Twitter Space | NFT Strategies Talk With Prime Planet

Video Transcript:
Hannah: Hey everyone, welcome to TokenMinds’ Twitter space. We’re TokenMinds, a creative engineering agency for crypto, blockchain, and NFT that offers consultation to development marketing services, and I’m Hannah, your host for today’s Twitter space session called “NFT Strategies Talk” with Prime a Planet. It is very nice to see you all getting here and also tuning in. So for today, we’re having Prime a Planet with us for the next one hour in this kind of live interview, and we’re going to talk with the managing directors and also the team lead of their own podcast called Prime Time. Um, we can finally get to know them further about who they are, what projects they are working on, and many else. So just make sure that you don’t miss anything important from our speakers, right? Um, you can also start sharing this Twitter space link to your friends now before you or they miss anything. And also, as a reminder, we will also be having a Q&A session later on. So if you have any questions for our speakers in the middle, please save it for later in the Q&A session, alright? Um, without further ado, maybe we can head on and start our discussion, shall we?
Zee: Sure.
Justannftlad: Sure, sounds good.
Hannah: Okay, um, first things first. Uh, can you quickly introduce yourself to our audiences, please?okay um first first thing first uh can you quickly introduce yourself to our audiences please
Justannftlad: Zee, you can go first.
Zee: Alrighty, um, I’m Za, full name Zeebo. Um, yeah, I’m the host and the team leader on Primetime podcast, which has now been happening weekly, so feel free to tune in on Tuesdays. Um, I’ve also been on the team since probably like January 2022, so well over a year now. I’m one of the members that has been on the team for the longest, together with Tubee and Coba. Um, yeah, I’ve been in the Primetime project since the beginning. It was one of my main, our like, first projects I bought into that introduced me to the whole NFT thing. So yeah, that’s a quick little introduction about me.
Justannftlad: Alright, um, so I’m Jack. I’m the current one of the two managing directors for Primary Planet. So, uh, I started out as a holder, actually. Um, a lot of story about leave, all the details to later, later. But, um, yeah, essentially, uh, became a community manager and then became a managing director of the project since last year. Uh, we’ve been running the project for, I think, close to eight months now. Um, and we’ve have, well, we’ve gone through a lot and we have a lot of exciting stuff coming up.
Hannah:Okay, then, um, also, we actually have amazing guests here, everyone. Maybe we can start… uh, let’s just start our discussion… uh, towards the questions, right? Um, maybe we can start with… um, about your journey. Like, what do you do in your web2 life? How did you finally encounter web3? And also, enough these… What was the actual trigger that made you jump into this world of web3 and NFTs?
Justannftlad: Yeah, um, so I think like most people, I actually started out in crypto first. Um, so I started on my crypto journey sometime, um, late, no sorry, early 2020. And you know, after, after which, uh, NFT kind of got into the picture, like I sometime in, uh, Primeape is actually my first ever project. And honestly, like, like I think like most people again, um, the thing that attracted me to Primeape was really the art. Uh, it was one of the first 3D projects out there, and it definitely has one of the best art in the space, even up to now.
Zee: Uh, yeah, so I also started off with crypto. I was onboarded by meme coins, as most of us probably are. In my web2 life, I study business analytics. So, financing and tech have always been an interest of mine, which eventually got me into NFTs. I mean, the most valuable asset within web3, I would say. We use connections, that’s why I’ve been focusing on web3 and everything around it. Um, so yeah, I got into Prime Planet and, you know, the connections you get within our community are really valuable. And, I mean, community is the most important part, I would say, and all the connections you have made throughout the journey.
Hannah: Okay, there was a quite long journey, conversation, right? And you finally jump into the end of this world. So, then maybe we can go and head on to the project of Prime, a planet itself. As we can see that as the icon of, uh, Prime Planet itself. Can you explain why you choose Apes, actually? And then, um, uh, in your website, how are Prime cons born later on?
