Twitter Space | NFT Strategies Talk With Wolf Capital

Video Transcript:

Hanna: So, hello everyone! Um, once again, welcome to the Token Minds Twitter space. So, first thing, first thing, um, I will do a quick intro about us. First, um, we’re TokenMinds, a creative and innovative engineering agency working from crypto, um, blockchain, and all these metaverses and AI. And we provide more sub-services from consultation and development to marketing services. And my name is Hannah, as usual, um, the host for today’s Twitter space called NFT strategy stock with Wolf Capital. And it’s very good to meet you all, um, meet you all here again. And for this, um, for today’s talk, we will have Wolf Capital with us for the next hour. We’ll be discussing with, um, we’ll discuss this with a very important speaker you will know who later on, of course, right? And by this, um, we can hear from him and finally learn further about who they are, what project, uh, what kind of projects they are working on, and so on and so forth. So, you can start sharing the Twitter space link and invite your friends now before all of this begins. And no worries, we will also have the Q&A session later, so you can directly ask and get the answer to your curiosity later on. And now, um, you can finally start this session, right? Um, so first thing, first, I think that it is ideal to begin this by knowing who is with, who is with us today, right? So, would you kindly introduce yourself to our audience briefly, please?

Jee: Uh yeah, it’s J Shep, the founder of Wolf Capital. Um, you know, I’m sure most people here know who I am, but for those who don’t, I am the Creator, CEO, and founder of Wolf Capital. Um, you know, it’s a project we’ve been working on for about a half and a half months. We released roughly six weeks ago, um, and, uh, yeah, we’re having a pretty successful launch. We had a successful launch. We’re currently, uh, preparing to launch our product publicly, but it is currently in the testing phase.

Hanna: Alright, very nice. So we’re, uh, so we have the founder and CEO of the Wolf Capital itself, everyone. And yeah, as we’re starting to know you further, what sort of activities do you participate in on Web2 before jumping into the world of Web3? Can you tell us how you learned about NFTs and also the web, and how did your interest in NFTs start and what sparked it?

Jee: Yeah, um, typically for question-wise, um, three questions are going to slip past me every time. Um, but let me see if I can answer all of this. So, I got started in, um, let’s, let’s go back to Web 2. Um, so web2-wise, I actually, uh, come from the sales and marketing background. I never went to college, um, right out of high school. I jumped straight into sales. It was something that I just did not want to, uh, I… I didn’t want to go to college and get a degree for something that I wasn’t going to use it for. Um, let’s just, you know, say that. So it’s like a lot of people go to college, they get a degree, they work a job, but nine times out of ten, the degree that they got, they’re not even working a job that’s related to that degree. And so for myself, I knew at a young age that I didn’t want to experience that personally. I… I knew that if I was going to go to college, I… I needed to have a plan and I needed to have something in place where, where I knew at the end of the day that that position that I got was going to be related to that degree. But the problem is, the world evolves quickly as well, even if people don’t realize it, you know what? What may be an amazing job or a high-paying job now, five to seven years from now, once you, you know, complete college, that might not be the case anymore. So, I ended up, uh, just completely avoiding going to college and I was exploring different ways to create income, um, you know, without having to technically work for someone. But I knew that I needed to create income in order for that to happen. So, I started off in sales right out of high school. Um, I actually, the very first job that I had, um, you know, out of high school was a sales job for a vacation company, so I was selling vacation packages face to face, which led me to the car business because I was getting, I was getting really good face to face sales experience. And so, I got involved in the car business, um, six months into my first car sales job, I became an assistant manager. Past that, you know, another six months fast forward, I became a desk manager, and I also went through Finance for car sales. I did extremely well in the car business, and it was paying extremely well, as you know. So, I… I didn’t want to leave that, but I also knew that I didn’t want to work for someone else for the rest of my life, and I wanted to find ways to make my money work for me. So, I started to explore other, you know, options. I tried to find ways that I could make money without working for somebody else. That led me to network marketing. I got involved in network marketing pretty heavy. In the first six months of being involved in my first company, I was able to build a team of a little over people, and it was an educational-based platform that I was sharing. In the first six months again, I built a team of a little over people. Following the next six months after that, I had a team of over people. So, within the first year, people worldwide in six different countries. So, I learned quickly how to build teams, how to, you know, educate people and push people to do things that they hadn’t done before, and it was just an eye-opening experience. So yeah, I come from a sales and marketing background. I’ve always loved sales and marketing. It’s been, you know, my bread and butter for literally my life out of high school. So, you know, the better half of the past ten and a half, going on 11 years.

