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Web3 Loyalty Programs: Building Brand Community With Direct Engagement

Web3 Loyalty Programs: Building Brand Community With Direct Engagement

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Feb 22, 2024

Feb 22, 2024

Web3 Loyalty Programs: Building Brand Community With Direct Engagement
Web3 Loyalty Programs: Building Brand Community With Direct Engagement
Web3 Loyalty Programs: Building Brand Community With Direct Engagement

Loyalty programs have always been a vital customer retention and engagement tool. However, traditional programs often come with limitations like centralized control, limited redemption options, and potential data privacy concerns. Web3 technologies, with their emphasis on decentralization, ownership, and transparency, are introducing a paradigm shift in the world of customer loyalty.

How Web3 Transforms Loyalty Programs

Traditional loyalty programs are often centered around the accumulation of points. While useful, points lack inherent value and usually can only be redeemed for a limited selection of offerings within the brand's ecosystem. Web3 transforms this model through  NFTs and cryptocurrency as rewards. NFTs, verifiable digital assets on the blockchain, can represent anything from exclusive merchandise to  artwork, event access, or even real-world experiences.  Customers, as the true owners of these NFTs,  have the flexibility to hold them for their utility, sell them on marketplaces, or potentially even utilize them across other compatible Web3 platforms. The use of cryptocurrency as a loyalty reward offers similar flexibility and transferability.

Decentralization and Customer Empowerment

Web3 loyalty programs often move away from the centralized control of traditional models. Blockchain technology enables decentralized structures, with rules and rewards distribution encoded in unchangeable smart contracts.  Communities might utilize DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) for governance. DAOs give customers voting power, potentially allowing them to have a say in the program's development and the types of rewards offered. This shift emphasizes shared ownership and gives customers a genuine stake in the success of the program.

Data Transparency and Ownership

Customer data often sits within company-owned silos in standard loyalty models. Web3's focus on transparency and decentralization changes this equation. Blockchain ledgers give customers the potential to track their reward accrual, redemptions, and associated data in a verifiable way. Moreover, Web3 technologies introduce the possibility of customers having greater control over how their data is used and whether they'd like to share it for additional benefits – enhancing trust between the brand and customers.

Key Advantages of Web3 Loyalty Programs

1. True Ownership

Web3 reward structures like NFTs provide customers with verifiable, provable ownership of their rewards. This allows for selling, trading, or utilizing their rewards on secondary marketplaces or outside the issuing brand's ecosystem.

  • Example: A coffee shop launches a Web3 loyalty program where each purchase earns customers NFT-based "coffee beans". These can be redeemed for exclusive drinks or merchandise but also traded on an NFT marketplace.

  • Tools: NFT minting platforms (OpenSea, Rarible), blockchain networks (Ethereum, Polygon).

2. Enhanced Engagement

Customers become stakeholders in the success of a loyalty program due to their ownership of rewards. This encourages active participation and increased brand interaction.

  • Example: An airline's Web3 program rewards frequent flyers with NFT-based travel passes. Higher pass tiers offer enhanced perks—customers are motivated to continue flying to upgrade their reward status.

  • Tools: Web3 community platforms (Discord, Telegram), tools for NFT-based gamification (if applicable).

3. Transparency and Trust

The blockchain, as the underlying technology, offers built-in transparency. Rules of the program, transaction history, and rewards distribution are immutable – increasing trust between brands and customers.

  • Example: A retailer's Web3 loyalty program distributes rewards via smart contracts. Customers can clearly see the terms, conditions, and rewards calculation on the blockchain.

  • Tools: Blockchain explorers (Etherscan, Polygonscan) for viewing transaction history.

4. Community Building

Web3 programs can foster strong communities built around shared ownership of rewards and governance participation (through DAOs).

  • Example: Holders of a hotel's loyalty NFTs have voting rights in community decisions, such as selecting new travel locations for exclusive trips offered as future rewards.

  • Tools: DAO governance platforms (Snapshot, Aragon), Web3 social spaces.