Justannftlad: So, I think this, um, actually, um, attributes to how, how the energy space started, right? So, the OG of the space, you know, Boardape, uh, CryptoPound, the two projects, uh, they’ve always been viewed as the leader of the projects, you know, not just like the founding, um, collections, but also one of the pioneers, um, and generally because of that, I think a lot of projects, uh, that come out after, a lot of them involve Apes. But of course, for us, um, the key differentiating factor is that we actually, uh, work with, uh, three very, very, like, amazing artists who are quite well-known in their own industry. We have our lead artist, which is Curtis. Uh, he used to work for Marvel and Disney. He did a lot of big blockbuster shows. But of course, he’s one of those behind-the-scenes guys, you know, like a lot of times where the credit comes out and his name flashes by, but nobody sees. But he actually does a lot of those CGI works for Disney. So, yeah, um, when the space started, right, it was, uh, really the Apes, and we wanted the Apes to look like the best, which is why it’s all 3D sculpted and, uh, you know, with a lot of post-CGI edits as well. Um, aside from Kong’s, aside from Apes, right, the Kongs, how they come after, it was really a continuation at that point in time. Um, it was more of a storytelling that we were trying to deliver and also, um, at that point in time, one of the key directions that we wanted to move towards was to build a game and a metaverse, right, like most projects which started out at that point in time. But, um, that has changed, uh, that has changed greatly for us. And, but that while Kong has already launched, um, just shortly two months after the Apes. So, uh, it was kind of a position as the Big Brother of Apes. You know, they are like bigger and bigger in size and, you know, they look cooler as well.
Zee: And back then, it was really the norm to launch another collection straight after the main connection, meaning, like selling out. But now, we’re more trying to tie into our lore, which can be read on the website, and trying to, you know, tie all the collections together so it makes sense. Uh, why and why those collections even exist?
Hannah: Okay, then, um, we finally have a description—enough description—about why, um, apes actually became the icon of Primat Planet and how Prime comes actually born, um, as like the big brother of the Apes, meaning that they are stronger—maybe they are stronger NFTs and stuff. And also, um, I’m actually very interested with, uh, the question of the fire, the variety of collections of Prime Planet, where there are Prime A, Prime Kong, ineffective eight planet, and also Prime trading. Um, how does actually the evolving ecosystem of VIP work?
Zee: Well, I think, uh, that’s a really big question. Um, I don’t think the number of collections or what the collection is determines what is the ecosystem of Prime Planet. But essentially, uh, what we have identified as our vision going forward is to center everything we do around building a brand. Um, so when we talk about ecosystem, I know this word is very likely used around in the web3 space, um, but quite honestly, I think maybe a lot of people might not understand the full meaning of ecosystem. Um, in every industry, I think there is a certain form of ecosystem that is required for the industry to self-sustain and survive. So, similarly, in the web3 space, I think for what it’s worth, NFT is so much more than just being art, right? Aside from having, you know, very cool art, I think a key focus going forward for NFT is the utilities and the community members, and it goes both ways. When we talk about community, it’s about what we can give the community members and what the community members can also give back to the project. Um, aside from that, utilities is the only thing that will help keep NFT sustainable because it’s not always going to be about the money. Of course, the money, the financial side of things, um, is great, it’s a bonus, you know, but I do think the space started out a little bit um, more tilted towards, um, you know, just purely making money, not so much on the future utilities and the actual purpose of having an NFT. So, when we talk about ecosystem of Prime Planet, it’s really about building infrastructure that can help us sustain what we want to build long term, and we’re talking like two, three years. So, what we have done till date aside from the collections, we have a full um, marketplace that we have just rebuilt. Um, not only have we made the marketplace gasless because we understand that the marketplace is going to be a platform that is constantly being used by the holders going forward, we have a lot of plans um, that require us to use the marketplace. So, one of the key things that we wanted to do was to make it gasless so that every transaction that happens on it, um, we don’t, we don’t, you know, spend unnecessary money or from our community members. And aside from that, we have introduced our own utility token as well. This utility token, uh, Prime token, currently does not have a liquidity pool, it doesn’t have a direct um, tangible cash stop value, but what we are currently trying to build is to give it enough rewards program uh, in web and also tying a lot back into web tool to make it um, valuable, you know. So, a lot of the utility tokens right now for Prime is used for buying raffle tickets. Uh, they can purchase NFTs on our marketplace, they can run giveaways, they can buy gift cards, we have merchandise, and we have a lot of partnerships coming up with a lot of web2 tool um, businesses. So, all this is gonna be hinged on them utilizing Prime token. And so, aside from the marketplace, of course, we have, uh, we have also moved our direction into web2. Um, Wallflower project to survive, we need to essentially make money, make money to continue our operations, right? So, the ongoing royalty has been impacted, but what we have uh, recalibrated that direction is to focus our revenue generating from external events. So, we’ve actually developed two of our Prime Ape and Prime Kong IPs into inflatables, and we have actually done real-life events where we charge tickets to consumers. We generated quite a fair bit of ticket sales through one of the events that happened in Singapore just a couple of months ago. So, um, we’re still building. It is all part of the ecosystem building. We have not completed it. Uh, there is still so much to go, but, um, yeah, essentially, we have to build one ecosystem for Prime Plan a Day self-sustaining so that we can continue to grow this brand.