Hanna: I’m very nice. That was pretty much inspiring for our listeners here, so you have, um, this passion. You already know your passion, um, beforehand. So that actually also leads you to, you know, like jumping into the world of NFTs and web3, also, right? So yeah, as we know, as we finally know further about your journey, how did you first find and develop Wolf Capital then? Out of, uh, and also, I’m curious about this, uh, one and out of all animals, why wolf, though? Is there any specific history behind that?

Jee: Um, I’ve got a wolf cat. No, well, I actually do have a Wolf Capital tattoo. Um, so I’ve got a Wolf Capital tattoo, but that’s not the reason why I got that. After we invented, um, I have a wolf on my forearm. I’ve always loved the Wolves. I looked at the ecosystem, there were no wolves that were dominating the timeline. It didn’t really make sense to me as to why there wasn’t, and I’m a pixel artist. That’s why we want pixel art. Um, so yeah, that’s, uh, you know, the only reason why I went with Wolves. It was something that somebody else wasn’t doing. What was your other question? Apologize, I literally just woke up. I haven’t even taken a sip of coffee yet, so I’m like trying to ask questions.

Hanna: Yeah, it’s fine.Yeah, it’s all fine. So, how did you first find and develop Wolf Capital?

Jee: Um, so yeah, Wolf Capital became an idea whenever I was trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to bring to this ecosystem. I knew that I wanted to be a founder in this ecosystem, but I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to create. But I knew that if I was going to create something, it had to be something of substance. It had to be something that was worth getting involved in, and it had to be innovative and something that was unique. So, I was brainstorming quite a bit on different uh ideas, and actually, the first product that I was working on was a data analytics platform, kind of, you know why I still have the analytics side of Wolf Capital, um, but I was working on a data analytics platform. It was called, it was called um, Data Select. In this, this platform ended up getting front-run, so I spent like 15K just on building out this platform, getting everything ready, just to get front-run by somebody else in the ecosystem. Their product is very well known today, a lot of people use it. It’s called Hello Moon. They’re actually very good friends of mine um today, and it’s funny because the product that I was creating was legitimately just a giant analytics dashboard that deep dived every single project out there, showed you where like the top movers were, top sellers, you know, all of these different things. And um, I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to push that product out knowing that somebody else beat me to it because we weren’t going to get the traction that I wanted. So I scratched the idea entirely, I took the L on, you know, the capital, it is what it is, losses are gonna happen, especially if you’re an entrepreneur and you’re trying to create something innovative. So I knew that whatever I brought to the ecosystem next, something that I truly was able to bring to life, had to be something unique, had to be something innovative, and it had to be something that I couldn’t talk about to the public for a while until it was ready. So rewinding back 11 and a half months ago when I started working on Wolf Capital, I was a lender in the ecosystem, and I still am a lender, but this was when Sharky had just launched, meaning there was now competition for, for, um, for you. Many of you, if you’ve been a part of this ecosystem, know exactly who you are, but for those of you who don’t, um, you’ll probably remember you all as the platform that introduced zero percent royalties. No one knew that it was possible until you all said, “Okay, we’re gonna do this at a contract level just so people don’t have to pay royalties.” It kind of changed the game, uh, for the creators in the Solani ecosystem when zero percent royalties were introduced. But, you know, we were getting past that, and it’s still something that affects the ecosystem today. So, you all created a peer-to-peer lending platform, and I was lending at that time peer-to-peer through, you know, mainly on, on Okay Bears. That was, you know, around the time Okay Bears launched. Um, Sharky released as well, and Sharky was a platform that was doing, you know, loans that were peer-to-peer, but it had set specifications and it simplified that side of the ecosystem entirely. And so I was lending pretty heavy, but I noticed that more platforms were starting to emerge like Fract, and Fract came out slightly before Sharky did, but Sharky was really the one that caught my attention and that wanted that, that really got me wanting to lend. So always utilizing these lending protocols, and as I saw more emerging, I knew that there was going to be an area that had to be filled because most people don’t have the ability to shop all lending protocols at the same time, and maybe they just don’t have multiple monitors. Maybe, maybe they don’t have a good computer that can handle shopping multiple platforms at once or shuffling through multiple tabs at once. Or maybe they don’t want to shuffle between multiple tabs. It’s something that can be very, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s tiring, to say the least, if you’re trying to find the best deals, find the best rates, look for the best places to deploy your capital, but you’re having to shop all these different platforms at the same time. It might take you a while to find the best deals. So I wanted to fill that, that area. I wanted to, to bring all of these platforms together and simplify the process for people, and that’s where Wolf Capital became an idea, became a vision. And so what I ended up doing was brainstorming on multiple points, trying to figure out what, what, what specific items do we need to bring this product to life, to get people to come and use this platform rather than going to these other lending protocols. And so now, fast forward to, fast forward to today, right now, our platform is currently in testing for holders. Holders are able to test the platform at any given moment, and we’re going to be going live publicly pretty shortly. So yeah, that’s just a quick breakdown of what Wolf Capital, you know, what brought Wolf Capital to life. Um, you know, my background in the lending ecosystem really goes back to when, when you first started. So I’ve been lending in this ecosystem and borrowing since lending became a thing on Solana.

