NFT sales: 10 Startling industry trends

NFT sales: 10 Startling industry trends

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Jul 25, 2023

Jul 25, 2023

Stats keep showing that NFT sales are soaring. NFT sales started picking up in August 2021, and since then, they have kept the momentum. Major NFT marketplaces, such as OpenSea NFT and Superrare NFT, keep recording huge sales figures. Here, we use graphs to offer insights into how NFTs are faring in the market.

Find here an overview of all stats in this article.

1.      NFT Active wallets

In January 2021, the number of active wallets was less than 100 thousand, meaning that the sector’s performance was low. However, as months passed, the trend changed, and the market started growing steadily. From August 2021 to December, the number of active wallets increased from 500-600 thousand.

2.      Traded volumes

From January-July 2021, the sales volume of NFT sold was less than 1 billion. However, August broke the record by registering the highest nft sale, 5 billion. This was a rare feat yet to be replicated. From September-December, the sales volume of NFTs oscillated between 2.5 and 3.1 billion.

3.      NFT marketplaces by weekly volume

In 2021, the NFT market leaders, including OpenSea NFT, Superrare nft, Rarible, and Larva Labs, had an impressive performance. From January to July, the weekly volumes were less than a billion. However, August disrupted the trend by registering 5 billion. After that, from September to December, the weekly volumes ranged from 2.5 to 3.1 billion.

NFT marketplaces by weekly volume

4.      Sales and Finished Projects for 3 Launchpads

Up to date, NFTLaunch has finished five projects with a sales volume of $1.75 million. NFTb and NFTpad have 24 and 25projects, respectively. The last two launchpads have the lowest nft sales volume, less than $0.5 million.

From 2021 to January 2022, NFTpad has received the highest traffic, with the months of November (2021), December (2021), and January 2022 leading.

Sales and Finished Projects for 3 Launchpads

5.      NFT Social Media Trends

In December 2021, 48% of traffic saw NFT related ads on the web. Other platforms with NFT impressions included YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, and Comment.

NFT Social Media Trends

6.      Google Trends

In December 2021, most NFT-related searches happened in Asia. Other regions that experienced enhanced searches include Europe, the US, and Southeast Asia. The trends indicate that in Asia and the US, NFT searches have surpassed other topics related to crypto.

Schermafbeelding 2022 02 09 om 17.06.15

7.      NFT sales

At the end of December 2021, the total NFT sales were slightly over $300 million. As of 8th January 2022, NFT sales reached $600 million. The amount of NFT sold reached 300k, way above December 2021 when the number of sales was 100k. Ethereum was the most popular network to trade NFTs, followed by Solana and Ronin. From mid-December to January 2022, Meebits and Terraforms have led in terms of the highest NFT sales.

nft salesnft sales

8.      Bitcoin, ETH, and NFT Comparison

i)                    Bitcoin

By April 2021, the price of Bitcoin was over $60K. However, between May to July, there was a crash in Bitcoin price as the token’s value plummeted to less than $40k. From August up to November 2021, the currency’s value started going up and reached $65k. In 2021, Bitcoin trading volume was highest in February at 350 Billion.

nft sales

ii)                  Ethereum 

In 2021, the Ethereum price was on an upward trend. Its value was less than 2k at the beginning of the year, and by November, the price was over 4k. In December, the value of the currency plummeted to 2.5k. The highest traded volume of ethereum was $76B in May 2021.

nft sales

9.      Blockchains by NFT Sales Volume and NFT Trends

For the last 30 days, over 9 Billion NFTs have been traded via the Ethereum network. Ethereum is the most popular network for NFTs, followed by Solana and Ronin.

Trends indicate that the value of NFTs keeps rising and has surpassed Ethereum and other cryptos worldwide.

Blockchains by NFT Sales volume and NFT Trends

10.  NFT total sales $ number of sales

NFT had considerable sales in August and September 2021, 600 million. The two months had sales amounting to $250 to $200 billion, respectively.