Zee: I mean, nothing to add here. Uh, let me check. Summer summarized it well. I would say that the key points are self-sustainability. As we all know, the saying goes that one week in the NFT space or Web3 is equal to one month on the right.
Hannah: Um, am I audible now? Yes, you are. Okay, all right. The connection is very lagging here. Um, what was the last thing that I missed? Uh, we were talking about the project, right? The ecosystem of PAP, right, the Prime Planet. Maybe we can just go on to the next question about taking a closer look into the project and what exactly we should say are the benefits of, uh, and utility of each collection in detail. I mean, because, um, as we can see, there are so many collections. Maybe people are also, um, questioning what kind of differences those collections make for them to buy those NFTs. Can you just explain deeper about that?
Justannftlad: So, we are actually in the midst of, uh, going through a burn event, as you can see from, um, you can look at Prime Time logo, that’s our original logo, and you can look at the logo that I have on my PFP, um, that’s a logo on fire. So, we actually, we have a burn event coming up, um, at the present moment, across four collections. We have a total of about 30,000 NFTs, uh, and we’re targeting to reduce that supply by about 30 percent, uh, through the burn event. And of course, uh, this has been a very, um, difficult decision because for us to come out and ask our community members to burn their NFTs, something that they could have paid, um, quite a fair bit of money for, uh, it needs to be worthwhile for them. It needs to be something that is really thought out, um, for the long-term returns. So, um, we are very carefully structured, uh, the burn rewards out of this, uh, burn event, and we’re trying to reduce as many NFTs as possible so that it is something that, uh, is more sustainable going forward. Um, as for why are we in this current position, I will touch on this, uh, a little bit because I saw at the end of your agenda there’s one question that, um, actually touched on this, and I can bring that up then. Um, but yeah, so back to the utilities, we’ve sort of consolidated, uh, the utilities for all of Prime NFTs. While there are minor differences, so in terms of say our Prime token utility reward, right, uh, every day every single Prime NFT earns a prime token. But depending on which collection it is, also within the collection itself, there’s also different layers of rewards. So for Apes, it’s our Genesis collection, it actually currently earns them the most Prime, and also our legendaries, um, the one, the one slash one NFTs within each collection, they also have a bonus Prime token reward daily. So that is one, uh, utility that gives a different collection different level of, uh, reward. But aside from that, we also have one big utility for holding Prime NFT, and this is, this is something that we call ref gen. So, as mentioned earlier, we have been tapping into external events out of web3, web2, real-life events to generate revenue, whether it is through ticketing, through entertainment, uh, through e-commerce, stuff like that. The revenue that’s being generated is going to go into a revenue pool, and a percentage of this revenue pool is going to be redistributed back to the holders. The percentage of which each NFT gets is also determined by the collection. So, of course, Genesis is going to have a bigger pool, followed by the rest of the collections. So, aside from that, this is the current two-tender level utility we have. Aside from that, we are also working on something that is, um, well, this is going to be the first time I’m going to say this because I believe there are a few holders here. Um, you know, from what I can see, Michael, Chris, Joa, um, even Zee. I don’t think he knows about this. Uh, this is something that is, uh, very, very new. We’re going to be launching this very soon. I would say at the end of the month. So, we have this new program that we mentioned. It’s actually called the P4. I mean, in short, we are calling it P4 because it actually stands for Prime Planet Partnerships Program. So, what we have done is essentially we, uh, we are positioning ourselves as a lifestyle, um, membership. So, what we have done is we have been actively talking to a lot of different businesses all over the world. We have already onboarded a few F&B restaurants, cafes, um, spas, tour agencies in Singapore. So, what’s going to happen from this P4 program is that all of our private folders, they are gonna get basically perks and rewards, you know, ranging from one-for-one main course, 20 percent of total bills of your, you know, travel, um, maybe, of your spot tickets, you know, stuff like that. So, we have been building, trying to build this, uh, partnerships program, um, in the last couple of weeks, and we plan to launch by the end of this month, and this is going to be an ongoing utility. So, we’re going to continuously expand this, um, utilities across the globe because we have holders from all over the world. We have, uh, cafes and bus in Australia on boarded. We have restaurants in Miami that we are talking to, um, we’re tapping into different, different places, essentially. And this is, think of it as like, you know, like how your credit card, you know, a Max, they give you all these, uh, benefits, right? You have, uh, lounge access in the airport, you have discounts, you have dining discounts, you have F&B discount, you have all this kind of stuff. So, that is a program that we’re building for Prime holders, um, and that’s going to be one next big thing for, I mean, we want people to have benefits, we want people to have rewards, and we want people to have price holding a prime NFT. So, this is going to be one of the key focuses going forward as well.
