NEAR Protocol: The Fast, Friendly Blockchain for Business

NEAR Protocol: The Fast, Friendly Blockchain for Business

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May 3, 2024

May 3, 2024

NEAR Protocol: The Fast, Friendly Blockchain for Business
NEAR Protocol: The Fast, Friendly Blockchain for Business
NEAR Protocol: The Fast, Friendly Blockchain for Business

Key Takeaways:

  • NEAR is built to handle lots of users and transactions without slowing down.

  • NEAR tries to make life easier for developers, which can get your project finished faster.

Think of crowded highways with cars barely moving. It's frustrating for everyone! Now imagine a network of high-speed roads built so traffic always flows smoothly, even as more cars get on the road. NEAR Protocol is like those super-fast roads for the world of blockchain applications.

What is NEAR Protocol?

NEAR Protocol

Blockchain: A kind of database that many computers share, making it hard to cheat the system.

  • Unbreakable record book: Imagine a notebook where everyone gets a copy, and you can only ever add new pages. This makes it super hard to fake transactions or change the past.

  • The network is the boss: Explain that there's no single company or person in charge. Instead, a whole network of computers works to keep the blockchain secure and accurate.

Web3: The idea of using blockchains to upgrade the internet, giving users more control.

  • Taking power back: Explain that today's internet is dominated by big tech companies. Web3 aims to use blockchains to let people truly own their own data, digital items, and even pieces of online communities.

  • Beyond just money: Emphasize that Web3 is about new ways to create, share, and even earn online, all without relying on centralized platforms.

NEAR Protocol: A blockchain designed to be both very fast and easy for developers to use.

  • Solving a common problem: Explain that some blockchains, like Bitcoin, can get slow when there are lots of people using them. NEAR aims to handle a ton of transactions without things getting bogged down.

  • Developer friendly: Mention that NEAR is designed with tools and features to make building DApps on its network a smoother process compared to some older blockchains.

DApps (Decentralized Applications): Apps that run on blockchains instead of one company's computers.

  • No middleman: Explain that DApps don't need permission from Apple, Google, or anyone else to operate. They exist directly on the blockchain.

  • Potential superpowers: Emphasize that DApps can be resistant to censorship, give users more control over their data, and offer new kinds of online experiences.

Sharding: A clever trick where the blockchain splits its work into smaller pieces so it can do more at once.

  • Divide and conquer: Compare it to opening up more lanes on a highway to handle more cars. Sharding lets NEAR process lots of transactions in parallel, keeping things moving quickly.

  • Technical magic: Acknowledge that sharding is complex, but it's a key part of NEAR's strategy to achieve high speed and scalability.

Why Businesses Are Excited About NEAR

Here's what makes NEAR stand out:

  • Speed is King: NEAR processes transactions quickly, so your app won't leave users waiting.

  • Can Handle the Crowd: NEAR uses sharding to grow as more people want to use it.

  • Devs Like It: NEAR has tools that try to make building apps less complicated.

  • Made for Regular People: Features like normal-looking usernames instead of weird codes make NEAR less intimidating.

When Does NEAR Make Sense for Your Project?

NEAR is a great fit for these kinds of applications:

  • DeFi That Needs to Zip: Apps where people trade, borrow, or lend crypto need to be fast and cheap to use. NEAR can help!

  • Games Where Every Second Counts: If your game has fast action or lots of players doing stuff at once, NEAR can help it run smoothly.

  • NFT Marketplaces: Buying and selling those digital art things (NFTs) should be easy. NEAR aims for speed and low fees.

Table 1: Is It a Good Choice?

NEAR Things to consider

Technical Stuff for Developers

Technical Stuff for Developers

How it Stays Secure

NEAR uses a system called Proof-of-Stake, which is known for being energy efficient.

  • Validators, not miners: Explain that unlike Bitcoin, which uses energy-guzzling "mining," NEAR relies on a system where users stake (lock up) their NEAR tokens to become validators who secure the network.