NFT total sales $ number of sales

Stats keep showing that NFT sales are soaring. NFT sales started picking up in August 2021, and since then, they have kept the momentum. Major NFT marketplaces, such as OpenSea NFT and Superrare NFT, keep recording huge sales figures. Here, we use graphs to offer insights into how NFTs are faring in the market.

Find here an overview of all stats in this article.

1.      NFT Active wallets

In January 2021, the number of active wallets was less than 100 thousand, meaning that the sector’s performance was low. However, as months passed, the trend changed, and the market started growing steadily. From August 2021 to December, the number of active wallets increased from 500-600 thousand.

2.      Traded volumes

From January-July 2021, the sales volume of NFT sold was less than 1 billion. However, August broke the record by registering the highest nft sale, 5 billion. This was a rare feat yet to be replicated. From September-December, the sales volume of NFTs oscillated between 2.5 and 3.1 billion.

3.      NFT marketplaces by weekly volume

In 2021, the NFT market leaders, including OpenSea NFT, Superrare nft, Rarible, and Larva Labs, had an impressive performance. From January to July, the weekly volumes were less than a billion. However, August disrupted the trend by registering 5 billion. After that, from September to December, the weekly volumes ranged from 2.5 to 3.1 billion.

NFT marketplaces by weekly volume

4.      Sales and Finished Projects for 3 Launchpads

Up to date, NFTLaunch has finished five projects with a sales volume of $1.75 million. NFTb and NFTpad have 24 and 25projects, respectively. The last two launchpads have the lowest nft sales volume, less than $0.5 million.

From 2021 to January 2022, NFTpad has received the highest traffic, with the months of November (2021), December (2021), and January 2022 leading.

Sales and Finished Projects for 3 Launchpads

5.      NFT Social Media Trends

In December 2021, 48% of traffic saw NFT related ads on the web. Other platforms with NFT impressions included YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, and Comment.

NFT Social Media Trends

6.      Google Trends

In December 2021, most NFT-related searches happened in Asia. Other regions that experienced enhanced searches include Europe, the US, and Southeast Asia. The trends indicate that in Asia and the US, NFT searches have surpassed other topics related to crypto.

Schermafbeelding 2022 02 09 om 17.06.15

7.      NFT sales

At the end of December 2021, the total NFT sales were slightly over $300 million. As of 8th January 2022, NFT sales reached $600 million. The amount of NFT sold reached 300k, way above December 2021 when the number of sales was 100k. Ethereum was the most popular network to trade NFTs, followed by Solana and Ronin. From mid-December to January 2022, Meebits and Terraforms have led in terms of the highest NFT sales.

nft salesnft sales

8.      Bitcoin, ETH, and NFT Comparison

i)                    Bitcoin

By April 2021, the price of Bitcoin was over $60K. However, between May to July, there was a crash in Bitcoin price as the token’s value plummeted to less than $40k. From August up to November 2021, the currency’s value started going up and reached $65k. In 2021, Bitcoin trading volume was highest in February at 350 Billion.

nft sales

ii)                  Ethereum 

In 2021, the Ethereum price was on an upward trend. Its value was less than 2k at the beginning of the year, and by November, the price was over 4k. In December, the value of the currency plummeted to 2.5k. The highest traded volume of ethereum was $76B in May 2021.

nft sales

9.      Blockchains by NFT Sales Volume and NFT Trends

For the last 30 days, over 9 Billion NFTs have been traded via the Ethereum network. Ethereum is the most popular network for NFTs, followed by Solana and Ronin.

Trends indicate that the value of NFTs keeps rising and has surpassed Ethereum and other cryptos worldwide.

Blockchains by NFT Sales volume and NFT Trends

10.  NFT total sales $ number of sales

NFT had considerable sales in August and September 2021, 600 million. The two months had sales amounting to $250 to $200 billion, respectively.

NFT total sales $ number of sales

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