Hannah: Well, that was a lot, um, uh, that we can see how the utilities of each collection is actually, uh, very impressive and how it means that every collection has their own purpose and have their own means, aims, and yeah, um, maybe we can move forward to the next questions. How does the PAP (Philippine Artists’ Platform) identify several artists that turn out to be masters or experts, especially in the Philippine industry? Right, like what, um, you have said earlier, they are coming from the blockbuster industry behind the scenes. And as we have the managing doctors here of the PAP and also the team lead, um, um, can you tell us a glimpse about what it was like looking at the arts from the very beginning up to now? Like, what do you say about the arts that they make?
Justannftlad: Well, I think, first of all, it’s going to be very biased coming from me. Um, but I’m still gonna say it anyway because I do think this is a, um, I am very proud of our art, that’s for sure. Uh, I do feel and think that we have one of the best art in the space from, from then till now. Um, still, the artist has done, uh, an amazing job. It was, uh, I mean, I, by far, I have not seen like any other project that has, um, that has really, like, on like equivalent art in terms of the level of detailing, you know? We, we did our Apes and Kongs in Koka, you know? Our dragons are done in k. We have a high-res link where holders can download their files, and you can zoom into like every single skill and detail on the dragon, um, so I think that is something that we’re extremely proud of, um, and that is something that we definitely hold very closely to our heart.
Hannah: Okay, um, maybe, uh, next up, uh, since we’re still at the beginning of 2023, uh, actually, this… the tea has been spilled on this question. Um, about what I just said earlier about something that is burning. So, what is Prime, a planet actually aiming to achieve this year? Is there any project plan or, you know, what… what kind of, um, other things that you want to do for this year?
Justannftlad: So, again, I realize you’re asking me a lot of questions that, um, I haven’t even, uh, addressed the community. Um, I’ve been working on a lot of things. I haven’t had time to catch up with the community, so a lot of things that I’m gonna say now, it’s, it’s, they’re going to be hearing it for the first time. We will, we will put out official announcements soon, but, um, so aside from the Partnerships program that we’re actively working on, um, we are also currently in talks for our next big, uh, Ref Gen event, and we will have our first, uh, full IP, full Prime Planet IP event happening within 2023. Uh, so back in December 2022, we did two Inflatables as a part of a bigger event, so there wasn’t really much of, uh, any Prime Planet branding or anything like that, but this time around, this event is going to be, it’s gonna span across square meters. It’s going to happen in Singapore. It’s gonna be fully Prime Planet branded. It’s gonna have, like, full marketing NPR on it, so it’s, it’s, it’s going to be fronted as a full NFT IP event, um, that is targeted at families and Millennials. So this is definitely going to be one of our key highlights of the year. At the same time, for 2023, we are also currently in the midst of, we are in discussion with a brand on a collaboration, and this collaboration is something that we’ve been talking to this brand. Um, it’s a global brand that has a presence in over 200 countries. We’ve been talking to this brand for the last two to three months already, and, uh, I would say we are getting somewhere with them, and it’s gonna, it’s gonna be a very exciting thing. I’m just trying to watch my words because there’s a lot of things I cannot say yet, um, but yeah, so essentially we are focusing on a Big Brand collab and also our biggest yet, uh, revenue-generating Prime Planet event that’s going to be happening in Singapore later part of this year.
Zee: Oh yeah, this collaboration will be a big one. But of course, Prime Burn is our most important short-term goal right now. So, keep yourself up to date with Prime Burn. It will be the most short-term answer.