5. Interoperability

Rewards as NFTs or cryptocurrency can be ported across different compatible Web3 platforms and metaverses, widening redemption opportunities for customers.

How to Create Web3 Loyalty Programs for Businesses

Step 1: Define Your Program Objectives

This is the foundational step. Determine what core customer desires you'll address, how these align with your brand, and how Web3's ownership model elevates those benefits more than a traditional program ever could.

  • Key Questions: What problems are you solving for customers? How will Web3 rewards unlock unique value compared to a traditional program? What kind of customer engagement do you seek to increase?

  • Example: A clothing brand seeks to enhance community, offer exclusive experiences, and allow customers to express brand affinity through collectible NFT-based rewards.

Step 2: Design the Reward Structure

Choose between NFTs or cryptocurrency for your rewards, consider if tiered rewards would suit your strategy, and most importantly, design rewards with exciting utility that goes beyond standard discounts.

  • Determine Reward Type: Choose NFTs (for their ability to represent a range of items or experiences) or cryptocurrencies (for greater liquidity and potential transferability).

  • Tiering: Decide if you want a tiered system where spending thresholds or higher engagement unlocks rarer or more valuable rewards.

  • Reward Utility: Go beyond discounts. Will your rewards give access to exclusive events, gated content, collaborations, or even influence on brand decisions?

Step 3: Technical Planning

Select the blockchain best suited for your needs, carefully design and test the smart contracts powering your program, and choose user-friendly wallet integration methods to make earning and redeeming rewards easy for your customers.

  • Blockchain Selection: Popular choices include Ethereum, Polygon, or Solana. Factors to consider include transaction costs, speed, scalability, and developer community support.

  • Smart Contracts: These are the backbone of your loyalty program. Use prebuilt, audited templates or hire experienced blockchain developers to code your reward issuance, distribution, and (if applicable) governance logic.

  • Wallet Integration: Choose a seamless wallet integration approach (WaaS solutions are user-friendly) to ensure customers can easily store and use rewards.

Step 4: User Experience Focus

Web3 might be new to many customers. Ensure easy onboarding, offer support where needed, and communicate the program's benefits clearly with intuitive dashboards and simple explanations.

  • Frictionless Onboarding: Non-Web3 savvy customers should easily participate too. Guide them on wallet setup if needed.

  • Clear Communication: Clearly explain the value of Web3 rewards and how the program differs from traditional options.

  • Intuitive Interfaces: The process of earning, viewing, and redeeming rewards should be simple and engaging.

Step 5: Launch and Iterate

Launch with strong marketing to promote and educate your audience about your unique Web3 program. Actively monitor analytics, customer feedback, and the evolving Web3 landscape to make necessary improvements and ensure your program stays ahead of the curve

  • Marketing and Communication: Educate your target audience about the program launch and how to join using clear messaging.

  • Gather Feedback: Actively seek customer feedback, monitor program performance, and be prepared to iterate on your Web3 loyalty program as it evolves.

Company Web3 Loyalty Program Examples

Starbucks Odyssey

Starbucks Odyssey takes a playful and experiential approach to Web3 loyalty. Customers embark on gamified "journeys" centered around coffee knowledge and brand connection. Completion rewards users with digital "Journey Stamp" NFTs and Odyssey Points.  These hold potential resale value as collectibles, but more importantly, unlock a tiered system of increasing benefits that range from merchandise to event access to immersive trips to Starbucks coffee origins.

How It Works

  • Journeys: Customers embark on interactive "journeys" - games, quizzes, or virtual experiences centered around coffee and Starbucks heritage.

  • Rewards: Completing journeys yields both collectible NFT "Journey Stamps" and Starbucks Odyssey Points.

  • Tiers: Odyssey Points determine a customer's membership tier within the program, unlocking increasingly exclusive rewards.

  • Redemption: Rewards range from digital collectibles, merchandise, unique events, or even immersive trips to Costa Rican coffee farms.