  • Greener blockchain: Emphasize that Proof-of-Stake is far less energy-intensive, making NEAR an appealing choice for developers focused on sustainability.

  • Participation matters: Briefly mention that becoming a validator in Proof-of-Stake systems generally requires less specialized equipment, opening up potential for wider participation in securing the network.

Coding Languages

You can write smart contracts for NEAR in Rust or a language similar to JavaScript.

  • Developer choice: Explain that Rust is a popular language known for its speed and safety features, while AssemblyScript (the JavaScript-like language) offers familiarity to web developers.

  • Why it matters: Having options attracts developers with different skillsets, expanding the pool of talent contributing to NEAR's ecosystem.


NEAR is working on ways to connect with Ethereum and other blockchains, so your app can talk to more stuff.

  • Blockchains aren't islands: Explain that cross-chain bridges aim to link different blockchains. Think of them like special roads for data and transactions to move between blockchains.

  • Expanding possibilities: Describe how bridges open up new scenarios – maybe your NEAR DApp could easily use popular Ethereum-based tokens, or interact with services built on other chains.

  • Evolving technology: Mention that cross-chain bridges are a hot area of development, with varying degrees of complexity and security considerations.

Tools and Help on the NEAR Journey

The NEAR community wants developers to succeed! Here are some resources:

  • NEAR Docs: The official website has all the guides and explanations.

  • SDKs: These are like toolboxes that make it simpler to build on NEAR, especially if you use common programming languages.

  • Community: Ask questions and get help from other devs who are also figuring out NEAR.

Table 2: Where to Learn More

Partnering with TokenMinds

Building awesome DApps on NEAR takes the right kind of know-how. This is why TokenMinds makes a great partner:

  • We've Done NEAR Before: We've already built on NEAR, so we understand how it works best.

  • Built for Growth: We know how to make apps that won't choke if they suddenly get super popular.

  • Users Come First: Cool tech is pointless if your app is hard to use. We make sure people actually enjoy using your DApp.

Common FAQs About NEAR Protocol

Businesses and developers evaluating NEAR often have some important questions. Let's address a few common ones:

  • Q: "Is NEAR better than Ethereum?" A: It's more about different strengths. NEAR prioritizes speed and developer ease, while Ethereum has a larger existing ecosystem for now. The "best" depends on your specific project.

  • Q: Do I need to learn crypto stuff to use a NEAR app?" A: Ideally, no! Well-designed DApps on NEAR aim to hide most of the blockchain complexity from regular users.

  • Q: Is NEAR secure? A: NEAR's security model is well-regarded, but no blockchain is immune to bugs. Careful development of smart contracts is key, just like on any platform.

  • Q: Can I move a project from Ethereum to NEAR?" A: Sometimes, but it can be complex. Projects starting from scratch on NEAR often have an easier time taking full advantage of its speed.

Tips for Success on the NEAR Protocol

Here are some tips to maximize your chances of building impactful DApps on NEAR:

  • Speed is the Feature: Think about how your app can do something uniquely better because NEAR is fast. Don't just port an old-fashioned app onto it.

  • Embrace Sharding's Potential: Design with the idea that NEAR can grow. Can your app handle thousands of users seamlessly?

  • User Experience is Crucial: Even the fastest blockchain is useless if the app is confusing.

  • Participate in the Community: The NEAR community is active and welcoming to newcomers. It's a great place to find help and inspiration.


NEAR Protocol offers a compelling platform for developers and businesses seeking to build scalable, high-performance decentralized applications. Its emphasis on speed, developer accessibility, and user-focused design address many of the pain points associated with earlier generation blockchains. By harnessing NEAR's capabilities, it's possible to create DApps that can handle a large influx of users, complex interactions, and demanding use cases with superior responsiveness.