Hannah: Uh, as we can see, there are so many things that we can anticipate from Pap in 2023, and it is definitely exciting for our listeners here. And, as they say, there will be a big brand collaboration. Yeah, I’m gonna think many things that will go out in 2023, so just make sure our listeners here, uh, you are up to date with what Pap is going to do this year. Um, and also maybe we can go further, uh, looking at the fact that Prime Kongs and Prime Dragon Planet were born last year. Um, this is more like, uh, can you share tips on how you ensure your next project, and with us, as successful as the others or existing one? Because, actually, um, maybe the others also know how hard it is to maintain, uh, the successful history of something. Um, maybe you can tell us, um, some tips about that.
Zee: I mean, I would say that every project should realize by now, or have realized, that royalties aren’t sustainable. What they have to do eventually would be to create a self-sustainable ecosystem around their project to become both a bridge to the web, because that’s essentially where most revenues and new members come from, but also to create a self-sustainable ecosystem where you don’t rely on royalties or your community anymore because they have already invested in you. So, that’s what I think each community should think about, whether they are a new fundraising project or a two-year-old project. That’s something that every project should think of. Also, I think that roadmaps have gone out of meta. I think vision maps are much more important to know your long-term vision because roadmaps can change, trends change. As I said, one week within web3 is one month in real life or in other worlds. Trends change, people’s wants change, but as long as you know what people will need, and that’s what a visual map should serve, then I think you should be set, alright?
Hannah: Maybe the other speaker wants to act more on how you ensure your next project is as successful as the others.
Justannftlad: Um, okay. I, I don’t think, to be frank, I, I don’t think we’re, um, I mean, this is, this is purely, purely our opinion, and, uh, we’re not in a very, very, um, good position to teach people how to be successful to launch an NFT project. But, um, first of all, I think I would start off by saying, uh, every project is different, uh, they have different focus, and also the landscape is ever-changing. The NFT space is changing quicker than we can, you know, we can imagine, and every single day it’s just a lot of adaptations. So, but I, I do think there are two or three things that, that are, um, highly essential in launching an NFT project. Um, number one, I think this is something that has to, has to, like, personally for me, uh, I think in, in the future, any NFT project that wants to be launched and wants to be successful, I would think the founders of the project will all have to be docs. I, I mean, I know when we start out in the space, so many NFT projects, they are just launched by, you know, anonymous people, random people that we don’t know who they are. Um, I don’t think that’s ever going to work anymore, you know. So, that, for, for me personally, that’s, that’s going to be one of the key factors. Um, second factor is, of course, the long-term sustainable utility because, um, even though we mentioned that NFT is a digital art, but digital art itself requires digital art collectors, uh, and quite, quite honestly, like a lot of the people that we have in the NFT space right now, I would say a good, or more, we are not art collectors, we are more, um, collectors, you know. We’re not really here just for the art. So, a lot of it has to be centered around what does the NFT provide and what does the NFT give its community members. Um, and lastly, of course, is the brand vision and direction, like, and how it intends to get there. Um, the whole operations of the team, um, this is something that I think we are always constantly trying to improve and work on. Um, two things which are transparency and communication with the community members. Um, this will be something that has to be on the top priority of any project that wants to succeed.
Hannah: Right, um, there was a very, uh, good one. Um, and also, uh, maybe we can, we can just move forward again towards the next question. Like how, um, we’ll live in a world where one can easily take another’s art or work and use it for our personal gain. Um, can you tell us or make us aware, educate us why artwork, uh, licensing is never more important today?
Justannftlad: Well, I think, um, as how the space started, you know, being, being, uh, sales of art, right? NFT, it is definitely essential for the whole, the current holder of the NFT to own a hundred percent full rights to what they bought, um, and this is something, um, that we are currently working on as well. So, the NFT IP is big for us because the direction that we’re heading towards to grow Prime Planner into a brand, um, we are going to have a lot of instances where the entire IP is utilized. Um, you know, it could be a particular ape, it could be a particular cons, but whenever that happens, there has to always be a licensing fee that’s being paid, um, and of course, directly, this licensing fee will then translate into, um, revenue rewards for the holder themselves. Uh, but nobody’s gonna pay you anything if your art is not licensed, if your art is not trademarked, if there is no IP to your brand. Um, they can just use it anyhow they want. So, um, for you to first want to build a brand that is well-known, um, globally, you want people to love the art, you want people to utilize the art for their own industry, whether it’s retail, whether it’s fashion, whether it’s F&B. They have to be, you know, bounded by legality to actually want to use the art the right way. They actually have to pay for the utilities of, uh, you know, using the IP. So, when it comes to this IP, um, data protection stuff, we are actually really looking into it. We’ve been in talks with IP lawyers as well, um, so this is one thing that we take very seriously, and our aim is definitely to return all the IP to the existing holders of Prime.