  • Gamification: Blending earning rewards with entertainment and educational experiences.

  • Community Building: NFT ownership fosters a sense of shared enthusiasm amongst members and Starbucks brand fans.

  • Tangible Benefits: The emphasis on potential access to exclusive events and real-world experiences alongside digital collectibles.

Marriott Bonvoy

While not fully implemented yet, Marriott Bonvoy's exploration of Web3 loyalty paints a broader picture of the possibilities. They envision scenarios where blockchain could allow their reward points to be more fluid – members could seamlessly swap points, and partnerships with travel providers could lead to a vast universe of redemption options. It's also likely that they will adopt some form of exclusive NFT-gated benefits or community initiatives for top-tier members.

How It Works Please note these are potential pathways Marriott is exploring

  • Point Swap: Blockchain technology may enable smooth points swapping between Marriott Bonvoy members.

  • Partnerships: Collaboration with travel service providers could vastly expand redemption options for loyalty points.

  • NFT Benefits: Exclusive events, pre-sale access, or unique perks gated by NFT ownership could provide additional value to high-tier members.


  • Flexibility: Expanding on what makes traditional loyalty programs appealing with easier points sharing and vastly greater redemption options.

  • Exclusivity: NFTs could add a new layer of unique, premium benefits with a potentially increased sense of ownership for dedicated members.

  • Exploration: Marriott actively looks for ways to innovate within the loyalty program sphere with Web3 solutions.


Visa has taken a B2B (business-to-business) approach within the Web3 loyalty space. Partnering with SmartMedia Technologies, they offer a platform enabling  brands to easily create bespoke  Web3 loyalty programs. Businesses using this platform can provide customers with digital wallets to store earned rewards. These rewards can be NFTs or a mixture of on-chain and real-world experiences – Visa emphasizes sectors like sports, travel, and more.  The focus of Visa's initiative is less on a single program and more on providing technology and infrastructure for other brands to enter the Web3 loyalty space.

How It Works

  • Business Onboarding: Visa, working with SmartMedia Technologies, partners with brands interested in launching a Web3 loyalty program.

  • Custom Design: Each program is tailored to the unique goals of the brand. Options include NFT rewards, hybrid on-chain/real-world experiences, and potential gamification elements.

  • Wallet and Rewards: Visa provides the technical infrastructure for customers to have digital wallets (likely simplified for easy user adoption) within which they can store their earned rewards.

  • Program Execution: The brand takes responsibility for the active management of its loyalty program, customer interactions, and the distribution of rewards using Visa's platform as a backbone.


  • Enabling Brands: Visa's primary focus is providing other brands with an easy entry point into Web3 loyalty programs without building everything from scratch.

  • Flexibility: This solution embraces the idea that rewards shouldn't be one-size-fits-all. It empowers brands to design experiences best suited for their individual target audience.

  • Adaptability: The platform offers the flexibility to include a variety of rewards models (NFTs, experiences, potential for hybrid approaches) as the Web3 ecosystem evolves.

  • User-Friendliness: A likely emphasis on simplifying wallets and redemption processes for customers less familiar with Web3 concepts.

Considerations for Adopting Web3 Loyalty Programs

  • Technical understanding: Implementing Web3 loyalty solutions requires expertise in blockchain, NFT creation and management, and smart contracts.

  • User Experience: Web3 wallets and related aspects must be seamlessly integrated to not deter mainstream customer adoption.

  • Regulations: It's essential to stay compliant with evolving regulations concerning cryptocurrency and digital assets.

  • Value Proposition: It's crucial to ensure your Web3 loyalty program offers genuinely valuable and compelling rewards to differentiate itself.


Web3 loyalty programs represent a groundbreaking shift in how brands engage with customers. Powered by blockchain, NFTs, and the potential of cryptocurrency, these programs move beyond traditional points-based models towards customer ownership, enhanced community, and exciting possibilities for truly unique rewards. From Starbucks' gamified Odyssey Program to Marriott's exploration of rewards flexibility, the landscape is vibrant and rapidly evolving. This transformation will likely see further innovation in how brands incentivize loyalty,  foster  communities, and deliver exclusive value as new technologies and possibilities continue to emerge within the Web3 space.