Hanna: Very much understood. Then, um, as we’re talking about the Life of Wolf Capital, uh, can you tell us more about, uh, what kind of projects you’re working on and also, precisely, what are your areas of expertise? 

Jee: Yeah, so as mentioned before, I’ve got, you know, 10 and a half years of sales and marketing experience. My experience goes back to sales and marketing leadership as well. Um, you know, from my experience of leading network marketing companies, as I mentioned, I built massive organizations in the past, so it’s really just growth, sales, and marketing. Um, what was your other question again?

Hanna: Um, so it’s about, uh, Wolf Capital. Like, what kind of projects are you working on? And also, um, specifically, specifically, more like what are the expertise of Wolf Capital, also?

Jee: So we’re a lending aggregator, so our focus is the lending ecosystem. And then, also art side and community come from building just, uh, you know, a die-hard group of people who truly support and love what we’re doing. Um, it’s difficult to build a community unless you have the right understanding of how to do it. Um, you know, from my experience of building organizations, it comes—I’m not going to say naturally, but because web is in itself a different piece, but I have a better understanding of how to do it than the average person. So, um, our expertise is lending. That’s what our expertise is. It doesn’t go past that. It will not go past that. We’re a lending aggregator. That’s our focus, and it’s not changing. Um, in terms of projects that I work on, it’s Wolf Capital. Um, I create art for another project called Bonk Apes, and then also I have a one-on-one art community called the Chad Society.

Hanna: All right then, uh, as we’ll can see from the Wolf Capitals NFD creation, right among all types of art creation, are there any exact reasons why you choose pixel art as the main theme for the NFTs? 

Jee: Yeah, I’m a pixel artist, so I chose pixel art. Um, I’ve got 13 other pixel artists working on the project. It’s the people that I’m the closest to in the ecosystem, so it made sense to go with pixel art. I don’t really like line art, if I’m going to be real. I think there are great projects out there that have line art, but I’m not that big of a fan of line art. Like, I per- I just personally prefer pixels. I grew up playing games that were pixelated, so there’s not going to be a thing that changes that. Wolf Capital will always be pixel art. It’s never going to change. If you want line art, I’m sorry to disappoint you. It’s never going to change. We love pixel art. It’s gonna stick to pixels.

Hanna: All right then, I’m also curious about: is there any, um, pixel artists that you favor? The most, like, you really love their art, um, kind of things? Do you have any ideas of that?