If the concept of building innovative DApps with NEAR excites you, consider partnering with a company like TokenMinds. Our expertise in the NEAR Protocol, coupled with a strategic approach centered on real-world outcomes, positions us to be your perfect guide on this high-potential blockchain journey.

Key Takeaways:

  • NEAR is built to handle lots of users and transactions without slowing down.

  • NEAR tries to make life easier for developers, which can get your project finished faster.

Think of crowded highways with cars barely moving. It's frustrating for everyone! Now imagine a network of high-speed roads built so traffic always flows smoothly, even as more cars get on the road. NEAR Protocol is like those super-fast roads for the world of blockchain applications.

What is NEAR Protocol?

NEAR Protocol

Blockchain: A kind of database that many computers share, making it hard to cheat the system.

  • Unbreakable record book: Imagine a notebook where everyone gets a copy, and you can only ever add new pages. This makes it super hard to fake transactions or change the past.

  • The network is the boss: Explain that there's no single company or person in charge. Instead, a whole network of computers works to keep the blockchain secure and accurate.

Web3: The idea of using blockchains to upgrade the internet, giving users more control.

  • Taking power back: Explain that today's internet is dominated by big tech companies. Web3 aims to use blockchains to let people truly own their own data, digital items, and even pieces of online communities.

  • Beyond just money: Emphasize that Web3 is about new ways to create, share, and even earn online, all without relying on centralized platforms.

NEAR Protocol: A blockchain designed to be both very fast and easy for developers to use.

  • Solving a common problem: Explain that some blockchains, like Bitcoin, can get slow when there are lots of people using them. NEAR aims to handle a ton of transactions without things getting bogged down.

  • Developer friendly: Mention that NEAR is designed with tools and features to make building DApps on its network a smoother process compared to some older blockchains.

DApps (Decentralized Applications): Apps that run on blockchains instead of one company's computers.

  • No middleman: Explain that DApps don't need permission from Apple, Google, or anyone else to operate. They exist directly on the blockchain.

  • Potential superpowers: Emphasize that DApps can be resistant to censorship, give users more control over their data, and offer new kinds of online experiences.

Sharding: A clever trick where the blockchain splits its work into smaller pieces so it can do more at once.

  • Divide and conquer: Compare it to opening up more lanes on a highway to handle more cars. Sharding lets NEAR process lots of transactions in parallel, keeping things moving quickly.

  • Technical magic: Acknowledge that sharding is complex, but it's a key part of NEAR's strategy to achieve high speed and scalability.

Why Businesses Are Excited About NEAR

Here's what makes NEAR stand out:

  • Speed is King: NEAR processes transactions quickly, so your app won't leave users waiting.

  • Can Handle the Crowd: NEAR uses sharding to grow as more people want to use it.

  • Devs Like It: NEAR has tools that try to make building apps less complicated.

  • Made for Regular People: Features like normal-looking usernames instead of weird codes make NEAR less intimidating.

When Does NEAR Make Sense for Your Project?

NEAR is a great fit for these kinds of applications:

  • DeFi That Needs to Zip: Apps where people trade, borrow, or lend crypto need to be fast and cheap to use. NEAR can help!

  • Games Where Every Second Counts: If your game has fast action or lots of players doing stuff at once, NEAR can help it run smoothly.

  • NFT Marketplaces: Buying and selling those digital art things (NFTs) should be easy. NEAR aims for speed and low fees.

Table 1: Is It a Good Choice?

NEAR Things to consider

Technical Stuff for Developers

Technical Stuff for Developers

How it Stays Secure

NEAR uses a system called Proof-of-Stake, which is known for being energy efficient.

  • Validators, not miners: Explain that unlike Bitcoin, which uses energy-guzzling "mining," NEAR relies on a system where users stake (lock up) their NEAR tokens to become validators who secure the network.

  • Greener blockchain: Emphasize that Proof-of-Stake is far less energy-intensive, making NEAR an appealing choice for developers focused on sustainability.