Hannah: What about, um, what do you think? Uh, the speaker from The Prime Time account, is there anything that you want to add from the Prime Planet speaker?
Zee: I mean, we also had, um, a Twitter space with IP lawyers and crypto lawyers, and it’s so easy to steal our work these days, to use it to your own advantage, to someone else’s content or creation. So there definitely has to be some legal action taken if that does happen. But I would say that if a project promises holders through IP rights, then both the project itself can benefit from it, and, um, holders, as we have seen, a couple of our holders have built their whole identity or brand around it. So people really are fun to their Apes. If they want to, you know, do something, do their own Twitter space, their own podcast, put it somewhere under product, and then reach out to us, and we’ll definitely find something to do in collaboration or at least help you throughout it.
Hannah: Yeah, that definitely makes sense. How plagiarism, how we can see the rise of plagiarism, and also, um, as we can see, that legality is very important these days. Yeah, um, so last but not least, um, can you tell us if Primea Planet has ever encountered any hurdles previously? And also, how did you actually overcome them? Do you have any tips or um, suggestions that could inspire those aspiring funders or community members in the space?
Justannftlad: So, this is actually the question that I mentioned earlier, that um, I will touch on certain things. Um, so I think at this point, I just want to mention we are actually not the original founder of the project, um. So, as I mentioned at the start of the call, I was one of the holders in Prime Planet, and from being a holder, I became a community manager with the old team, um, and eventually a managing director. So, we actually took over the project. Um, I don’t wish to talk about the path of the project, but I think it is something that a lot of people in the space know about, uh, but what’s more important is the future of it. We essentially saw the potential of the project, we obviously loved the art, we saw the future, what we can do with it, and we managed to negotiate an amicable takeover. We did all the legalities, we signed all the paperwork, you know, and we now have taken over the project since last year, August, and we’ve revamped and we’ve changed up a lot of things, um. So, going forward, uh, it is definitely not going to be smooth sailing still, because there are, it is through uncharted territory that we are trying to venture into. Um, the NFT landscape is still extremely new, um, we’re just starting out, you know. In the past, all the hurdles, what was extremely difficult was really, um, when the bear market hit, right? Every single project got hit, um, and the tough part was really, you know, getting out of the shadows of what the old teams did. Even up till now, eight months later, I do think there are still people out there who don’t know about all this, uh, who are still, you know, thinking that the project is still being run by the old team. So, uh, we’ve gone through so much, I think we’ve gone through so much as a community, we’ve gone through so much as a project, um, but that’s it. Uh, it’s all about the future. Um, we have set sights on our goals, we are going to take it one step at a time, you know, moving down 2022 to 2023. We’re not going anywhere, um, we’re gonna continue to try to build this project to what we think it deserves and what we think it
Zee: Should become, so essentially, we’re here to stay.
Justannftlad: Yeah
Hannah: Yeah, um, that was actually the last question, but maybe I will add one more, um, about the, uh, is there any light preventive measures, uh, on how you prevent, uh, primary planet or like the members there to not, you know, like repeating the same mistakes or like, um, preventing any difficulties or problems that might arise in the future?
Zee: I mean, what Chuck brought up earlier, like to be transparent and to be open up with your community, to communicate with them. I think that’s what it all starts with, so even if there are some issues or struggles along the way, then at least let your community know about it and communicate it with them, with what we have been doing. Uh, you know, since we took cover.
Justannftlad: Yeah, I mean, just to add on to that, um, personally, for me, I think, uh, this base has a lot of um emotions, and I think always being understanding and always addressing emotions is very important because, um, people get into the space for different reasons. We have different, we have all sorts of community members from all sorts of places. They probably enter the project or the space with a different agenda. The agenda may change along the way, but one thing that surely doesn’t is the relationship and the friendship that you build out of the space. So, I think, um, aside from being respectful to each other, you know, trying to meet new people, trying to make new friends, um, understanding emotions is one of the key things, I would say, to surviving this, uh, Web3 space.