Jee: Yeah, I mean most of the team, there’s a ton of pixel artists in this ecosystem. Uh, but with Wolf Capital, the people that I reached out to to bring on board were the people that I respected and admired the most. Um, so we’ve got 13 amazing pixel artists. We’ve got individuals like Scum Soul, a lot of people thought that he was just a line artist, turns out he’s also a pixel artist. We’ve got Venom Marcelino, Lawrence Anthony, Beth Luck, Zolp Wacko. Um, we’ve got Jazz. He’s actually a very young pixel artist. Jazz is like years old. Um, but he’s doing exceptionally well. And she’s been a very creative individual, just coming up with different unique styles of pieces. So, you know, overall, the entire team is phenomenal. Every single person that is creating art for Wolf Capital, they’re next level. Most people don’t really compare to them in terms of the art side of things on Seoul. Um, and we’ve also got individuals like Chris Saturn. So, I mean, overall, if you’re asking me who my favorite pixel artists are, they’re the individuals who created the art for Wolf Capital, and that’s for a reason. These people I brought on to create as much unique pieces and as many unique traits as possible, and they’re the individuals who I believed could get the job done, and they did.

Hanna:All right, very, very awesome! Then diving deeper into the collection, what kind of specific benefits and utilities do the owners of the collection gain? Ferment, I think that we also have to talk about that, right? 

Jee: Yeah, absolutely. So as an owner of Wolf Capital NFT, if you have three Wolf Capital NFTs, you pay zero percent transaction fees with our lending aggregator. Um, you know, not all aggregators need to create a platform or, you know, an NFT. Um, you know, obviously they need to create a platform, uh, but they don’t always need to create an NFT. In this case, we did. I needed Capital to launch this product, so I wanted to make sure that the people who supported the product from the beginning were individuals that would be able to benefit from that platform by owning three Wolf Capital NFTs. So, if you have three, you pay zero percent transaction fees. You also have the ability to potentially get airdropped, uh, you know, different pieces of art by some of the most sought-after artists within the ecosystem. You have the chance of being airdropped trait packs as well. Uh, but one thing that I will say is that’s something that’s only accessible to people who pay royalties. If you don’t, if you do not pay royalties on the NFTs that you own, you cannot get airdrops. So, we know a lot of people want to just trade in this ecosystem. That’s why we have zero percent trading fees, um, you know, it or zero percent royalties enforced or Jesus, sorry. We don’t have royalties enforced for Wolf Capital. Um, if you want to pay royalties and support the project and have the possibility of getting airdrops and also have the possibility of getting zero percent transaction fees, you have to pay royalties. We’re not going to give people access to the benefits of Wolf Capital if they’re just looking to trade. So, if you own wolves and you haven’t paid royalties, I would highly suggest doing so. You do not get any benefits without paying royalties.

Hanna: All right, that was a great explanation, so our listeners here can also take note from that. Like, what kind of um… What kind of benefits and utilities does Wolf Capital offer to the holders, right? And yeah, um, going back a little bit, um, looking at your bigger framework, can you tell us more about your current roadmap, uh, involving the art and also Landing analytics, and aggregation like what you have said, and also loan Hub? What are these, and also their aims? How do they, uh, how do each of that correlate with the ecosystem of the Wolf Capital? 

Jee: Yeah, every single piece is just a function within the lending ecosystem. Not a single piece is related to anything outside of that. Um, so currently with our platform, as I mentioned, it’s live for holders. You can test the product if you own Wolf Capital NFTs, but our platform itself goes in depth to collections. You can think of it like a marketplace, just think like Tensor but for lending. All we do is aggregate listings. There’s not much else to it. We aggregate listings across all these protocols and we find you the best deals. We find you the best rates. You can simplify your experience. That’s the whole focus, simplifying your experience within the lending ecosystem.