  • Participation matters: Briefly mention that becoming a validator in Proof-of-Stake systems generally requires less specialized equipment, opening up potential for wider participation in securing the network.

Coding Languages

You can write smart contracts for NEAR in Rust or a language similar to JavaScript.

  • Developer choice: Explain that Rust is a popular language known for its speed and safety features, while AssemblyScript (the JavaScript-like language) offers familiarity to web developers.

  • Why it matters: Having options attracts developers with different skillsets, expanding the pool of talent contributing to NEAR's ecosystem.


NEAR is working on ways to connect with Ethereum and other blockchains, so your app can talk to more stuff.

  • Blockchains aren't islands: Explain that cross-chain bridges aim to link different blockchains. Think of them like special roads for data and transactions to move between blockchains.

  • Expanding possibilities: Describe how bridges open up new scenarios – maybe your NEAR DApp could easily use popular Ethereum-based tokens, or interact with services built on other chains.

  • Evolving technology: Mention that cross-chain bridges are a hot area of development, with varying degrees of complexity and security considerations.

Tools and Help on the NEAR Journey

The NEAR community wants developers to succeed! Here are some resources:

  • NEAR Docs: The official website has all the guides and explanations.

  • SDKs: These are like toolboxes that make it simpler to build on NEAR, especially if you use common programming languages.

  • Community: Ask questions and get help from other devs who are also figuring out NEAR.

Table 2: Where to Learn More

Partnering with TokenMinds

Building awesome DApps on NEAR takes the right kind of know-how. This is why TokenMinds makes a great partner:

  • We've Done NEAR Before: We've already built on NEAR, so we understand how it works best.

  • Built for Growth: We know how to make apps that won't choke if they suddenly get super popular.

  • Users Come First: Cool tech is pointless if your app is hard to use. We make sure people actually enjoy using your DApp.

Common FAQs About NEAR Protocol

Businesses and developers evaluating NEAR often have some important questions. Let's address a few common ones:

  • Q: "Is NEAR better than Ethereum?" A: It's more about different strengths. NEAR prioritizes speed and developer ease, while Ethereum has a larger existing ecosystem for now. The "best" depends on your specific project.

  • Q: Do I need to learn crypto stuff to use a NEAR app?" A: Ideally, no! Well-designed DApps on NEAR aim to hide most of the blockchain complexity from regular users.

  • Q: Is NEAR secure? A: NEAR's security model is well-regarded, but no blockchain is immune to bugs. Careful development of smart contracts is key, just like on any platform.

  • Q: Can I move a project from Ethereum to NEAR?" A: Sometimes, but it can be complex. Projects starting from scratch on NEAR often have an easier time taking full advantage of its speed.

Tips for Success on the NEAR Protocol

Here are some tips to maximize your chances of building impactful DApps on NEAR:

  • Speed is the Feature: Think about how your app can do something uniquely better because NEAR is fast. Don't just port an old-fashioned app onto it.

  • Embrace Sharding's Potential: Design with the idea that NEAR can grow. Can your app handle thousands of users seamlessly?

  • User Experience is Crucial: Even the fastest blockchain is useless if the app is confusing.

  • Participate in the Community: The NEAR community is active and welcoming to newcomers. It's a great place to find help and inspiration.


NEAR Protocol offers a compelling platform for developers and businesses seeking to build scalable, high-performance decentralized applications. Its emphasis on speed, developer accessibility, and user-focused design address many of the pain points associated with earlier generation blockchains. By harnessing NEAR's capabilities, it's possible to create DApps that can handle a large influx of users, complex interactions, and demanding use cases with superior responsiveness.

If the concept of building innovative DApps with NEAR excites you, consider partnering with a company like TokenMinds. Our expertise in the NEAR Protocol, coupled with a strategic approach centered on real-world outcomes, positions us to be your perfect guide on this high-potential blockchain journey.

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