Loyalty programs have always been a vital customer retention and engagement tool. However, traditional programs often come with limitations like centralized control, limited redemption options, and potential data privacy concerns. Web3 technologies, with their emphasis on decentralization, ownership, and transparency, are introducing a paradigm shift in the world of customer loyalty.

How Web3 Transforms Loyalty Programs

Traditional loyalty programs are often centered around the accumulation of points. While useful, points lack inherent value and usually can only be redeemed for a limited selection of offerings within the brand's ecosystem. Web3 transforms this model through  NFTs and cryptocurrency as rewards. NFTs, verifiable digital assets on the blockchain, can represent anything from exclusive merchandise to  artwork, event access, or even real-world experiences.  Customers, as the true owners of these NFTs,  have the flexibility to hold them for their utility, sell them on marketplaces, or potentially even utilize them across other compatible Web3 platforms. The use of cryptocurrency as a loyalty reward offers similar flexibility and transferability.

Decentralization and Customer Empowerment

Web3 loyalty programs often move away from the centralized control of traditional models. Blockchain technology enables decentralized structures, with rules and rewards distribution encoded in unchangeable smart contracts.  Communities might utilize DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) for governance. DAOs give customers voting power, potentially allowing them to have a say in the program's development and the types of rewards offered. This shift emphasizes shared ownership and gives customers a genuine stake in the success of the program.

Data Transparency and Ownership

Customer data often sits within company-owned silos in standard loyalty models. Web3's focus on transparency and decentralization changes this equation. Blockchain ledgers give customers the potential to track their reward accrual, redemptions, and associated data in a verifiable way. Moreover, Web3 technologies introduce the possibility of customers having greater control over how their data is used and whether they'd like to share it for additional benefits – enhancing trust between the brand and customers.

Key Advantages of Web3 Loyalty Programs

1. True Ownership

Web3 reward structures like NFTs provide customers with verifiable, provable ownership of their rewards. This allows for selling, trading, or utilizing their rewards on secondary marketplaces or outside the issuing brand's ecosystem.

  • Example: A coffee shop launches a Web3 loyalty program where each purchase earns customers NFT-based "coffee beans". These can be redeemed for exclusive drinks or merchandise but also traded on an NFT marketplace.

  • Tools: NFT minting platforms (OpenSea, Rarible), blockchain networks (Ethereum, Polygon).

2. Enhanced Engagement

Customers become stakeholders in the success of a loyalty program due to their ownership of rewards. This encourages active participation and increased brand interaction.

  • Example: An airline's Web3 program rewards frequent flyers with NFT-based travel passes. Higher pass tiers offer enhanced perks—customers are motivated to continue flying to upgrade their reward status.

  • Tools: Web3 community platforms (Discord, Telegram), tools for NFT-based gamification (if applicable).

3. Transparency and Trust

The blockchain, as the underlying technology, offers built-in transparency. Rules of the program, transaction history, and rewards distribution are immutable – increasing trust between brands and customers.

  • Example: A retailer's Web3 loyalty program distributes rewards via smart contracts. Customers can clearly see the terms, conditions, and rewards calculation on the blockchain.

  • Tools: Blockchain explorers (Etherscan, Polygonscan) for viewing transaction history.

4. Community Building

Web3 programs can foster strong communities built around shared ownership of rewards and governance participation (through DAOs).

  • Example: Holders of a hotel's loyalty NFTs have voting rights in community decisions, such as selecting new travel locations for exclusive trips offered as future rewards.

  • Tools: DAO governance platforms (Snapshot, Aragon), Web3 social spaces.

5. Interoperability

Rewards as NFTs or cryptocurrency can be ported across different compatible Web3 platforms and metaverses, widening redemption opportunities for customers.