So we have our stats page. You can actually see global stats across all lending protocols to date on Solana. Anyone that has volume, you can see the lowest loan-to-floor ratios, the highest loan-to-floor ratios, loan-to-floor range ratios, or just, you know, points of interest as a lender that will allow you to find the best value for your NFT. If you’re borrowing against an NFT, you want to find the best value. If you’re lending, you want to find not necessarily the lowest loan-to-floor ratio, but you want to find something that, if you’re lending on an NFT, you don’t want to be lending at 70, 80, 90 — well, 70 is good — but like 85 percent, 90 to 95 LTV. It’s just not logical. There’s no reason to lend on those. And the reason why is because within lending or just, you know, projects in general, the floor price is going to fluctuate quite a bit in all projects. Our markets are extremely volatile. So if you’re lending against a volatile asset and it’s a seven-day period, more than likely, you’re probably going to get liquidated in that seven days. So as a lender, we want to find you the best places to deploy your capital. Um, that you can ensure you’re going to be profitable on. If you’re deploying capital on, like, an NFT where you’re only giving 60% of the value, that means the NFT has to fall percent just for you to break even if somebody defaults and it hasn’t fallen 40% percent. You’re in a position where you can now earn an extra 40% on top of that NFT from its defaulting. So our focus is just providing people with analytics data, everything that they need to improve their experience.

With our collections tab, you can lend. You can find the best places to deploy your capital with all of these NFTs just by pressing one simple button, which is an actionable button. It’s lend. When you click lend, it brings up a table for you to choose which platform you would like to deploy capital on. Outside of that, we’re going to have borrowing going live shortly. We have a liquidations tab where you can actually be up to date with every single NFT that is actively being liquidated in the ecosystem. You can see the most recent liquidations in real time. It gives you a timestamp of exactly when they liquidated. It gives you an upcoming liquidation tab, which tells you exactly when an NFT can potentially liquidate. And then also, we have a past due tab. The past due tab, the reason why we have that is because when something says that it’s getting ready to liquidate, when that liquidation threshold ends, the person who borrowed has to pay the loan back or the person who lent the soul, they have to take that NFT. So they have to accept the NFT. It doesn’t just get immediately deposited into their wallet. So past due is where all of those people who have not paid their loan back or the borrower has not accepted the NFT, that’s where all of those go. And it’s crazy because there are NFTs that have not been paid back for, you know, 24 days. I’m literally looking at it right now. And, you know, it’s because some of these people just don’t want to accept that L. I don’t know why. Sometimes people just forget about it. Well, luckily, with Wolf Capital’s platform, we have a portfolio tab as well that will allow you to stay up to date with all of your recent NFTs that you’ve borrowed against, that you’ve lent against. It gives you a thorough breakdown of how many NFTs you’ve lent on, how many NFTs you’ve borrowed on, how much Soul you’ve borrowed in total, how much Soul you’ve lent in total. And then also gives you a breakdown of what you do more. Are you a lender or are you a borrower? What are you typically doing more? We give you a thorough breakdown of all of that. With loans, you can actually see exactly which ones are active, which ones were repaid, which ones have been extended. It shows a breakdown of exactly which platform. You can actually cycle between all of them to, you know, separate each loan categorically by the platform. You can see what offers you currently have out there. And we’re getting ready to release a feature that allows you to revoke all of the offers. It’s something we’ve been working on since we started the lending side, but it is, you know, a little more in-depth because it’s something that’s not actually functional on any of the protocols to date. So we’re creating a feature that has never been created before. It’s going to allow lenders to be able to revoke all offers at once rather than doing it one by one, which can be very tedious. Trust me, I do it all the time. It’s pretty annoying. But, you know, it’s something that you have to do if somebody front runs your lending offer by Soul. You now have to either go back and revoke all those offers just to place a higher offer, or you have to wait for that offer to be accepted. So this feature will allow you to revoke every single offer that you currently have out there, or you can select exactly which ones you want to revoke and take those back and then redeploy your capital. On the borrow side, you can filter between active, extended, repaid, and liquidated loans. So if you want to see all the NFTs that you’ve lost or the ones that you’ve been profitable on or the ones you were not profitable on, you can see all of that information directly through the borrow side of the portfolio. So that’s a thorough breakdown of the platform. Loan Hub is currently not live. The Loan Hub is only for holders. It think of it like paper trading for those of you who are familiar with, uh, you know, just trading in general. If you’re trying to get familiarized with the lending ecosystem but you don’t want to deploy your own capital, we allow you to leverage the trash that we have with Wolf Capital. So you do not earn anything from that in terms of monetary gain. There’s no Soul earned. Um, it’s legitimately paper trading, but what you do earn is points. Those points go towards the leaderboard. We upload different items that you can earn, such as trade packs and Wolf Capital NFTs, and several other things. That just allows users to be there every step of the way, participating within our Loan Hub, helping build our treasury to ensure that we’re profitable so we can pay our staff monthly and just have a profitable business. So, the Loan Hub is designed only for holders. They get to see exactly where we’re at with our treasury. Everything is thoroughly broken down so people can see exactly what’s happening there.

