What Server Roles and Permissions to Use for NFT Discord Servers – Crypto Business Show Episode 10

Video Transcript:
Rob: Hello everybody welcome to the crypto business podcast brought to you by TokenMinds. I’m your host Rob Eijgenraam, director at TokenMinds, full-service crypto, and nft agency. In this podcast, we are discussing any blockchain topic that is relevant for businesses, entrepreneurs, and founders. Today the topic is the roles and permissions to use for nft discord servers, as well as how to use the discord server boost feature. I have in the podcast with me today Anchor who’s a veteran Crypto, and nft marketer, and Anchor yeah please take it away. What are your thoughts on these topics?
Anchor: Hi everyone thank you for joining this podcast, so yeah for this I think in the last episodes where we talk about the discord, like some giveaways and all the setup of channels, and today we’ll mainly cover some other important things like the permissions of the different right members, the group’s rules. So once we start you know the community for sure this is very basic so we will have like a list of different roles like no metaphor normally it’s for like either team, or like admin, and then follows with like head mods and moderators or maybe some channels will also hide some like more Channel moderators and then comes with the normal members that are like level by level they have different access, for example, the team will have access, and then for the members here they can access some channels, like general chats like announcements and in some channels that can type, and in some channels they can invite, and for example the announcement and giveaways those channels actually full of some roles like general members and moderators, they only have access to visit but they cannot type anything.
So for example and also some other settings like setting up the permissions like people can invite and also to react actions or something like that to any posts. So in general that’s very important if we set anything wrong here there’ll be a really not really good and harmful for the projects because. I actually know some projects that wrongly set you know the permissions so people even can fake accounts to announce something especially that is very risky during the minting date. So that is very important, and also for the others, there are also some bots actually react to some emojis, to auto-assign the rules, for example, many projects will do something like giveaway participants or Twitter notifications. If the team or the main post or something that reacted to the emoji they were all to assign those rules and the team only need to add these kinds of rules to get these people notified but any new announcement twitter giveaways so make everything organized and also something else like it’s not only for those testers chat it’s also for some voice chat as well because in the community there might be some people like from different countries, for example, some countries like normally the project will all have a Chinese chat, they will have English chat, and also German, and French, etc. So in this case normally, we also said like suggestion satellite, some different languages chat room, that so we only allow a certain kind group of people with the text of different you know countries, by doing this people auto sign to the different countries they have the tag on their role and then they can join these different international chats, voice chat which is also important because like we mentioned the last episodes you know for this different language market language change is very important, and also the voice chats can really get more hype in the community, and the people will treat the community as a family, so it’s very important.
So yeah that is the importance of the roles and all these permissions and normally we’ll suggest other project teams really get an expert tech guy for those no matter what we mentioned for the bot setup but also for those permissions because there are so many like permissions for every role, you need to choose and pick up and make sure that they’re really forbidden to certain perms or permission and access to those really unnecessary ones and if there’s one thing that’s really didn’t work well would be you know not good for the project goes and you need to spend a lot of time to fix that because it’s really a lot of fields that you need to check and to make sure that this will not happen. So yeah this is all about the permissions part and also one thing I think is also very important for the project to get some more like you know awareness is that they the boost of the server many projects will do this themselves because for the server boost like there are macs like level three if you actually can boost like gets reached to 14 booths you can reach level three under this is actually monthly renewed so as soon as you renew every month there will be level three always and by reaching level three what you can get is you can get actually the customized background of the server you can get a customized option for the invite page you can put a really high resolution of the graphic when people click and see that’s the invitation page and also it is also other like a lot of a lot of functions like you can add like over 50 or over 50 server images if you reach level 2 and even 100 more if you reach level 3 though a lot of projects will not do so many images but it’s really very useful so people can use that images to integrate and talk with each other those projects made the emojis and also the it offers like over 30 customer speakers slots so for the speakers like some normal ones like we use like gm, gn, and you know this kind of things that really make the community very fun this is all small details but it’s also very important all the details combined together make a success and also since we normally have a voice chat and also might be some music bots right like i mentioned in the last episode so it also offers and enables the 384 kpbs audio quality so people can enjoy like listening to music there you know what is also very clear and people actually talk to each other and in my personal opinion that’s for this level three like things it is for that custom invite link so it’s called vanity link for example normally if the invite link is consist of different characters or n bers but if upgraded to level 3 that you can customize your link to your own project name and which it looks more professional and also the uploading of files you can upload over 100 mb megabytes and the animated banner server banner and also an animated logo for projects this is all what level three can bring you and once the server grows bigger you know there’ll be also a lot of boosters that contribute to the server that boost the server themselves
Rob: Thank you, Anchor, really appreciate your input a lot more things to discuss here but I’m sure we do the future episodes thanks everybody for listening and watching, and see you next time, Bye-bye.
Anchor: Bye.