Hannah: All right, uh, nice! Uh, it was very nice talk that we have here. It was a very nice discussion, and we are also already at the end of the questions and at the end of the talk. Uh, maybe we can just move forward to the Q&A session. Um, yeah, maybe we can go with the floor. Is there any question that, um, you want to ask towards our speakers?
Justannftlad: Quite a number of them are our current holders, so if you guys have any questions, feel free to hit me up in the chat. For the rest of you who are not a part of our community yet, feel free to check us out. You know, go to our Twitter and come into our Discord and find out what we’re doing. Um, we’re always around, so if there are any other questions, you guys can just look for us there.
Hannah: Okay, so actually we have one, um, one person who wants to ask here. Uh, maybe you can start.
Zee: Chris, what’s up?
C1: Hey, good morning everyone! Well, it’s morning for me, so good morning, everybody. It’s not so much a question; I just wanted to say, you know, I’ve been part of this project from day one. I’ve been on the journey, uh, with the guys, with a new team from the beginning. I just wanted to say thanks, tell them that they’re doing a fantastic job, and just to let them know, you know, me as well as everyone else listed in here, you know, we’re here to stay. So thank you, guys!
Zee: Good morning, Chris! Hope you have a nice one.
C1: Good morning! Good morning, I’m just, uh, getting a little bit of work done. I thought I’d tune in and support you guys and see what’s happening, so yeah, I’ll, uh, I’ll leave everyone to it. But yeah, not so much a question, just because I’m involved in the projects and I’m pretty much in the Discord every single day. So I’ve not, I’ve not so much got any.
Zee: I was always. I was always.
Justannftlad: All right, cool! Thanks a lot for having us, uh, Hannah.
Zee: Um, as well, what’s up?
Hannah: Thank you so much for joining this, uh, Twitter space. So, uh, are there any other questions that, uh, you want anyone to ask towards our speakers? If not, then we can actually close the session.
G1: Well, hello everybody. Um, I just want to copy this,” he said. “I’ve been here from the start, and I love you guys, and I’m here till the end. And hopefully, we will not see the end, and we will pass it on to everyone else that we give birth to or give it to. Anyway, I have one question, very simple. Um, do you have any limitations on which kind of collaborations or partnerships you want to do in the future? Is it purely within some sort of finalized brand vision, or are you gonna expand to different areas that might not correlate with Prime Planet at the moment?”
Justannftlad: Uh, so, for I believe you’re talking about the P4, right? So, the Prime Planet uh Partnerships program. So, for that, there are no limitations. We are going into all sorts of categories. Uh, we have FnB, we have dining, we have um lifestyle, we have tours. So, it’s really all sorts of businesses and all sorts of industries. Anything that can possibly uh allow our Prime holders to get a benefit out of it, um, yeah, we are welcome to the—we are welcoming of the ideas, so it’s not limited to anything.
G1: All right, it sounds good because it sounds to me, in my ears, that Prime Planet is now turning into a company rather than a PFP collection, which is good.
Justannftlad: Oh well, we’re 100% more than just a pfp collection, so we have a lot more things, um, that we want to achieve.”
G1: Okay, thank you. Thank you, Prime Planet. Thank you, Jack. Thank you, TokenMinds. Thank you all.
Justannftlad: Thanks, guys. Uh, it’s been great.
Hannah: Okay, uh, thank you for the question. So, are there any questions left? Um, maybe I will count, going once, going twice, and okay, maybe it’s just, uh, we’re at the end of our session today. Uh, thank you so much, Prime Planet, for the time for coming to our Twitter Space collaboration. And yeah, as we wrap up this talk, thank you so much for the speakers. Thanks to our listeners for keeping on tuning in, um, until the very end. Um, yeah, and also, sorry, uh, sorry, guys, for the technical issues earlier. Um, uh, yeah, uh, you can stay connected with us through our social media channels and also the official website, Um, and yeah, this will be a weekly Twitter Space collaboration, so see you guys next week. Thank you so much, uh, Prime Planet. Is there any, uh, last, uh, less, um, you know, one last word for the audience?
Justannftlad: Have a good day everyone and peace out.
Hannah: Thank you, have a good day everyone, thank you so much.