Hanna: All right, thank you so much. Uh, that was very interesting and also, um, very well explained. Points, right? Um, how can we know further about the platform and also the ecosystem of Wolf Capital as a whole? Also, yeah, moving on to the next question then as we end, um, as we have you as the founder and also CEO of Wolf Capital itself, um, talking with us today, how do you personally feel about the growth of Wolf Capital up to this point? I’m curious about that. 

Jee: I think we’ve had, arguably, one of the best organic growths within the ecosystem, and that’s hands down. I’ve been a part of this ecosystem for a very long time since July of 2021. Um, you know, really since Solana started. Um, so looking at most projects, a lot of the times, there’s a lot of people in the background that are doing a bunch of different marketing tactics. They’re just paying for, for you know, following, whatever it might be. Um, there’s a lot of things that people are doing in the background that people do not see. The average person doesn’t see it; they don’t notice it. But it’s kind of obvious to tell if a following is bonded or not. There’s also, um, you know, tools out there that will tell you how many people who are following that platform are actually real, who are not. Um, the last time we had a Twitter audit, we had like 2.6% of our following was fake. Um, and that’s just not heard of. Um, so I think in terms of marketing, because of my marketing experience, we’ve done exceptionally well with the growth of Wolf Capital. Um, and I wouldn’t want to do it over again. I think that everything that we’ve done leading up to now has been executed not flawlessly, but in a way that can’t just be replicated. You can’t replicate organic growth. Um, people can, of course, have organic growth, but it can’t be replicated. The reason why I’m saying that is because our marketing strategy for what we created is entirely different than what somebody else creates for their own product. This ecosystem is vast; it’s evolving; it’s expanding. One system does not work for all, and that’s a fact. I’ve seen several projects try to replicate others’ success, and they fail massively because of that. Maybe they have some short-term growth, maybe they pump really high in floor price, whatever it might be, but odds are if they’re trying to replicate something that somebody else already created, it’s just not going to stick. And it’s because those people who are involved in this ecosystem, we’re really a small ecosystem, right? There are like 5,000 active wallets on Solana. So if you think about it, do you really think people are going to be exposed to something for that long if it’s just a replica of the real thing? No. So I think marketing campaigns are entirely set on, you know, what is the founder looking to achieve and how can they create a marketing campaign for their own product? For Wolf Capital, everything that we’ve done was thought out for a while. We planned everything accordingly, and we executed our marketing campaign in the exact way that we intended to. Um, so I think our growth has been exceptional. I’m sure the community can agree with that. We have a die-hard community that’s constantly supporting Wolf Capital, that shows up day in and day out. Um, I know, obviously, uh, this space is slightly smaller than what we typically have, but again, this is a space that we’re having that’s on the entire flip side of when we actually have spaces typically. So in general, um, the community is extremely active; they’re very, very die-hard. They’re participating constantly in the things that we’re doing, and they’re just excited. They’re just as excited as I am for our product to go live publicly. But yeah, in terms of growth, we’ve done exceptional.

Hanna: Well, I do really love this confident answer and how it is also aspiring for others, right? And yeah, going on to the next question. In today’s era, I think that we all also think that it is easy to appropriate someone else’s creativity and also utilize it for their own benefit. Can you give us your opinion on why it is so crucial now to license artwork? Are there any measures that Wolf Capital takes to ensure and protect the artist’s creativity?