How to Create Web3 Loyalty Programs for Businesses

Step 1: Define Your Program Objectives

This is the foundational step. Determine what core customer desires you'll address, how these align with your brand, and how Web3's ownership model elevates those benefits more than a traditional program ever could.

  • Key Questions: What problems are you solving for customers? How will Web3 rewards unlock unique value compared to a traditional program? What kind of customer engagement do you seek to increase?

  • Example: A clothing brand seeks to enhance community, offer exclusive experiences, and allow customers to express brand affinity through collectible NFT-based rewards.

Step 2: Design the Reward Structure

Choose between NFTs or cryptocurrency for your rewards, consider if tiered rewards would suit your strategy, and most importantly, design rewards with exciting utility that goes beyond standard discounts.

  • Determine Reward Type: Choose NFTs (for their ability to represent a range of items or experiences) or cryptocurrencies (for greater liquidity and potential transferability).

  • Tiering: Decide if you want a tiered system where spending thresholds or higher engagement unlocks rarer or more valuable rewards.

  • Reward Utility: Go beyond discounts. Will your rewards give access to exclusive events, gated content, collaborations, or even influence on brand decisions?

Step 3: Technical Planning

Select the blockchain best suited for your needs, carefully design and test the smart contracts powering your program, and choose user-friendly wallet integration methods to make earning and redeeming rewards easy for your customers.

  • Blockchain Selection: Popular choices include Ethereum, Polygon, or Solana. Factors to consider include transaction costs, speed, scalability, and developer community support.

  • Smart Contracts: These are the backbone of your loyalty program. Use prebuilt, audited templates or hire experienced blockchain developers to code your reward issuance, distribution, and (if applicable) governance logic.

  • Wallet Integration: Choose a seamless wallet integration approach (WaaS solutions are user-friendly) to ensure customers can easily store and use rewards.

Step 4: User Experience Focus

Web3 might be new to many customers. Ensure easy onboarding, offer support where needed, and communicate the program's benefits clearly with intuitive dashboards and simple explanations.

  • Frictionless Onboarding: Non-Web3 savvy customers should easily participate too. Guide them on wallet setup if needed.

  • Clear Communication: Clearly explain the value of Web3 rewards and how the program differs from traditional options.

  • Intuitive Interfaces: The process of earning, viewing, and redeeming rewards should be simple and engaging.

Step 5: Launch and Iterate

Launch with strong marketing to promote and educate your audience about your unique Web3 program. Actively monitor analytics, customer feedback, and the evolving Web3 landscape to make necessary improvements and ensure your program stays ahead of the curve

  • Marketing and Communication: Educate your target audience about the program launch and how to join using clear messaging.

  • Gather Feedback: Actively seek customer feedback, monitor program performance, and be prepared to iterate on your Web3 loyalty program as it evolves.

Company Web3 Loyalty Program Examples

Starbucks Odyssey

Starbucks Odyssey takes a playful and experiential approach to Web3 loyalty. Customers embark on gamified "journeys" centered around coffee knowledge and brand connection. Completion rewards users with digital "Journey Stamp" NFTs and Odyssey Points.  These hold potential resale value as collectibles, but more importantly, unlock a tiered system of increasing benefits that range from merchandise to event access to immersive trips to Starbucks coffee origins.

How It Works

  • Journeys: Customers embark on interactive "journeys" - games, quizzes, or virtual experiences centered around coffee and Starbucks heritage.

  • Rewards: Completing journeys yields both collectible NFT "Journey Stamps" and Starbucks Odyssey Points.

  • Tiers: Odyssey Points determine a customer's membership tier within the program, unlocking increasingly exclusive rewards.

  • Redemption: Rewards range from digital collectibles, merchandise, unique events, or even immersive trips to Costa Rican coffee farms.


  • Gamification: Blending earning rewards with entertainment and educational experiences.

  • Community Building: NFT ownership fosters a sense of shared enthusiasm amongst members and Starbucks brand fans.