Jee: Yeah, so I think, um, people are gonna duplicate other people, and in all reality, if somebody created a derivative of Wolf Capital, I know we’re doing something right. Am I gonna approve of it? No. Is it good to get licensing for things in terms of copyright? I don’t want somebody to take our wolves and just replicate that, exactly right. That’s not what I want. I also want to make sure that if somebody buys a Wolf Capital NFT, they actually have rights to do whatever they want with it because they bought it, right? I think that’s the biggest thing missing in most projects: the IP rights are actually not established in favor of the person who owns the NFT. Um, so we’ve got great IP lawyers that have been, you know, working endlessly to put our IP, um, you know, our legal documents together for the IP side of things. Um, but yeah, at the end of the day, it’s not something that I really care about. I personally don’t care if somebody tries to recreate the art. Um, at the end of the day, people are going to do what they’re gonna do. You know, we’ve seen it happen time and time again. There are a million derivatives for a million projects. Um, and it’s something that you can’t necessarily control. I mean, you can send a DMCA or DCMA or whatever you want to send to them to try to, you know, tell them to remove it, but at the end of the day, it’s like people are going to do what they want to do. I personally don’t give a if somebody wants to recreate the art as long as they’re not taking the wolves exactly how they are and throwing them out into a new collection trying to claim it as their own. Um, so I hope that provides a clear answer. I think a lot of the stuff that people talk about in terms of replication of collections, it’s just it’s gonna happen. You can’t stop it. It’s gonna happen. People are undocs in this ecosystem. You can’t, you know, call the police on them, right? This is web three. We’re still extremely early. I think there are a lot of things that we have to learn from in this ecosystem. Um, but yeah, it’s something that I don’t really care about. The only thing that I care about is the holders who have these wolves being able to take these NFTs and do with them as they please, right?

Hanna: Um, pretty makes sense though, and yeah, we’re finally almost at the end of our session today, so we’re going to have the last question. Um, I’m sure that Wolf Capital must have a lot of things planned for the future, right? And I think that, um, you have also just built some strategies and also tips for, you know, maintaining Wolf Capital as a whole. Also, uh, previously, can you share some advice on how you overcame, um, obstacles and GAP? Um, Wolf Capital in the market up to this point, and can you help us in mentioning, uh, Wolf Capital’s future? Are there any specific new projects in progress? Maybe, can you tell us more?

Jee: No new projects. Wolf Capital is Wolf Capital. Um, we, uh, you know, our focus is our protocol, our platform getting that live. That’s, that’s all we’re doing. We’re not, we’re not doing a million things like a lot of projects are doing. Our, we are focused, that’s the key with web. If you’re not focused on what you’re doing, you’re probably not going to be relevant for long. The reason why we’ve been able to maintain relevance is because we’re focused. So, um, Wolf Capital, it’s a lending aggregator. That’s what you’re gonna get. We’re telling you what you’re gonna get. You’re going to get a lending aggregator. It’s not going to change. Um, in terms of wait, what was your second question? Um, about sharing some advice on how you overcame obstacles and also how would you, uh, keep Wolf Capital in the market up to this point? How to like sustain Wolf Capital? Yeah, so that just comes down to delivering to your community. If you’re not delivering, you’re probably going to go to zero. That’s just a fact. Um, in terms of advice, if you’re looking to launch an NFT collection, if you’re looking to launch a project, I would probably say don’t do it. It’s very tedious. There’s a lot of stuff that goes into launching a project. You have to please a lot of people. You can’t please everyone. There’s always going to be people who are dissatisfied. A lot of the people in the ecosystem, especially on Seoul, just are, they don’t have a lot of capital. So when they buy an NFT project, a lot of the times they expect an answer after answer after answer after answer after answer every single day. So it’s just a very tedious process. I would highly recommend not starting an NFT project. You’re going to get your hands full. But if you do decide to launch a project, regardless of what I just said, my recommendation is just don’t quit there. There’s absolutely no reason to quit. You have to be dedicated to what you’re doing. If you’re not dedicated to what you’re doing, you will fall off immediately. This is an attention market. And if you can’t maintain the attention of the individuals who are here, if you can’t convince them to become a part of what you’re doing, you will fail. And that’s just a fact. There’s nothing else that will change that. This is an attention market. We have very few users. So you’re coming into an extremely competitive market. There’s thousands of NFT projects that currently exist. Most of them are rugs. A handful of them are not. And if you’re going to do something, you need to make sure that you’re doing it thought out. You need to be very careful with who you share your information with because somebody might seem like your friend, but odds are they’re just trying to get information out of you so they can go create something before you do. If they have more money than you, they’re probably going to be able to accomplish that. So I would just recommend making sure that you keep your ideas close, very, very close to you. You don’t share them with a ton of people. Work on your product endlessly. Whatever you’re creating, it doesn’t even have to be a product that’s benefiting the entire ecosystem. Maybe you’re just looking to create art. Well, if you’re going to do art and you’re going to do a brand play, you better do it right. Look at people who have had success. Don’t replicate what they’ve done, but look at people who have had success and see how they operate. See what you can learn from them. Take pieces of what they’ve done that’s worked in terms of their growth and see if it can potentially work for your idea. But you need a brainstorm. You have to spend a lot of time brainstorming. If you think that launching an NFT project is as simple as coming up with the name, coming up with the logo, coming up with some art, and throwing together a quick growth campaign with an influencer, it’s not that simple. We’ve seen projects time and time again come up, especially during a bear market, and completely fail, completely not meant out. And that’s what you don’t want to happen. You want to make sure that whatever you’re bringing to this ecosystem has enough substance to where people are genuinely interested in buying into that project and buying into you as a founder. So make sure you spend a lot of time just, uh, you know, doubling down on your belief, doubling down on whatever it is that you’re looking to create. But don’t just recreate things that have already been done in this ecosystem. You want to do things that are new, that are innovative, that are fresh, that bring new eyes to the ecosystem, bring new eyes to your product, and capture that attention. If you can’t capture the attention, you’re gonna go nowhere. That’s just the fact. It is what it is, but that’s, that’s my advice.

Hanna: All right, thank you so much for the advice. I think that was great. All of us can also take note from that, especially for the aspiring funders here in the future. So yeah, as we have run out of questions, I think it is finally the time to open the Q&A session. Um, if you have any questions, just click “requests” and I will accept that so you can just, um, uh, turn on your mind and ask our speaker. Is there any question, everyone? Well, I think that no one wants to ask a question. I saw someone requested to be a speaker. I think that he or she wants to ask something, but she’s not in here anymore. Maybe, um, if we don’t have any questions, um, I will count going once, going twice. All right then, um, if we have no questions, I think that your explanation is already well explained enough. Also, right? Like, we have so many insights about Wolf Capital and also the things that are very important for everyone, for our holders, for the people who are in charge of the world of NFTs and Web3, and maybe also for the aspiring founders out there. Yeah, maybe, uh, can you, uh, share one last statement for our listeners?

Jee: Here, yeah, I just want to say thank you all for coming out to this space, showing up, and, uh, you know, hearing what we’re working on. If you have not grabbed yourself a Wolf, I would encourage you to do so. We’re not going anywhere; we’re a project that’s established in this ecosystem. Um, you can see from the content that we push out to the product that we’re creating, we’re here to stay. Um, so if you’re looking to be a part of a community that’s die-hard, that will support you and whatever you’re looking to accomplish, Wolf Capital is definitely a place that you can call your home. So I would highly encourage you all to grab a Wolf, jump into our Discord, be active, and, yeah, if you want to test the product and you own a Wolf Capital NFT, feel free to, uh, tag me in the general chat, and we’ll get you set up to beta test. 

Hanna: All right, thank you so much for the last statements. So, we would like to thank Wolf Capital for participating in today’s conversation and also for coming to be our speaker. We also want to thank everyone who has listened on for joining us. Also, please keep in touch with us on our social media pages and at as our official website. Also, don’t forget to check out the Wolf Capital here. By yourself some wolves out there. And yeah, um, yeah, thank you everyone. Thank you so much for the time. Absolutely, thank you as well. Goodbye.


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