  • Tangible Benefits: The emphasis on potential access to exclusive events and real-world experiences alongside digital collectibles.

Marriott Bonvoy

While not fully implemented yet, Marriott Bonvoy's exploration of Web3 loyalty paints a broader picture of the possibilities. They envision scenarios where blockchain could allow their reward points to be more fluid – members could seamlessly swap points, and partnerships with travel providers could lead to a vast universe of redemption options. It's also likely that they will adopt some form of exclusive NFT-gated benefits or community initiatives for top-tier members.

How It Works Please note these are potential pathways Marriott is exploring

  • Point Swap: Blockchain technology may enable smooth points swapping between Marriott Bonvoy members.

  • Partnerships: Collaboration with travel service providers could vastly expand redemption options for loyalty points.

  • NFT Benefits: Exclusive events, pre-sale access, or unique perks gated by NFT ownership could provide additional value to high-tier members.


  • Flexibility: Expanding on what makes traditional loyalty programs appealing with easier points sharing and vastly greater redemption options.

  • Exclusivity: NFTs could add a new layer of unique, premium benefits with a potentially increased sense of ownership for dedicated members.

  • Exploration: Marriott actively looks for ways to innovate within the loyalty program sphere with Web3 solutions.


Visa has taken a B2B (business-to-business) approach within the Web3 loyalty space. Partnering with SmartMedia Technologies, they offer a platform enabling  brands to easily create bespoke  Web3 loyalty programs. Businesses using this platform can provide customers with digital wallets to store earned rewards. These rewards can be NFTs or a mixture of on-chain and real-world experiences – Visa emphasizes sectors like sports, travel, and more.  The focus of Visa's initiative is less on a single program and more on providing technology and infrastructure for other brands to enter the Web3 loyalty space.

How It Works

  • Business Onboarding: Visa, working with SmartMedia Technologies, partners with brands interested in launching a Web3 loyalty program.

  • Custom Design: Each program is tailored to the unique goals of the brand. Options include NFT rewards, hybrid on-chain/real-world experiences, and potential gamification elements.

  • Wallet and Rewards: Visa provides the technical infrastructure for customers to have digital wallets (likely simplified for easy user adoption) within which they can store their earned rewards.

  • Program Execution: The brand takes responsibility for the active management of its loyalty program, customer interactions, and the distribution of rewards using Visa's platform as a backbone.


  • Enabling Brands: Visa's primary focus is providing other brands with an easy entry point into Web3 loyalty programs without building everything from scratch.

  • Flexibility: This solution embraces the idea that rewards shouldn't be one-size-fits-all. It empowers brands to design experiences best suited for their individual target audience.

  • Adaptability: The platform offers the flexibility to include a variety of rewards models (NFTs, experiences, potential for hybrid approaches) as the Web3 ecosystem evolves.

  • User-Friendliness: A likely emphasis on simplifying wallets and redemption processes for customers less familiar with Web3 concepts.

Considerations for Adopting Web3 Loyalty Programs

  • Technical understanding: Implementing Web3 loyalty solutions requires expertise in blockchain, NFT creation and management, and smart contracts.

  • User Experience: Web3 wallets and related aspects must be seamlessly integrated to not deter mainstream customer adoption.

  • Regulations: It's essential to stay compliant with evolving regulations concerning cryptocurrency and digital assets.

  • Value Proposition: It's crucial to ensure your Web3 loyalty program offers genuinely valuable and compelling rewards to differentiate itself.


Web3 loyalty programs represent a groundbreaking shift in how brands engage with customers. Powered by blockchain, NFTs, and the potential of cryptocurrency, these programs move beyond traditional points-based models towards customer ownership, enhanced community, and exciting possibilities for truly unique rewards. From Starbucks' gamified Odyssey Program to Marriott's exploration of rewards flexibility, the landscape is vibrant and rapidly evolving. This transformation will likely see further innovation in how brands incentivize loyalty,  foster  communities, and deliver exclusive value as new technologies and possibilities continue to emerge within the Web3 space.

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